Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 900: In order to warm the forest, it will also avoid

Chapter 900 will also avoid the suspicion of Lin Wen

Upon hearing this, Yan Mo slightly turned his head and looked at Fu Huai's black bottom look complex.

Just an hour ago... the smoldering ink in the anger only wanted to order the killing of the Chu family, the chickens and dogs did not stay!

But they have all given orders, and the ink has let Saihande let the people who sent them stop acting...

After he calmed down for a while, he thought that, like Fu Huai'an at the time, killing a person is too simple, and it is the most meaningless revenge.

The best method of revenge should be to make people live without asking for death...

Understand the meaning of Fu Huai'an, 岑墨 and Fu Huai'an stare at the night in front of me and open the mouth: "This, I am better at you than you!"

The torture that once suffered from ink was unimaginable to others. If it is not strong to support the idea of ​​returning to the country to pick up her sister, I don’t know how many times I have died!

I can wait until one day, 岑 强 strong support, and hope to return to the country, to achieve their own promise to come back to pick up their sister, but found that his sister is dead!

The sister's death was actually because the brother-in-law Jiang Mingan rescued a white-eyed wolf, and this white-eyed wolf sold Lu Xiangsi for his own life!

Even after the incident, this white-eyed wolf in order to create a tall and selfless image for her, even once was taken care of by the Lu Xiangsi Jiang Mingan couple to hide this!

When the sound resumed, I heard the words of Lu Xiangsi...

"Jiang Ming'an woman will not kneel down to anyone..."

Then the sound of the guns sounded like a heart that penetrated the ink!

He looked at the little girl who had been surrounded by his brother's brother. He was shot through the chest and played back over and over again. He resisted the tears and the urge to kill, but the mentality had collapsed!

Knowing that a person is dead, and seeing the video of her death, this is totally two concepts!

Even if I already know the final ending of Lu Xiangsi, every time I look at it, it’s just as uncomfortable to die.

I have never been so painful in my life, even if it is tortured as a livestock, it is not so painful now...

In his mind, he was all hiding behind his grandmother, revealing a small head and asking if he was a little girl of his brother. He was the little girl who took her favorite white rabbit and gave it to his little girl. A little girl who is shy but is willing to grin at him!

She is like a little talk, and she is a small tail next to her, and she keeps talking...

He always wanted to watch this little girl grow up and always wanted to give her the best things in the world!

But... no more chances!

He couldn't watch her grow up, and she couldn't come back to save her when Jiang Ming'an mother treated Lu Xiangsi viciously! He didn't even dare to imagine that the little girl often sneaked into the quilt in the middle of the night, and asked her brother where she was... Why didn't she pick her up!

She must have hated herself and hated why she didn't go back to find her. She trusted him so much!

Lu Xiangsi is not just a sister-in-law of Yan Mo! It is the salvation in the depths of the ink, and it is the belief that Zhe Mo has persisted in these years...

This kind of thing is placed on anyone, and the mentality has to burst.

At this point, it was very calm to have no one to directly shoot the Chu family with a machine gun.

Thinking of the group, the anger of the smattering of the ink was reduced by a few points. He and Fu Huai'an stood side by side and said to Fu Huai'an: "Whatever you want to do, let your people not hinder me..."

The means of smashing ink probably didn't quite see the light.

Fu Huai'an didn't say anything, and he turned around. He just walked two steps. He frowned and turned back. He stood on the side of Fu Huai'an and decided to look at Fu Huai'an. "If I were you, I would avoid the suspicion for Lin Wen, not contaminated with Lu Xiangsi. Things!"

After all, Fu Huai'an once had such a small and no guess with Lu Xiangsi...

If the woman around Fu Huaian is anyone else today, Yan Mo will not say this sentence!

But now Fu Huai'an's wife is Lin Wen, who used to accompany Lu Xiangsi to take care of Lu Xiangsi, and saved the group's warmth. You can't help but say this because of how much he is against Lu Xiangsi, Lin How grateful is warm.

Fu Huai'an turned to look at the ink, and the black and sly eyes were peaceful. He said to him: "No matter what means you use to take revenge, I hope that before you impulsive, think about the group, don't involve the children! Kaide Group and Chu... I will only be in business."

Although Fu Huai'an knows that Lu Xiangsi's enemies are invincible, he can not intervene, and he does not intend to intervene, but the merchants can profit from the opportunity to swallow Chu's advantage for the Kaide Group. Fu Huai'an will not let go, this is irrelevant to revenge, like Fu Huai'an. Said in the business, but this thought is not a good thing for Chu.

Fu Huai has settled again: "Lin Wen’s mind is different from the woman you imagined..."

Lin Wen will not eat vinegar for this kind of thing, Fu Huai'an does not have the heart to let Lin warm jealous.


Lin warmed upstairs and pushed open the door of the group. Song Yan was bending over and turning off the bedside lamp. Seeing Lin Wen came in, Song Song made a "嘘" gesture, turned off the light, and she gently came out of the room.

Didn't see Fu Huai'an, Song Hao pulled the room door and asked, "Fu Huai'an?!"

"Under the downstairs and talking about ink..."

Song Yu frowned at Lin Wen’s hand: "You come with me!"

Song Wei took Lin to the remote place and said: "The deputy editor of Haicheng Daily, the microblog, did you read it?!"

Lin warmed nodded.

"岑墨 has been boring in the study room for a whole day, and I haven’t come out for dinner. I’m afraid that I’m not going to go up. I’m going to sleep just now. I’m holding my baby upstairs, and I’m going downstairs. Ok, I am actually afraid... I am afraid that he is in the heart of the video..."

Song Wei looked down at his fingers and his eyes were red.

The video Song Yu also watched, especially the scene of Lu Xiangsi’s gun. Even Song Wei’s eyes were shocked, not to mention what it would be like to see.

When Saihande went downstairs, he said to Song Wei that Yan Mo was watching the video repeatedly and he was worried...

Saihande even contacted the psychiatrist of Yanmo.

The psychiatrist did not see him, but he could not judge the current state of the ink by the description of Saihande. He could take the psychiatrist rashly and he would be disgusted.

Saihande had no idea and asked Song Song what to do. Song Wei had been silent until the group fell asleep, and silence came back to Lin.

Lin Wen looked at Song Yan’s expression and asked: “You want to encourage you to avenge your revenge, and you are worried that you can’t control the psychological emotions that are already sick?!”

Lin Wen has always been the smartest of the three girls, the one who knows Song Yu and Bai Xiaonian most...

(End of this chapter)

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