Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 871: Fu Huai'an does not understand the words of ink

Chapter 871 Fu Huai'an does not understand the words of ink

Song Wei, who was surprised by the small mouth, held up his body with one hand, and all the bright and dark eyes were all doubts: "You said that Mom would also look forward to this child!"

On that day, Song Yu said that he had broken the diary of the mother of the ink, and Jimo touched Song’s stomach and said that his mother would look forward to the child in Song’s stomach and would not blame her for breaking the diary.

岑墨 silent nodded for a moment, seriously looking at Song Yu, raised his hand and shredded her hair behind the ear, a pair of deep scorpions are all serious: "If you do not want to live, I am not reluctant, as long as you do not escape, How can I do it!"

Moreover, Zhai Mo is really very fond of Song Yu, compared to having a child... What I want most is, Song Yu has been with him.

Song Hao bit his lip, his nose slightly moved, and tears flowed down his eyes: "Who said that I want to escape! I am afraid... but I also want to have a baby for you!"

It is said that a woman who loves a man to the extreme will be willing to have children for him!

Song Yu hopes that Zhai Mo can understand that she will still give birth to this child for fear, and hope that she can understand how much she loves him!

Yan Mo holds Song Song tightly in his arms, whispering: "Sleep!"

Song Yiwo is in the arms of Yan Mo, and soon he breathes evenly and slowly...

For a long time, the mobile phone on the bedside table was shocked. He dragged Song’s head and gently pulled out his arm. He picked up the phone and looked at it. He went to the balcony and frowned and answered Fu Huai’an’s phone.


Fu Huai'an has always slept, and got up after working with Lin Wen.

Fu Huai'an just turned on the computer and Lu Jinnan connected the line, and the mobile phone resting on the desk vibrated.

He glanced at it. After a little accident, he said to Lu Jinnan, turned on, got up and pulled the curtains...


On the other end of the phone, I heard Fu Huai'an's low and mellow voice. He said: "Your people are too unreliable. Since Li Muyang was brought back to the United States to take care of him, he went to the heart, and Li Muyang’s assistant A’s phone was called. Going to Morocco here!"

Fu Huai Lala's movements of the curtains, the glass reflected Fu Huai'an contour deep and calm mature facial features, he pulled the curtain and asked: "The phone hit you there?!"

"It is the cousin of the exhibition of Li Muyang, who showed his call to his cousin, and then let him find a way to contact me..." Li Muyang looked through the floor-to-ceiling windows of Song Wei who was sleeping in the big bed. A little bit of ash, "I have to check the relationship between that person and Azhan, it is true that the cousin is right! It is a bit credible!"

"What did you say?!" Fu Huai'an asked.

“It’s nothing more than let me help save people, give me a few lines of business, etc...”

Fu Huai's lips twitched slightly, his eyes smiled and he said: "What do you want to change from me?!"

"Change the group to live here for me for a week!" 岑墨开, "The group of children can not do without you and Lin warm, personality is introverted shy, so ... can only work hard for you and Lin Wen, live with a group House for a week, also when Lin warms to accompany Song Yi!"

In the capacity of Fu Huai'an, weighed the pros and cons and chose to cooperate with "Mr. Morality" instead of Li Muyang who has been under house arrest.

Those business lines seem to be tempting, but in fact, there is no strong source of supply is still no good, the business line to get the hand is equal to their own lifeline or in the hands of Li Muyang.

The munitions are tempted to touch, but some things are not enough to prepare.

In addition, since I knew that the group was a child of Lu Xiangsi, there was some change in the mentality of dealing with Fu Huai'an.

Perhaps because there is a child with a common blood connection that connects two people, more or less will make people care about a few feelings, even more than a few feelings.

Fu Huai'an pulled the curtains, and the lips twitched with a smile: "I will talk back to Xiaowen with this matter."

"You promised it! There is Song Song in Lin Wen..." The ink on the other end of the phone was a little bit of ash to say something right. "At three o'clock in the morning of Morocco, I said that the person at the exhibition near Li Muyang contacted the side. Let your people stare at it, that Azhan... In fact, even Li Muyang should not stay! I am also trying to avoid my own troubles. After the province, Li Muyang turned over and knew Azhan. I used to contact me and find me to retaliate!"

Fu Huai'an didn't say anything, pulled the chair down and looked at the mail sent by Lu Jinnan in the mailbox...

The e-mail is about the reasons for detention and related documents given by the US government when the family was trapped in the United States.

Fu Huai'an is a lawyer. He lived in the United States for a few years. He is also familiar with the laws of the United States. Lu Jinnan is not worried about finding a lawyer in the United States, so he sent them to Fu Huai'an to take a look.

Just open the mailbox, Fu Huai'an listened to the ink said: "I want you to say that you and Gu Qingcheng are too soft-hearted. Since you have decided to hold Li Muyang and master the Droni company, you should smash the roots and break all the wings of Li Muyang! Especially This exhibition is not very old... It is a lot of ways! It is also a private satellite phone! In the end, it is too long to leave the line in the normal world and forget the danger, thinking that you are a normal person?! Still old, so change Have a soft heart?!"

Fu Huai'an does not understand the words of ink...

After killing, Fu Huai'an did not think about it.

It’s just that the dog jumped to the wall, so Fu Huai’an always stayed on the line, so that Li Muyang thought that there was hope for counterattack, and he would be safe and secure.

However, the exhibition was indeed beyond the expectation of Fu Huai'an. Perhaps Gu Qingcheng did not think that the Drooni home that was searched so clean would have a satellite phone.

"Fu Huai'an, don't think for yourself, but also for the group. After all, now you are the father of the group!" Yan Mo can say these words to Fu Huai'an because of the group.

"Know, go to live with you, I will discuss with the little warm!"

Hanging up the phone, Fu Huai'an opened the computer video and was seeing Lu Jinnan coveted looking at the phone and frowning.

Fu Huai'an put down the phone and asked: "When is the phone waiting for Bai Xiaonian?!"

Lu Jinnan heard this and called out a ring of smoke to cover his tired eyes and throw his mobile phone on the desk: "No..."

This action is more like the absence of silver in this place, so that Fu Huai'an is more convinced that Lu Jinnan is waiting for Bai Xiaonian's phone.

"Did you see Bai Xiaonian?!" Fu Huai'an asked again.

Lu Jinnan extinguished the cigarette butt, dagger: "I saw..."

Originally, this time I went to the United States, Fu Huai'an could let Tang Hao go, because Bai Xiaonian was in the United States, so in the end Fu Huai'an finally sent Lu Jinnan.

The first bird came... I was so anxious that I couldn’t keep up! The countdown of the baby romance contest is 4 days! ! ! ! Please help the baby to help the list! muah……

(End of this chapter)

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