Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 887: Who said this letter? !

Chapter 887, who said this letter? !

"Sister Sister said that the director had just discussed with her. I wanted to make a photo of the online madness. It was a photo of you and me when I took it. I used the popularity of the two to create a momentum for the film. I want to ask you to agree to disagree!"

In fact, to put it bluntly, it is to use the hottest Lin Wenfu Huai'an husband and wife file to speculate.

Fu Huai'an is a substitute, who says who to go out? !

Still give a substitute for a small actor who doesn't know how to flow. If it is not officially confirmed, others will only be jokes!

"You are sure..." Fu Huai'an said, there is no hesitation, there is a big wife who said what is the posture.

Lin Wen’s little hand was smashed in the palm of his hand by Fu Huai’an, and his thumb was Mosuo’s back.

Lin Wen did not immediately reply to the dialect, I want to think about it.


When Lin Wen entered the door, he saw that there was a little camouflage in the lower part of Fu Huai'an. He didn't have time to unload it. Before he and Fu Huai'an said, Song Hao pulled Lin Wen's hand to Lin Wendao: "I have something to say to you..."

"I will bring the group upstairs to change clothes!" Fu Huai'an picked up the group on the side of the leg, indicating that Lin Wen does not have to worry.

"what happened?!"

Song Wei took Lin to the living room and saw no talents. "I heard something..."

"Do you know that this newcomer director Yang Rui... is a loyal fan of Chu Wei?!" Song Yan brows.

"Ah?!" Lin warmed his face.

This Lin Wen is really not sure...

"It shouldn't be! If Yang Rui is a loyal fan of Chu Wei, I shouldn't be looking for me to film it!" Lin Wen smiled, and she and Chu Wei were described on the Internet as arrogant.

In fact, because of Fu Huai'an's relationship, Lin Wen does not want to see Chu.

"Moreover, even if he is a fan of Chu Wei, there is no such thing as a film in the process of shooting!"

Song Wei did not know that Lin Wenxin was very good, or should he say that Lin Wen is stupid!

Fu Huai'an is now the biggest investor in the crew. Is Yang Rui dare to be warm? !

"Do you know the experience of Chu Yu?!" Song Yi took out his mobile phone and inquired about the information of Chu Yu. "I heard that the role of this reporter in this movie is based on the experience of Chu Yu. ...added something to add! What do you say about the director Yang Rui’s heart?!"

The search engine searched for information about Chu Wei, and Song Wei stared at the phone to Lin Wennian: "The Iron Maiden in the press! Received the Pulitzer Prize for the highest award in the press... and Ronald The Reagan News Award."

"The war reporters who have been at the forefront of the Iraq war and the Ivy civil war have exposed the brutal killing of civilians by the soldiers and the tremendous pain caused by the war! I sneaked into the Golden Triangle and fought with drug dealers to collect information. Half a life difference. They are all thrown into the Golden Triangle. In order to catch up with a news clue about the sale of the population, it is even more trying to penetrate into the terrorist organization."

Lin warmed nodded: "These I heard about it on the day when the director of the Shanghai City TV station in Chuxi!"

"I have seen your script. In the end, you played this role as a journalist... because you sneaked into a terrorist organization and won the Pulitzer Prize for News! This script was written by Yang Rui! I think this makes you come to play it. In the next set, I want to use this movie... Let the audience trap your reporter's identity forever under the hustle and bustle! Once the movie spreads, you will be destined to be the shadow of Chu's life in this life!" Song Wei handed the phone to Lin warm, "When you picked up this script, didn't you check the director?!"

Regarding these things, Lin Wen never thought about it. At work, Lin Wen gave it to the dialect to do it. Because of the principle that the employer does not doubt the suspect, Lin Wen is the other party’s words to trust and listen.

"I will call you later to ask my sister!" Lin Wen felt that the level of caution and ability of this kind of dialect should be checked before the start of the shoot. As for why he didn't say it, Lin Wen felt that dialect might have her reason and reason.

"Don't be a while! Let's play now!" Song Brow frowned. "If there is a problem, simply do not make an excuse now, the province's troubles in the future!"

The dialect knows that Lin Wen has not asked much about his own arrangements. This time, Lin Wen called the dialect and it was not unexpected. In fact, before this incident, Mu Taotao also asked the dialect in private.

"I know this thing!" The dialect put down his work and explained to Lin Wen. "I talked to the director named Yang Rui. The role of this female reporter when I wrote the script was indeed based on the experience of Chu. Rewritten, but let you play it is really considering that you have lived and died in Iraq, and have been saved, plus the people you set up in the country, so it is the most appropriate!"

Lin warm brows wrinkled.

"I told the director Yang Rui that it was more suitable to look for Chu Yu to play?! Yang Rui said that the reputation of Chu Hao is not as bad in China at present. Please ask her to smash the whole movie. He likes Chu. Wrong, but he loves his own movie because this movie is his own child!"

"I was impressed by Yang Rui's sincerity! And before I was convinced that you took this film, I did a lot of investigations. About Yang Rui's reputation and character in the circle, the evaluation was unexpectedly good!" The dialect slowly opened, "I thought about it later. When the movie was released, even if no one broke out, I also tried to manipulate it to shake it out. It was for the movie, and the second was because I was a month ago. There is particularly favorable evidence on the dinner table that can push you to the altar and replace the position of Chu Yu! This is definitely not a bad thing for you."

Lin Wen heard the fog in the clouds: "I don't quite understand your words!"

It’s not that Lin Wen’s words don’t trust, and the dialect understands...

"You still remember that you were arrested by terrorists at the Jiang Heavy Machinery Construction Company in Iraq. After being rescued, you said to a warrior. On the way, you learned from the terrorist dialogue, you guys They originally planned to leave a dagger video to deter the government and the world. Women and children were all sent to the black market for trading?! And the soldier went to find evidence..."

Lin warmed a glimpse, the things of Iraq in the past, Lin Wen has never forgotten, and even today is still cleaning in my mind...

When Lu Xiangsi was shot down in a pool of blood, the others were taken to the car. In a four-hour drive, the Arabic-language Lin warmed from the militant dialogue to know the intention of the militants against them, the nervous scalp. Hemp.

From their conversation, Lin Wen heard that they often do such a business...

First, the benefits have been out in February, and the babies will soon be able to go to the administrator for welfare by casting a monthly pass!

In addition, thanks to the support of the babies, we got the third place in the finals of the romance contest. Thousands of thousands have already screened the fan list. The top ten thousand will send the signature book to the baby after the publication of the physical book! Now thousands of thousands of horses will need to increase the horsepower to start to change the draft, and strive to get listed soon!

(End of this chapter)

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