Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 964: I haven't divorced the **** yet!

Chapter 964 I have not divorced the **** yet!

Heisen smiled and didn't say anything.

"Then what you invented, what others have done is someone else's plagiarism?!" Bai Xiaonian looked helpless. "Is it still alive?! If so, Heisen and you tell me that our country is still preparing." I have stolen your inventions in the United States that have not been made, or what technology, I am mentally prepared..."

There was another laugh under the stage...

What the United States did not do, I don’t know how China steals? ! It’s not too bad to say this!

This time, even Heisen couldn't help but smile and applaud Bai Xiaonian.

Bai Xiaonian’s mobile phone is muted, so she didn’t receive the phone call from Lin’s previous few times. The phone was drawn from the trouser pocket and landed on the sofa. Bai Xiaonian picked up the applause of the audience and prepared to put it back, but saw that Lin Wen's WeChat was opened, Bai Xiaonian's lips were hooked up, the phone was installed, and a long hair was dialed to the host Haisen.

"In the gap between our chats, I received news from the country that the son of the Consul of the US Consulate has been arrested in our country..."

Heisen said: "Because of what?!"

Bai Xiaonian screamed and said: "It is a crime to pretend that the United States has arrested the president of CapitaLand!"

Hessen glanced at the sound of the choreographed in the headset, confirming that the news was true!

Heisen probably didn't think that this time Bai Xiaonian's national shot would be so neat. After a while, he also asked a more serious question: "So, this time your country has such a big move because the engine was successfully developed, so Are you emboldened?!"

Bai Xiaonian smiled at Heisen's lips and nodded: "Of course!"

Bai Xiaonian analyzed the domestic bomber's eye from the essence and Heisen. The endurance ability is basically the same as that of the US's most cattle bomber B2. This cargo is a missile, a missile.

Heisen said that it is still in the flight test stage. It has not been officially put into production. They are still relatively disadvantaged when they fight with the United States.

Bai Xiaonian sat there and the seriousness and Hessen analyzed the current international situation...

I am a big man in the United States. I have been in the world for many years. The world is full of winds and winds. Today, I don’t listen to it. Tomorrow, it’s a bit unsightly. Now the troops are still in a few countries.

But now both countries are nuclear powers. Who is it to scare? !

They played in two countries, and the president of Russia was happy to fly. There was a loss between the two sides. Russia can take over the world hegemony that the United States can still maintain.

Bai Xiaonian said that their country is not a world hegemon anyway, and they are not interested in that. Can the United States be willing? !

Bai Xiaonian also said that if the US arms dealers should be very happy, they would not know what the taxpayers in the United States thought. She was also curious to know that the US government was ready to announce several bankruptcies.

At the end of the program, Hessen asked, tomorrow, the US side will hold a press conference to ask whether Bai Xiaonian will participate. Bai Xiaonian nodded and said of course.

Heisen is looking forward to seeing the spokesperson of Bai Xiaonian’s spokesperson. He asked Bai Xiaonian what questions he was going to ask. This question is probably also wanted by the US government. This Bai Xiaonian is too busy, and every time he has to ask people to be speechless. At one time, the US spokesperson had nothing to say.

Whether it is a White House spokesperson, a State Department spokesperson, or a spokesperson for a department, he will have the courage to come to power when he hears that Bai Xiaonian’s name can’t be prayed for himself.

Bai Xiaonian came to participate in the program today to say such a thing, is doing her best efforts to speculate, forcing the US government to release Lu Jinnan.

From the show down, Bai Xiaonian has been exhausted physically and mentally, and he has not given the strength to call back Lin Wen...

When things are related to the people he loves, Bai Xiaonian can't help but feel awkward.

The program was broadcast live. The words of Bai Xiaonian made many people touch. The compatriots in the United States spontaneously organized and held demonstrations to demand the release of Lu Jinnan. Then many Americans participated.

On the way back by car, Bai Xiaonian saw the compatriots on the road and had warmth in his heart.

She knows that tomorrow is a hard battle.

Thinking of Lu Jinnan, Bai Xiaonian was full of blood and resurrection with the chicken blood. She exhaled a long breath and cheered up her spirits. Now, when she feels tired, Lu Jinnan still does not know what it is. In short, she will rescue the people first.

Taking a mobile phone call from the bag, Bai Xiaonian used his contacts after he came to the United States to inquire about Lu Jinnan’s news and thought about tomorrow’s countermeasures.

Bai Xiaonian is afraid that Lu Jinnan will be charged with espionage. If it is a spy thing, it will be difficult to do...

Lu Jinnan’s identity is not the staff of the embassy. There is no diplomatic immunity. He is detained for this crime. If the United States has made any “positive evidence”, they can execute Lu Jinnan.

Fortunately, the sons of their consul consuls were also arrested!

Bai Xiaonian thought of the last possible result. If it is not good, it is exchange...

However, when he thought that Lu Jinnan might suffer in it, Bai Xiaonian’s whole heart would be picked up.

After going back, Bai Xiaonian poured a few cups of coffee and gave Lin Wen a phone call back, so Lin Wen should not worry. Someone on her side could not protect her.

"You can rest assured! Lu Jinnan, I will not let him have something!" Bai Xiaonian clutched the coffee cup. "I have not divorced the **** yet!"

I know that Bai Xiaonian said that he was angry. Lin Wen did not take it seriously. He only said that Bai Xiaonian should not be too forced to himself. Fu Huai'an had already gone to the United States. Fu Huai'an would definitely rescue Lu Jinnan.

Hanging up the phone, Bai Xiaonian did not idlely look up and read about the exemption, and wanted to find the terms that apply to Lu Jinnan.

I didn't sleep all night, and when Bai Xiaonian looked up from the materials and books, the sky was already bright.

Bai Xiaonian took a sore neck and looked at his time. He didn't expect it to be more than seventy-four in the morning!

Seeing that time is too late, Bai Xiaonian washed his face, painted a light makeup out of respect, and did not eat a piece of food for breakfast.

Although Bai Xiaonian felt that she was a journalist, all efforts she made could not reach the result she wanted in the end, but this time she did not retreat. In order to Lu Jinnan, she must do her best.


After Lu Jinnan’s accident, Lin Wen did not sleep well. After Fu Huai’an arrived in the United States, he was afraid to disturb Lin’s warm rest, and sent a message of peace to Lin Wen’s.

After seeing the information, Lin Wen said to Fu Huai'an that Liang Shu will come over to take care of her and the group, so that Fu Huai'an can rest assured that nothing else has been said.

(End of this chapter)

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