Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 943: Fu Huai'an is very careful about Lin Wen.

Chapter 943 Fu Huai'an is very careful about Lin Wen.

岑墨 put a flattering mentality, there is no such thing in my heart that I want to be a good brother and sister with Lin Wen at the moment, and it is quite comfortable to get along with the normal heart and Lin Wen.

He asked Lin Wen today in the situation of the crew. Yan Mo also told Lin Wen that he wanted Lin Wen to rest in Morocco for a few days and then return to China. Lin Wen should have come down...

Before going to sleep, Lin warm thought of Lin Biao.

Lin Biao is also the child of Lin Wen's biological parents. Lin Wen feels that he should find a slap in the face of Lin Biao.

The country is now in the early hours of the morning, Lin Wen sent a WeChat to Lin Biao, telling her... She found the child whose parents had lost in the United States.

Lin warmed up the information, put the phone on the bedside table, opened the quilt and was ready to go to bed, etc. Fu Huai'an, the phone shook.

Lin Wen took the phone and it was Lin Biao’s reply.

[Lin Wei: Where did you find it? ! Are you not filming in Morocco? ! Don't you tell me that it is so good in your crew? ! 】

So late Lin Biao still hasn't slept? !

[Lin Wen: Big Brother knows, is a friend of Big Brother. 】

[林苒:? ? ! 】

[Lin Wen: I can't explain the sentence in two sentences. When I go back, I will talk to you and your mother. 】

Lin Biao at the end of the phone, the original editorial information asked Lin Wen is not sincere to let her sleep, have to press the send button, Lin Biao thought about or deleted all the text, and replied a good word.

The next day, Song Hao took Lin Wen in the upstairs greenhouse greenhouse, saying that there is a small secret between pregnant women to say, avoiding Fu Huai'an and Yan Mo.

Lin Song, who was sitting on a lounge chair by Song Song, looked up and cried and couldn’t wait for Song Wei to ask: "What happened?!"

"Before, I also told you about the things between me and Jimo, but some words I didn't tell you completely, such as... How did the mental illness of the ink come from?" Song Wei sat down opposite Lin Wen, ready to Lin Wen confessed to the past encounters.

Everyone's mental illness is for a reason. Lin Wen is because after experiencing Iraq, he saw the cousin Lin Xia dying in the bathtub, so the psychological shadow left behind.

Then, there must be a special past in the ink.

"You are the sister of 岑墨, how much eager to love family, I know! You should not be fooled by his cold expression. He was nervous about how to talk to you before you came back yesterday!" Song Xiao smiled "Your brother... I love you very much, so I hope that you will understand your brother's past, don't care about his previous things, and be able to accommodate him..."

Lin warmed the dagger, did not interrupt and waited for Song Yu to go down.

Song Yu told Lin Wen that the ink was brought back to Lu Jia by the Lujia couple. He told Lin Mo’s family that he had been sent out of the country after his defeat, and that Lu Lao was arranged to take care of the people who protected him. It is the adoptive mother of 岑墨 adopted the ink!

The mother-in-law of Zimo has long known the identity of Zhai Mo, because he and his father of the Molu family ... tortured the ink with the means of extremely horrifying and devastating people, until Zhai Mo and his fiancee were engaged in the marriage, it was saved. Otherwise, the ink will be sent to the bed of Yan Mo's father.

Lin Wen listened to Song Yan’s succinct way, and it’s already a heartbeat...

She couldn't imagine that, because of such inhuman treatment, Zhai Mo was able to survive and the personality was not distorted, which made Lin Wen very admired.

From the narrative of Song Yu, Lin Wen also knows that... the so-called sputum ink put Song Song as the position of Xiao San, but also misunderstanding under helplessness.

Song Hao took Lin Wen’s hand and seriously warmed Lin: “Your brother... I really need your sister, this is my no substitute! He has a close attachment to his family... although he has never deny!"

Lin warmed nodded, and his heart was very distressed.

Contrasting with the ink, everything she experienced is not a misery.

"Warm, smothering the mouth, is actually a kind of protective color. Your brother is actually no different from a child..."

"I know!" Lin warmed hard to hold Song Xiao's little hand. "I won't have any sorrow in his heart. Don't worry, scorpion!"

Lin Wen’s phrase “嫂子” means profoundly, and Song Song’s face is red: “Less come!”

Lin Wen is willing to call Song Zizi, this is to admit that Yan Mo is her brother, Song Yu knows...

After three days of repairing in Morocco, Fu Huai'an also accompanied Lin Wen to the Moroccan hospital for examination. It is true that pregnancy is correct. It is only because the days are too short, and the fetal buds are not seen in the womb. Go to the hospital to see the fetal buds after 40 days of delay.

After two days of rest in Morocco, Lin Wen and his party returned to China.

Yan Moben intended to let Lin warmly rest for two days before going to the parents' tombstone worship. Lin Wen felt that his mental state was good. On the day he went back, he said that he would take the ink to the cemetery.

Song Yu has already begun to have morning sickness. On the plane that came back, the little face is white and white, and Lin Wen and Yan Mo have all let Song Song rest at home.

Fu Huai'an did not follow, there is a lot of care for Lin Fu Fu Huai'an.

After getting off the plane, Yan Mo first settled Song Song, then went to Fu Zhai to receive Lin Wen...

At noon on the day of the cemetery, the weather in Haicheng was particularly good.

Zhai Mo personally drove to Fu Zhai to receive Lin Wen, so that Sai Hande left to take care of Song Yu.

Since I knew that Lin Wen was my sister, Yan Mo examined in detail the information of Lin Wen’s childhood, including Lin Wen’s childhood when she said that she liked the arrogance and prejudice of the Darcy Manor.

At this time, Yan Mo stood at the side of the car and looked at Fu Zhai, which resembled the "Daxi Manor". The lips were not consciously evoked. Fu Huai'an was very careful about Lin Wen.

Lin Wen came out of the house, wearing a long black down jacket, long hair tied into a ponytail, wearing a pair of snow boots at the feet looked very warm.

The group 哒哒哒 哒哒哒 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林 林Because they definitely have a lot to say.

I can just follow my mother. I don’t care for my mother’s index finger, but my eyes are red and red, and I’m holding on to my eyes and rubbing my eyes.

"Early sweet candy and little happiness will come to our house. If you go with your mother, the owner of the family is not there. Who cares for our little guests?!" Lin warmed down, patiently appeased and reached out. The small head of the group, "We are not two or three-year-old children, is a little man, will definitely take care of the guests is particularly good?!"

The little black-haired scorpion looked at Lin Wen warmly and nodded hard: "Well!"

The second is more... still ask for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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