Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 922: What is your command from Mr. Fu? !

Chapter 922, Mr. Fu, what do you have to order? !

For a long time, the ink was low and said: "Are you threatening me?!"

"I am not threatening you, it is to discuss with you..." Song Yi sighed and calmly opened his mouth. "You lost your loved ones, I also lost loved ones! It is your regret to see you without acacia after you come. In addition to my jealousy, whether it is my mother or my grandfather, I have seen them on the last side, so I am not sorry..."

There was no snoring in the ink, Song slammed the hand of the ink, and leaned his head on his neck: "I know that you may say that this has nothing to do with you, you can smudge... If there is such a little chance, you can alleviate it. I am worried about Su Shi’s heart, do you not want to do this?!”

What do you know about what Song Song said?

Separated from Song Yu and Su Shi, Song Yu has not let go!

However, I don’t know if Song Yu’s can’t let it go because of jealousy, or because he still loves Su Shi.

"Is there a room for negotiation?!" Song said.

Zhai Mo did not answer Song Yu’s question, just asked her: “If I said no, do you hate me?!”

Song Hao shook his head: "I hate myself..."

Song Hao didn't know if this was a forced ink. She didn't think that things would come to this point before Su Shi appeared...

Perhaps it was because Song Yu and Yan Mo started not to be glorious, so Su Shi became the thorn that could not be pulled out between the two of them!

"I am hungry, I want to drink some porridge, I will go back to China warmly this evening. I want to make a phone call with warmth. Don't warm up and look back when we don't think too much!" Song Yu was powerless.

Yan Mo handed his mobile phone to Song Wei, and his voice softened a few points: "What kind of porridge do you want to drink?!"

"White porridge is good..." Song Wei took over the mobile phone of the ink-stained whole person and looked languid.

岑墨颔, from the ward, Song Hao immediately dialed the phone of Lin Wen...

The answering phone was Younai. Younai returned to China and just came back. He heard that Song Yu’s voice was very polite.

Song Yiyan said in a concise manner that Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an could help Su Shi to return to China, and hung up the phone before he returned.

Hanging up the phone, Younai did not know what happened, but when Lin warmed back to rest, he still told Lin Wen in accordance with Song Yu’s account...

"Miss Song said that she had a friend named Su Shi who was detained by the Mr. Yu in the Moroccan police station. I hope that Fu instructor and you can help me think of the way to send the Su Shi back to China. If you can best let Mr. Yu know! It is said that the father of Mr. Su is dying, and Mr. Su will not see his father’s last side if he does not go back!"

Lin Wen looked surprised, she reached for her mobile phone...

"Miss Song just used the phone of Mr. Qi's mobile phone!"

Seeing the phone's call history, Lin warmed nod!

Su Shi and Song Yu’s past must be clear, no one knows better than Bai Xiaonian and Song Yu...

Su Shi loves how deep Song Song is, and they are all clear!

After knowing Su Shi and Song Yu for so many years, Lin Wen has a deep understanding of both people, especially Song Yu!

Song Wei called with a mobile phone from Jimo, and told Unnei when he came back, it was probably very urgent...

Su Shi was detained in Morocco, and Lin’s guess is definitely because Su Shi and Song Yu’s once!

Just, who has not passed? ! Is 岑墨 really so careful? !

No matter how Song Song called this phone, Lin Wen would have to help, even if it is not in the face of Song Yu, Lin Wen and Su Shi are considered old acquaintances!

It is not difficult to bring Su Shi back to China. Tonight, Fu Huai'an and Lin Wen will return to China. It is not a problem to bring a Su Shi!

Just how to get Su Shi out of the police station, this is a problem...

Lin Wen did not hesitate and got up and walked in the direction of the car. Fu Huai'an was sitting in the car and waiting for Lin Wen.

She pulled the door and got on the bus and said to Fu Huai'an: "There is something you need to help..."

Fu Huai'an, who is looking at the mail, looked up, and the pair of deep and deep black scorpions were a bit puzzled.

"Please ask for help to bring a person back to China, Su Shi!"

Xiao Lu, standing at the door of the car, heard the phone call from Saihande and said to the inside of the car: "Mr. Saihande called and said that Miss Song was hospitalized. I hope that my wife can go and see. Miss Song."

Lin warmed up and looked at Xiaolu: "What time?!"

"Just had a phone call with Saihande!" Xiao Lu pointed at the phone he was still holding in his hand.


Song Wei didn't like to stay in the hospital. After drinking the porridge, he said that he wanted to go back.

In the past, Song Yu and Yan Mo said that they hate hospitals...

Her mother and grandfather died in the hospital one after another, unless she needed to be very resistant to the hospital.

The doctor here has said that there is no big problem with Song Yu. Zhai Mo asked Sai Hande to ask the family doctor to go to the house, and then brought Song to return to the house.

When the two entered the door, Lin Wen was wearing a coat for the small group, and he was going to return to China with the group.

Yan Mo saw the little bit of a child standing in the foyer, leaning his neck and letting Lin Wen give him a button. Fu Huai'an stood under the lamp and looked at their mother and son's lips and smiled.

Such a happy picture made the eyes of the ink more gentle. He helped Song Song to walk on the cobblestone paved road and whispered: "Slow down..."

Yan Mo helped Song Song to step on the steps and looked at the small white face of the small group. The eyes were apologetic: "I am sorry for the group today, I took my aunt to the hospital and left the group at home..."

Yan ink bent over and reached out to smash the top of the group, full of favor.

The group nodded and raised the chubby hand and said goodbye: "bye..."

岑 点 nodded: "Well, our small group is safe, I am waiting for you to come back!"


Lin warmed up and looked at Song Yu. Her overly pale face was strong and she held a smile. The eye was a question about Lin Wen. She wondered if Lin Wen and Fu Huai'an had rescued Su Shi.

"Will you leave now?!" asked Song.

Lin Wen nodded to Song Yu, and his eyes swept over Song Wei’s belly and his brows were tight: “Now the child is the most important, you must be careful about what you do...”

"I know, I will be careful, you can rest assured!"

Song Yu’s lips are laughing, ridiculously inconspicuous, with declining and powerless, these Lin warm can understand...

"Sir..." Saihande took a call and suddenly called out a slap in the direction of the ink.

"Saihande!" Fu Huai'an single-handedly called Sai Hande.

Saihande looked at Fu Huai'an and swallowed what he had supposed to say with Yan Mo. "What do you have to say, Mr. Fu?!"

"Give your wife upstairs... I have something to say to your sister."

Second more...

(End of this chapter)

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