Mr. Fu, You’ve Spoiled Your Wife Rotten!

Chapter 330: Mom, I hit it again

  Chapter 330 Mom, I’m knocked again

   The two of them ate the sweet candied golden dates one bite at a time.

   Chu Xiubai over there, gnawed on the bitter root of an unknown plant, and frowned as he ate it.

  【Haha, Master Xiao Bei and Fu Jiaojiao are eating alone, no wonder they have to turn their backs to Chu Xiubai】

  【What is the abnormal harmony in this scene】

  【Mom, I hit it again】

  Although I ate a lot of dates.

  But Li Beibei was still very hungry.

  At this moment, an unusual fragrance suddenly filled the air.

   is the smell of meat.

  Li Beibei sniffed, and asked Fu Jingmo next to him: "Am I hallucinating because of hunger? Why is it so fragrant?"

  Fu Jingmo said: "I smell it too."

   Li Beibei got up quickly: "There are people nearby."

   Yes, there are people around here, and very close to them.

   And they are having a big meal.

  Chu Xiubai also noticed it, dropped the plant in his hand and walked over.

  He soon saw a pile of date pits in front of Li Beibei and Fu Jingmo.

  Chu Xiubai: "..."

   Li Beibei said, "Let's go and see."

  The three followed the scent and walked cautiously in the rainforest.

  The closer you get, the stronger the taste.

   is the taste of barbecue.

  But who can roast meat so fragrant in this place without any condiments, it is so fragrant.

   Li Beibei was drooling all the way.

   Finally they found out.

  Three people hid behind the banana leaves.

  Li Beibei carefully peeled off a leaf.

   What comes into view is a huge grill.

  There is a whole roasted deer on it.

   Of course, there are also two people next to the shelf.

A short-haired woman, who looks very young, is wearing a camouflage uniform, combed neatly with a big back hair, is cutting venison with a dagger in her hand, and is stepping on the stone next to her, eating meat with big mouthfuls. He has the heroic temperament of a soldier with a trace of informality, and looks maverick and full of vigor.

  Li Beibei knew that this person was Mu Dan.

  The youngest female God of War in the legend.

  The one sitting over there roasting venison is also a young man.

   What attracted Li Beibei's attention most was the man's blue eyes. His facial features were very three-dimensional, with a European bone and an Asian face. He should be of mixed race, a very handsome guy.

  Besides him is a grill, there is also a pot, and there is even a box in front of him, which contains various seasonings.

  Li Beibei: "..."

  Fu Jingmo: "..."

  Chu Xiubai: "..."

   May I ask who brings pots and seasonings on this kind of program? Does he think this is a food column?

  But I have to admit that the roasted venison is charred on the outside and tender on the inside, with a tangy aroma.

  The three of them **** on Basho from behind for a while.

   Li Beibei said suddenly: "I'm going to deal with that female soldier, you must leave me a deer leg."

   Without waiting for the other two to speak.

  Li Beibei has already stepped out of the banana leaf.

  Over there, Mu Dan quickly found Li Beibei.

  She threw away the bone in her hand, clapped her hands and stood up.

  Li Beibei didn't speak, the two looked at each other for five seconds, and then Li Beibei ran away.

  The woman also caught up with lightning speed.

  Li Beibei is also very athletic.

   soon ran into the jungle.

  With the help of the vines hanging from the huge arbor, she quickly climbed up the tree, and then pulled the vines to run through the jungle, like a flexible monkey.

   And the same is true for Mu Dan over there.

  Climb up the tree with a few steps, and she can jump over the distance of several meters on foot. Even if there are only bowl-thick branches, she can still land firmly.

  She pursued Li Beibei relentlessly.

  (end of this chapter)

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