Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 896: I am the face of Chu, I don’t want me!

Chapter 896, I am the face of Chu, and I don’t want me!

The third microblog is a photo...

Very simple, it is Chu’s record of transferring money to his account.

The deputy editor of the Haicheng Daily, did not mention the land of Acacia children in the long Weibo!

Because the last time he broke out, he saw that... Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an did not intend to explode the child's true identity and wanted to treat the group as his own flesh and blood.

Now that he has decided to stand up for Fu Huai'an and Lin Wen, he will hold the secrets that Fu Huai'an and Lin Wen do not want to let people know.

Therefore, the video he found someone to eliminate the sound of the treatment, people can see what kind of person Chu is in the end, and can not hear the child's things.

Before I changed the forest warm, let the friends of Chu Wei and Fu Huai'an to play this "Sea Eagle" all shut up!

There is also speculation that Fu Huai'an has a feeling for Chu Yu, but because Lin Wen has children, so the people who choose Lin Wen are also silent...

Since Chu Yu’s in-depth access to the black hole in the tiger’s hole is false, the honor is also fake. In the movie “Sea Eagle”, the picture of the hero and the heroine on the helicopter is even less likely to appear in Fu Huai’an and Chu. Hey!

This time, Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an fans and their CP powder quite a kind of exuberant feeling, have been on the online message roaring before the keyboard man's message.

More fans of Lin Wen’s message under Lin Wen’s official Weibo, she always thought that her idol was a strong little woman. She did not expect her hidden line to be a big woman route!

The dialect locks the tablet screen, and the lips evoke, holding the tablet in his arms and walking in the direction of Lin Wen...

Starting today, Lin Wen... will go to the altar and replace even the location of Chu Yu!

The dialect only feels that today's sunshine is particularly dazzling, even the air is exceptionally fresh, as if everything around you has become beautiful!

The warm light of Lin, who was whispering back, was blocked. She looked up and saw the dialect standing in front of her. She asked, "What happened?!"

The dialect opened the screen and handed the tablet to Lin Wen.

"What is this?!" Lin Wen asked a look down.

Mu Taotao also took a look and said: "Ah... I just saw this, the warm sister still doesn't know?!"

It is the official Weibo of Lin Wen, Lin Wen opened the first Weibo, and looked at the following message...

[@Leave your love: I was originally a fan of my Fu, and now I am covered by Miss Lin Wenjie, Miss Lin Wen is the woman who best matches our Fu in the world, no one! 】

[@孤独一逼: I have long said that the woman is not a good bird, Baba’s younger husband, who is a good thing, what good thing? ! Maybe those honors are stolen! Is this a prediction of success? ! Please tell me to predict! No thanks! 】

[@凯德集团的女人234: Being Fu Taihuan circle powder! idol! This is the real female model! Still my husband has a good vision, know who is a diamond, and early to put a baby to go home! 】

[@飞天小女警: My sister Lin Lin has never let us fans disappointed, Lin Wen is one of the best idols in the world! We are sitting on the side of Miss Lin’s sister! You are all coming! We are not afraid! 】

[@USD into the dream: before apologizing to Miss Lin Wenjie, after neutrality, developed to the present... I just want to say, Miss Lin Wen, I have been successfully circled by you! 】

[@闲着扯淡: I originally wanted to take my husband back! Especially when I saw my husband re-wearing the combat uniforms, it was so handsome! Hormonal burst! But... Face Miss Lin Wen, I am squatting to quit! Miss Lin Wen, you are the best! Only you and my husband in the world match! Please be sure to be a little better for my husband! 】

[@皮卡丘: Hello everyone, I am the face of Chu Yu, Chu Hao don't want me! 】

[@兵乓球: Hello everyone, I am Chu's ass, I lost my way, it seems to have come to my face, what to do, online, etc... very anxious...]

Lin Wen looked at it and couldn't help but smile. Is the netizen now a paragraph? !

"The deputy editor of the "Haicheng Daily" did?!" Lin Wen asked.

"You really don't care about this at all!" The dialect pulled the chair and sat down opposite Lin.

"Well! Because of you, I don't have to bother with anything!" Lin warmed the script in his hand. "As long as you can make a good movie!"

The dialect was slightly stunned. It seemed to be amazed by the trust that Lin warm gave her. Then the dialect would laugh: "Well, yes! Have me!"


Song Wei looked at the group playing Lego blocks in the living room and looked upstairs worriedly.

Just now, Zhai Mo was originally holding the attitude of watching the movie and opened his eyes to Weibo. Suddenly his face changed to the floor. Then Sai Hande took a young man holding a notebook and went upstairs.

Song Wei also looked at Weibo and saw that the video of Lu Xiangsi’s video was mentioned in the eyes of the blind...

Song Wei clearly saw that he had done the silence treatment. Presumably, the young man who was brought up by Saihande was the genius hacker before she talked to her.

In the heart of the ink, Lu Xiangsi occupied a very important position, let Yanmo see in the video that Lu Xiangsi was shot and killed, which made the ink how to suffer? !

As Song Yi worried, the ink was staring at the computer screen at this moment, and the eyes were covered with red blood, and the eyes were cracked!

He clenched his hands into a fist and held it on the desk. Every time he saw Lu Xiangsi fell down by the bullet ejection center, the blue veins of the ink-filled arm all violently rushed, and they all wanted to rush in and kill everyone inside, let them all give Lu Xiangsi is buried!

Obviously, every time you look at it, you are like a knife to his heart, but you can't help but torture yourself over and over again.

Until I heard the knocking of the door, the ink lifted the gloomy coldness to the deep back of the back of the hair: "Enter!"

Before coming, Saihande had already said this with the most talented genius hacker Daniel, who wanted to restore the sound of a video...

Once inside, Denzel turned on the computer and started working.

“How long does it take?!” asked Mo.

For a long time, Denzel said: "I need about four to six hours, this video processing method is also like a hacker! More complicated!"

岑 ink biting his teeth: "As soon as possible!"

When the smugglers made the hacker urgently recover the video sound, the video on the Internet was suddenly deleted, and it was uploaded in less than an hour.

The netizens on the Internet immediately pointed their finger at the Chu family and sneered at the Chu family...

Third, ask for a monthly ticket, la la la la la...

(End of this chapter)

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