Mr. Fu, You’ve Spoiled Your Wife Rotten!

Chapter 200: river of tenderness

  Chapter 200 Gentleness floods into a river

   Li Beibei said excitedly: "Let's throw darts, let's play darts and throw balloons."

  Fu Jingmo said: "There are no darts and balloons here."

  Li Beibei said: "No, we can do it ourselves, you forgot that there are many balloons in the gift box from the hotel just now."

  Fu Jingmo: "..."

  But Li Beibei was already excitedly going to the trash can.

  Actually, Li Beibei is now full of enthusiasm and wants to vent. What she wants to play most is gun shooting.

  In the past in her uncle’s barracks, she played target shooting with a group of special forces, which was exciting and fun.

   That's Li Beibei's favorite project.

   But now, without shooting, all Li Beibei could think of was throwing darts.

   Before Fu Jingmo could stop him, Li Beibei had already pulled out all the "balloons".

   Then I went to the bathroom, filled it with water, and tied it with a rope.

   Finally tied to the drying rack in the room.

  The rope is tied very long, so as long as you move the position of the clothes hanger, the rope will shake, and even the balloon will shake.

  Fixed position dart throwing is not too challenging for Li Beibei.

   This is more interesting.

  Li Beibei used the small metal forks provided by the hotel as darts, and almost every throw was accurate.

  The "balloon" burst, and there was a huge pool of water on the ground.

  Fu Jingmo sat quietly on the sofa and watched.

   Let her vent her energy.

  However, seeing Li Beibei hitting the target every time, Fu Jingmo always felt a certain part of his body was a little chilly.

  All night, Li Beibei jumped up and down like a crazy monkey, threw darts, made a bowling ball by himself, and then had to compete with Fu Jingmo in push-ups.

  It wasn't until after two o'clock that Li Beibei was finally tired, and fell asleep directly on the sofa.

  Fu Jingmo was buzzed by Li Beibei all night,

   So that when Li Beibei was finally quiet, the figure of her jumping up and down was still in his mind.

  At this moment, Li Beibei was exhausted, lying on the sofa and sleeping soundly, even breathing harder than usual, like a purring kitten.

  Fu Jingmo seemed to have no sleepiness.

  He simply sat on the table in front of the sofa, leaned over, and carefully looked at the girl in front of him.

  Li Beibei is very beautiful. In the entertainment industry, this kind of beauty is probably the kind that God chases and feeds.

However, despite this, she still feels a little immature, as if she hasn't fully opened her face, and her face still has a little baby fat. Fu Jingmo can even imagine what it will be like when she waits a few years, when her outline is completely clear Peerless.

  Li Beibei moved in her sleep, and one hand hung down.

  Fu Jingmo slowly picked up her arm, and put Li Beibei's little hand in his big palm.

  Her hands are very white. Although Li Beibei is very thin, her face is fleshy and her hands are round, as soft as cotton to the touch.

  Fu Jingmo gently touched Li Beibei's little hand, held it to his nose and smelled it gently.

  There is always a pleasant light fragrance on her body, which always makes people feel happy and comfortable from the bottom of their hearts.

  Fu Jingmo suddenly remembered many things in the past. To Li Beibei, he was her childhood, but to him, this girl was his youth.

  He always knew that she would be his wife one day.

  Fu Jingmo had never approached her so unscrupulously, staring at her, this is his girl.

  Inadvertently, the tenderness in my heart has flooded into a river...

  (end of this chapter)

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