Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 861: What do you do when you love you more? !

What do you do when you love you more in Chapter 861? !

Saihande: "..."

What should I do if I work hard and be laughed at by the boss? ! Ask if you want to beat the boss and then resign and run? ! Very anxious online, etc...

I took out my mobile phone from my pocket and searched it. What should I do if my wife is angry? !

When I saw what the cat called the dog, he sneered at it. It was very ridiculous to see him in front of his wife.

I don’t think I can see the satisfactory method. I watched that two minutes passed, and my heart was full of irritability.

"Sir, I heard... my girlfriend is angry, I can buy a bag or jewelry flowers!" Saihande cautiously.

Yan Mo turned and looked at Saihande. It seems that Saihande said that it makes sense. He smiled and put his mobile phone in his pocket and said to Saihande: "In ten minutes, the package is good, the jewelry is good, or the flowers." I want to see something..."

Saihande: "..."

Doesn't he dig a hole for himself? !

When I was not waiting, the Saihande ran out like the wind.

Buying bags and gems are too late, only flowers!

Saihande ran in the direction of the flower house and called the flower house manager to help cut a bunch of flowers.

The flower house manager had some surprises: "But these roses are all aired by Mr. to plant for the wife!"

"Less nonsense! This is what Mr. is for his wife! Hurry up!"

Saihande saw the servant who drove the battery car and directly took the battery car toward the flower house...

So, ten minutes later, Saihande panted and stood in front of the ink.

Yan Mo smiled and took the flowers, nodded with satisfaction.

"Sir... I am very sorry, this is the rose that you brought back to the space to plant and watch, because time is tight, so... I can only let the flower house manager cut the flowers!" Saihande apologizes.

岑 眸 眸 眯 眯 眯.

Saihande only felt that his skin was tight.

For a long time, Yan Mo went upstairs and said: "If the flower likes it, it doesn't like it... I licked your skin!"

Saihande: "..."

Since the boss fell in love and married, what became unreasonable? ! Do you want to hit the boss and run? ! Online, etc., very anxious...


Song Yu was on the bed and looked at the old photos on the phone...

She has a bit of red eyes. Although she knows that her heart needs to be tolerant, sometimes Song Yan can't help her little emotions.

She is sad not for herself, she is annoyed... Why is it that she can’t always talk to her in the first place, what temper is it? !

When I heard the sound of the door handle being unscrewed, Song Hao did not look back, just quit the photo page and clicked on the video to watch the cartoon.

The sound of closing the door was very subtle. Song Song was barefooted on the bed, and the white ankles were carried with a slender anklet, which was lined with small feet and white jade.

"Baby..." 岑 绕 绕 绕 绕 绕 绕 绕 绕 绕 绕 绕 绕 绕 绕 绕 绕 绕 绕 绕 绕 绕 绕 绕 绕 绕 绕 绕 绕 绕 绕 绕 绕 绕 绕 绕 绕 绕 绕 绕 绕 绕 绕 绕 绕 绕Leather..."

The voice of 岑墨 is not like a joke at all. Song Zhen is afraid that she will be unlucky if she does not like Saihande.

She didn't answer, and reached out and rubbed her arm to force him to kneel down and look at himself...

"Ink, I just want to learn French, I won't run! What are you afraid of?!" Song Xiao's little hand caressed the handsome face of the ink and ink, and the ink on his forehead, "How much I love you." You said that you can't feel it, but how much do you love me? I know that in this world, besides you, I can't find anyone who loves me any more. Why should I escape from you?! I really just want it. To learn French, most of Morocco speaks French. I want to accompany you to various occasions. I don’t just want a vase-like smirk, I also want you to fight for it!"

Seeing the ink lips flapping, Song Yi said: "I know you want to say ... you come to teach me! But I am with you... I am with you, how can you let me study with peace of mind..."

岑墨瞳仁 tightened.

Regardless of the cold eyes, Song Yu continued: "If you want me to learn from me, you will definitely be uneasy because the person who teaches me, right?! I don't want to be seen by you." Stupid look, how can you teach me how to learn, how can I keep that beautiful image in front of you?! I don’t want you to look at it! And... I see you so handsome face, Full of mind is not described, how to learn!"

There is a smile in the eyes of the ink...

"The whole brain is unspeakable?!" The low voice of the ink is very soft.

"Yeah! Just like you seeing me like a pounce, such a handsome guy standing in front of me, is still the level that makes you feel like you can't fit your legs. How can you let me study with peace of mind?! I have to use all my strength to overwhelm my thoughts!!"

Yan Mo was teased by Song Yu’s words and laughed...

Song Hao made persistent efforts: "Especially when I think of what you want to teach me, I think of the role play of the classroom and the students... How do you let me learn?!"

Song Yu said that his ears are already red and a mess, but it is not installed. It is really ashamed.

"So you still let me go to school with others! I will learn early, I will not be said to be the vase around you!" Song Hao shakes his arm.

In any case, Song Yu’s goal is to be achieved...

岑墨开开: "I will pick you up to the training class, Saihande will accompany you to class!"

In this way, it has been considered a great progress, and Song Hao is not willing to get a measure of the opposite. It is necessary to take it slowly, so Song Hao accepted the proposal of Zhai Mo.

As long as you have the first step to go out, as long as you let the ink stick to the heart for the first time, then in the future... Song Yu has any more requirements to achieve!

Song Yu smiled and kissed the ink of the ink, and tasted it. The clear and beautiful scorpion looked at the ink and said: "Your flowers I accepted! I admit that this is the most beautiful flower in the world!"

Seeing Song Hao’s mood is good, and the mood of the ink is also getting better.

"Do you intend to rebuild the garden! I listened to the gardener saying that you are going to plant a rose field for me?!" Song Yi asked.

岑 点 nodded: "The last time you watched the TV series, isn’t it very envious of the heroine who took the heroine to the rose field?! You are pregnant now, not suitable for flying to Thailand, I will give you a piece at home. come out……"

Song Yu’s lips twitched and he squinted his head: “Whose husband is this, is it so handsome and so lovable?! What do you love more?!”

This time, I couldn't help but laugh and laughed, and I felt more joyful than ever.

Pre-existing Jun: The third is more to offer, the little fairies remember to help thousands of hits, remember to help thousands of monthly votes! (Yes, this is the work of pre-existing Jun, I have to ask for thousands!)

(End of this chapter)

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