Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 890: Mom's diary?

Chapter 890, Mom's Diary?

Seeing that Fu Huai'an was sinking his face, he was not busy arranging his head on Lin warm shoulders, a small arrogant look that he did not swear.

Fu Huai'an took the sweater cover on the sink, both father and son are the same white sweater, the same eye!


In the room, Song Wei selected clothes and went to the bathroom to wash his face and change clothes. When he turned back, he saw the mobile phone with a vibrating hand in his ink. He got up from the sofa and walked in the direction of the bathroom.

Song Yu is pregnant now, and he is very cautious in doing anything. He is afraid that Song Yi will fall alone in the bathroom.

Song Hao washes his face and rubs his ink against the bathroom door frame to answer the phone.

After washing his face, Song Yu looked back and saw the ink hanging on the phone: "I am just a surprise to wash your face, you have a non-slip mat in the bathroom!"

Wiping the water on his face, Song Song took the towel back and went to the outside to wait for her: "I have to change clothes, you are waiting outside for me..."

"What have you not seen before, change clothes and avoid?!"

"Oh!" Song Yu Jiao Jiao softly licked his life, and forced to push the ink to the bedroom, and the ink heart was not happy to act.

"Hurry up, dinner is ready, do you want to finish the dinner with a group to put fireworks?!"

Putting fireworks is a surprise for the group, but if it is too late to go to the group to sleep, it will not be a long time to play with the group.

The reason for this is that he moved the ink, Song Song pushed the ink to leave the bathroom door and said to him: "You will be the best father in the world in the future!"

For the group, 岑墨 is still so careful, if it is the flesh and blood, Song Yi believes that 岑墨 will be the best and best father in the world!

岑墨扭 turned to look at the Song Hao behind, with a smile at the bottom: "I will be the best husband!"

After dinner, Yan Mo and Song Wen and Lin Wen’s family stood in the vast courtyard and looked at the fireworks that had been lifted into the sky. The group was very happy and excited to shoot the small hand.

Song Wei saw the group of Lin warmly in his arms and smiled brightly. The pink and pink face was full of smiles. She only felt that the group and her were seen in the mother's diary of Lu Xiangsi... The little man in the photo of Acacia is exactly the same!

His skin is particularly white, and the color after the blast of the fireworks can easily dye his skin. Song Yan can even see the fine red and shallow blood vessels on the skin.

Song Hao reached out and smashed the small head of the group: "Do you like the surprises prepared for you?!"


Yan Mo saw a happy appearance of the group, and turned back to Saihande: "Go get it!"

Saihande’s dagger and Xiaolu went to get a gift from the ink to the group...

Not long after, Saihande and Xiaolu brought a few fireworks sticks, and took out the hand inserted in the trouser pocket, took one, lit it with a lighter, and sparked silver sparks, which attracted the attention of the group. force……

"Want to play?!"

The group's small face was full of surprises. Looking at Fu Huai'an who stood in the side of his hands, seeing Fu Huai'an beheading, he nodded strongly to the ink.

"Go down!" Yanmo smiled and said to the group.

Fu Huai'an stood by Lin Weng's body and watched Lin Bing's lower body put down the group. But he was still a little scared. The little arm did not loosen Lin's neck and stretched his hand to fireworks.

"Come here and come here!" 岑墨蹲's lower body was holding a fireworks stick and smiling at the group.

In the fireworks, the ink and eyebrows were dyed with the smile of a fireworks stick, the softness and gentleness of the heart, Song Song remembered that she rarely saw it except that she was pregnant until she was pregnant. ......

The group was shrunk in Lin Wen’s arms and smiled at the ink, but it was not.

There was a pet and a helplessness in the eyes of the ink. After the burning of the fireworks in his hand, he re-ignited a small group handed to the warm arms of Lin.

The group excitedly reached out and looked at the beautiful sparks splashing in front of them. They smiled and called Lin Wen: "Mom!"

This is the first time the group laughed so excitedly, as if they had discovered the New World, and they were all surprised.

Lin Wen was also moved by the bright and bright smile of the group, and the eyes were gentle.

The smiles of their mother and son are far more embarrassing than this fireworks!

Fu Huai'an wanted to be a painter at that moment, and recorded such a warm and moving picture...

The group took advantage of the fireworks in their hands, learned how the ink was just turned two laps, and looked up at Fu Huai'an with his neck.

Fu Huai'an squatted down and smashed the top of the group.

Xiaolu ignited a fireworks bar and handed it to Lin Wen, and handed it to Fu Huai'an. He asked very intimately: "Mr.... Would you like to take a photo for you?! The function of taking pictures on my mobile phone at night is not bad!"

"Good! You have worked hard!" Fu Huaian nodded.

After Xiaolu gave Lin Wen, Fu Huai'an and the group's family three photos, Song Yu and Yan Mo also joined, and Xiao Lu became a professional photographer, and took a lot of photos that night.

After going to sleep on the floor, Zhai Mo asked Xiao Lu for the photo he took this evening. After washing, he was lying on the bed and couldn't help but open the phone and watch the photo taken today.

In the photo, the group is wearing a white sweater, holding a fireworks stick in his hand and waving, the twilight is like the Milky Way, and the whole person thinks of the little angel in the spark of the hand.

Song Yu turned his head and saw that he hadn't slept yet. He reached for the waist of the ink, and put his head in front of his chest: "Why don't you sleep..."

"I am watching the photos of the group!" 岑墨 stretched his hand and grabbed Song Hao, and the side of the head fell in her hair, "the true image of the group and the longevity!"

Song Yi half-squinted and adjusted to the brightness of the phone screen, nodded: "Well, it is very similar..."

When I heard Song Song, I laughed and said: "You haven’t seen Acacia as a child. How do you know it?!"

"In the mother's diary..." Song said that the general voice suddenly stopped.

"Mom's diary?!" 岑 黑色 black black scorpion looks to Song Hao.

Song Yuqi smiled and smiled: "I didn't break my mother's diary. I dropped a photo inside. I saw it... It should be Acacia when I was five or six years old. Do you want to watch it?!"

"How have you never said that?!" 岑墨 is very unexpected.

Song opened the quilt and went to take a photo of Yan Mo: "When a person is pregnant, forgetting **** will always be bigger! The photo I took out... I just put it in the book, I will take a look at it all the time. I said that girls will be like aunts, and I want to see if our children will be as beautiful as Acacia in the future!"

Said, Song Yu took out the photos of Lu Xiangsi from childhood in the book...

The fourth is more for Don Dodo! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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