Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 973: Lu Jinnan’s ghosts

Chapter 973 Lu Jinnan's ghosts

"Well..." Bai Xiaonian stumbled.

Lu Jinnan turned over and rolled over to Bai Xiaonian. The big hand slid into her nightdress and pushed the skirt of Bai Xiaonian up, and the breath was messy.

Then, Bai Xiaonian was half-awake and was set off.

That night, Lu Jinnan, who was injured, was very gentle and restrained. She tried hard to please Bai Xiaonian as Bai Xiaonian said before. It seems to be quite effective.


Early the next morning, Bai Xiaonian, who was very tired, opened his eyes and saw the magnificence of the face in front of him. The eyelids closed again, and the brain turned and the eyelids could not be lifted.

Is Lu Jinnan sleeping next to her? ! It seems... really Lu Jinnan.

She seems to have been taken advantage of Lu Jinnan last night, and it seems to be a dream...

After all, this is Lu Jinnan, Lu Jinnan has always been relatively simple and rude in this aspect of the situation, where it will be as gentle as a dream, so that she is so comfortable.

Lu Jinnan, who is only looking at his own iron straight man, how would he consider the feelings of his partner? !

The time they ran into the ground, it was not that Bai Xiaonian was uncomfortable and sad. Even if Bai Xiaonian was crying and uncomfortable, Lu Jinnan was not so rude that it was wrong, and even smug, and thought that he was super amazing! Bai Xiaonian does not know where she came from to gain confidence!

Forget it, sleep first, then ask him later! Bai Xiaonian, who had struggled for a long time without being able to open his eyes, slept.

After Lu Jinnan woke up, he did not bother Bai Xiao’s young hands and got up from the bed. He planned to prepare some food for Bai Xiaonian.

Don Juan said something very right. If you love someone, give her the softest side. Don't always care about the big man's face. Although it was not his style last night, Bai Xiaonian was comfortable, and Lu Jinnan was comfortable.

Lu Jinnan asked the assistant to send the clothes and the keys to the apartment next door. When he opened the refrigerator, he found that Bai Xiaonian’s refrigerator was full of water and convenience food, not even a milk or egg.

Fortunately, Lu Jinnan had plans to move to the next door of Bai Xiaonian's house. Therefore, Lu Jinnan asked every aunt to clean the housekeeping, and brought fresh vegetables and fruits to replace the old ones to prevent him from coming in.

Lu Jinnan took the slippers and took the key to the apartment next door. He opened the door and opened the refrigerator. Lu Jinnan’s face changed.

Probably the home economics, Auntie Lu Jinnan, there is always no one to live here, so there is a lucky feeling, and the money can be collected in the refrigerator of Lu Jinnan is empty.

Lu Jinnan closed the refrigerator door close to the thin door and gave the assistant a call to let him deal with this matter: "If you take people's money, you have to do things for others. If there is a reason to collect money and do nothing, teach her well!" ”

Lu Jinnan’s assistant understood that Lu Jinnan’s words nodded and said that he knew.

No way, Lu Jinnan had to go to the supermarket to buy fresh fruits and vegetables, just opened the door... I heard someone calling him.

"Jin Nan..."

The female voice with trembles is a little unbelievable, and there is temptation.

Lu Jinnan turned back and saw a woman with a delicate makeup looking incredulously at Lu Jinnan. The slender little hand with **** nail polish lifted up and covered her lips. She couldn’t see the trembling, and the big drops of tears fell.

The woman wore a red dress, high heels, black woolen coat, long hair shawl, intellectual and beautiful, slim and tall, as if she was an intellectual girl who came out of the pictorial.

Her voice choked: "Just... I saw it in the car just now, I saw you are taking a taxi... I thought... I thought I was wrong!"

Lu Jinnan saw that the women in front of her eyes seemed to be half-reacting, but they were there.

The intellectual girl seems to be unable to say it. She dropped her handbag in the arms of Lu Jinnan: "A Nan... Where have you been? I went to the house to find you, but I can't find it. I can't find it." They said that you bought an old will never come back!"

Lu Jinnan was almost stupid there, and the past was like a movie in his mind, hitting Lu Jinnan's scalp straight and numb.

"Hey... Trouble, don't you play this kind of reunion in the early morning at someone else's door?! Mr. Lu... Your home is next door! Going the wrong door?!"

Bai Xiaonian’s indifferent and cold voice came, and Lu Jinnan buckled his narrow waist and pulled her away from her chest: “Miss Hong, self-respect!”

The girl who was called Ms. Hong by Lu Jinnan had turned to look inside the house and saw Bai Xiaonian wearing pajamas...

Bai Xiaonian just woke up and had not had time to go to the bathroom, so he did not notice that his neck and chest were all strawberries planted by Lu Jinnan last night.

At this time, Bai Xiaonian, wearing a nightdress, walked toward the door, and Miss Hong saw what was unclear!

Bai Xiaonian grabbed a sweater cover from the door and saw Lu Jinnan holding the key of his house and handing it over...

Lu Jinnan spoke to Bai Xiaonian: "This is my former neighbor, there is nothing..."


Lu Jinnan did not finish talking, Bai Xiaonian directly closed the door.

Bai Xiaonian, who was angry, chilled his face and threw the keys on the shoe cabinet. He **** the long hair with rubber bands and lifted his feet toward the bathroom...

She frowned and squinted, took a handful of water and patted her face, then looked up at herself in the mirror.

What is her neck? !

Bai Xiaonian took off his sweater jacket and all the hickey marks on his neck and sling.

Last night, Bai Xiaonian thought that he had done a spring dream. He dreamed that he had been given a routine by Lu Jinnan. The **** first said that he was hugged, and later he had to be naked, then he later touched it, and finally...

Is it difficult or not? !

Bai Xiaonian’s face squatted down, thinking that the glamorous lady and Lu Jinnan who were just outside the door couldn’t say a harmonious picture, and the inexplicable heart was very dry.

The tempered white Xiaonian took a towel and wiped his face, and directly dropped the towel in the washbasin. His face was very ugly.

I thought that Lu Jinnan just called the lady Miss Hong, Bai Xiaonian’s face became more and more ugly, Miss Hong... Neighbors, childhood friends? !

Bai Xiaonian heard from the father of Lu Jinnan that Miss Hong, Lu Jinnan was killed because of her!

In the words of Lu Jinnan’s father, Hong Jinxi is more important to Lu Jinnan than his life. He is Lu Jinnan’s ghost.

Bai Xiaonian is inexplicably red-faced, her hands are on the absorption table, back to the mirror...

What is the so-called, it is also very good, this Hong Jinxi reappeared in Lu Jinnan's life, Lu Jinnan should be willing to divorce her!

Later, she walked her wooden bridge, he walked his Yang Guandao, all happy, should eat a cake ice cream, what to celebrate!

Think so, Bai Xiaonian really can't be happy.

Pre-existing Jun: This is the second more...

(End of this chapter)

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