Mr Fu, I Really Love You

Chapter 987: It’s too painful!

Chapter 987 is too painful!

The group heard that Lin Biao restrained his voice and said that his sister looked good and agreed very much. He had a small pride in his heart!

This is his sister, the world's first good-looking sister!

Seeing the small group hands on the edge of the bed, staring at the small round and happy face, Lin warmed one hand to support his body, whispered to the group: "Do you want to touch your sister's little hand?!"

The eyes of the group were bright, nodded strongly, then they shook their heads slowly and slowly, and the little hand licked their mouth and said to Lin Wen’s words: "Sister is sleeping, not good..."

Just after the group was finished, the small round and small hand moved, and the body stretched and opened his eyes.

Looking at my sister, I suddenly opened my eyes and watched my group stunned. I stood there in disarray. The two little ones looked at each other, and the group looked at their sister... and looked up at Lin Wen, and the line of sight fell on her sister. Face.

After the round eyes opened, there was no crying, and a pair of black eyes ignorant and understood.

Lin Wen pulled up the small hand of the group and put it on the round hand. The round is very good for the face and grabs the index finger of the group. It is still quite tight.

"Mom! Mom!" The group excitedly called her mother.

Lin Wenxiao laughed: "Do you like your sister?!"

Nodded and nodded: "Favorite!"

The newborn baby, the soft hand is like water, the group that is held by his sister is very nervous, and the nervous hands are sweaty and dare not move, let the sister hold his hand.

After giving birth to the child last night, I have to eat milk once in two hours, which is more tiring.

Lin Wen is planning to breastfeed. It is difficult at first, and it takes a long time to get a round milk.

Round up this point is to eat milk, after the child was handed over to Lin Wen, Lin Biao came out with a group, leaving Fu Huai'an and Liang Shu in the room to accompany Lin Wen.

Fu Huai'an was at the door, saw the little black eyes, and smiled and asked the group: "Is there a sister?!"

The small group nodded and happily raised his hand to see Fu Huai'an: "Sister... grab my hand!"

"Is it?!" Fu Huai'an raised his hand and licked the head of the small group. "The sister likes the group!"

"The group also likes the sister!" The small group said, and added a very serious sentence, "I like it!"

After that, the group swooped into Fu Huai'an's arms and held Fu Huai'an's neck with both hands: "I also like mom and dad most!"

Lin Biao stood on the side of the lips and couldn't keep going up. Although this child is not Lin Lin's biological family... but what is the difference with his own family, it is too painful!

The feeding time was very long. The group squatted on Fu Huai'an's shoulder and fell asleep. He heard Liang Shu open the door and said that it was a good meal. The group immediately climbed down from Fu Huai'an and ran into the ward.

Originally, I wanted to play with my sister for a while. After I went in, I found my sister fell asleep.

The group was standing next to the cradle, hands on the edge of the cradle and carefully looked at the sleeping circle.

The group had been staying in the hospital until 10 o'clock in the evening to follow Xiaolu. The group felt that her sister was so sleepy. Why was she always sleeping? He couldn’t help but ask Uncle Xiaolu...

This small land does not know why, racking his brains to the group: "The newborn baby is like this, their main task is to eat and sleep, then quickly grow tall and fat, wait until the baby grows longer Big, sober time is getting longer and longer, when the group can play with the sister!"

Xiao Lu explained that he had not heard the voice of the group. He looked back through the rearview mirror. He was already asleep in the child seat. His lips were shallow and upward, and he looked happy and satisfied.


The group went to the kindergarten the next day. Just put down the small bag and sat down. Xiaoxin and the little candy dragged their small bench around the group's desk and asked if the group had seen his sister.

The group nodded happily: "My sister is super cute..."

"Is there a photo?!" Little happy looking at the group, I can envy it, he also wants a cute sister, "I want to see!"

After shaking the head seriously, the group said: "Let's show you the next day!"

“I have seen a small round photo!” The little candy looked proud. “My mother has photos on her mobile phone, I saw it!”

Little happy face envious: "I want to see too!"

"Otherwise, after we wait for the group mother to go home, let's go see the group mother and sister!" Little candy suggested.

"Okay, okay!" Little happy looking to the group, "Can you group!"

The group thought about it and said, "I will go back and ask my mother."

"I want a younger sister..." Little happy looking at the group, suddenly a flash of light asked, "Can I also be your sister's brother?!"

The group rarely resolutely shook his head: "My sister!"

"Little happy, you want your sister to let your mother give you a sister!" Little candy road.

"But the group said that the baby wants to live with the father and the mother alone. My mother is not willing to see her father, how is it?!" Xiaoxin was guilty.

"I know this, I watched TV with you! It’s like this on TV..."

So, the three little babies got together and discussed how to make the little happy mom and dad give Xiaoshengsheng sister.

Basically, they are all small candy and Xiaoxin said, the group looked at them and looked at them both.

On the third day after Lin warm production, he returned to Fu Zhai.

Fu Zhai here has long arranged for the nursery and the nutritionist who specializes in Lin Wen.

Tang Hao, they had long wanted to see Lin Wen and Yuan Yuan, but when Lin Wengang just finished producing it, he felt that they were not very convenient. Now Lin warms back, and Tang Yan, they all look at Yuanyuan and Lin Wen.

After sending them away from Tang Yin, Lin warmed tired and sat on the bed, patted the round of his hand suddenly in his sleep, and he slept in the warm pat of Lin.

The group also slept with a small buttock and slept sweetly around the round.

Fu Huai'an came in from the door, Lin warmed his eyes, and sent the broken hair behind his ear and asked: "They are gone?!"

Fu Huai'an nodded. He walked over to sit on the edge of the bed and kissed Lin Wen's forehead: "All gone, tired today?!"

"No, they are all friends to see the children, I just sit here and do nothing... how tired!" Lin warmed up and leaned forward in front of Fu Huai'an chest, "Working hard!"

Fu Huai'an looked at the two sleeping children on the big bed and whispered Lin Wen: "Do you want to watch a movie?!"

Since she was pregnant, Lin Wen has never been to the cinema. Before she was born, she said to Fu Huai’an that she could not enter the cinema to see the Sea Eagle.

"I haven't had a month yet, can I go?!" Lin warmed up and looked at Fu Huai'an and looked forward to it.

Second, the third will be late, the baby should not stay up late, get up early in the morning to see, let thousands of squatting family bear children fall asleep, and then write the third, the bear child sleeps until 10 o'clock to wake up at The family is embarrassed, so the third is not enough to finish writing.

(End of this chapter)

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