Mr. Fu, You’ve Spoiled Your Wife Rotten!

Chapter 529: Unlucky, if I had known you were coming, I wouldn't have come

  Chapter 529 Unlucky, if I had known you were coming, I would not have come

   "Qing Dai, you are so amazing, you can actually participate in a variety show directed by Xie Tao, and the ratings of each of his variety shows have broken records."

   "I've heard of this variety show. I heard that Yi Ziyao and Su Qing were invited. I'm so envious that you can partner with Yi Ziyao on the variety show."

   "It seems that our Qingdai is going to be a big hit, maybe we will become the second Li Beibei."

  Su Qingdai was very upset when she heard the name Li Beibei.

  Su Qingdai looked at that person with a cold face: "What is the second Li Beibei, I only want to be the first Su Qingdai, not the second so-and-so."

   Seeing Su Qingdai's reaction so fiercely, everyone hurried to please her.

   Even started to belittle Li Beibei.

  Li Beibei felt bored and planned to leave.

  When I just walked to the door, I happened to see the waiter bringing up a dish.

   Li Beibei knows almost everyone here.

  The handsome guy in the dining car saw Li Beibei and respectfully called Miss.

  Li Beibei quickly made a booing gesture.

  Li Beibei opened the lid on the silver tray, and inside was a dish of crispy wild vegetable pine meat with caviar.

   Li Beibei whispered, "Wait a minute."

  The little handsome guy is waiting there.

  In the meantime, Li Beibei grabbed a handful of soil from the landscape flower pot next to it, and then sprinkled it on it.

  The little handsome guy was shocked: "Miss, the guests will complain like this."

But Li Beibei smiled: "Don't worry, they only take pictures and praise the high-end of this dish, if they ask, you can say that this is our special ingredient here, it's called black pearl powder, understand ?”

  The little handsome guy nodded, Li Beibei clapped his hands, and left swaggeringly.

  Li Beibei stayed in Qingyulou for several days.

   Without Qing Yulou, the beauty master, Li Beibei suddenly felt very bored.

  Master Beauty has been away from Qing Yulou for several months.

  Since he left, there has been no news.

  Li Beibei actually felt a little nostalgic.

   In the past few days, Li Beibei has played everything that should be played.

  The only interesting thing is meeting Su Qingdai for three consecutive days.

  Su Qingdai has been feasting guests at Qingyu Tower for the past few days.

   enjoying the praise and envy of her friends.

  But Su Qingdai is not completely brainless.

  She didn't know where to make connections. Many of these people were well-known figures in the entertainment industry.

  One of them is the assistant director of "The Great Intern".

  After that meal, Su Qingdai and the assistant director booked a room in Qing Yulou, and didn't leave until the next morning.

  Li Beibei finally knew why Su Qingdai was able to participate in the variety show of interns.

   It turned out that he was selling his body again.

   Li Beibei felt disgusted.

   But from their conversation, Li Beibei also knew that the assistant director had already told Su Qingdai the confidential script and various shooting plans.

   And promised to create a pure character for her, making her an instant hit.

  Most importantly, they also made some smear points against other guests.

   Among them is Yi Ziyao.

  Li Beibei is feeling that the holiday life is boring.

   It's time to add some embarrassment to my former best friend.

  Li Beibei called Sister Shan.

  Sister Shan was surprised when she received a call from Li Beibei: "Beibei, it's rare for you to take the initiative to find me. Is there something wrong?"

  Li Beibei said: "Sister Shan, I remember you asked me last time if I wanted to participate in a variety show called "The Great Intern"."

  Sister Shan said: "Yes, you refused at that time."

  Li Beibei said: "Then is it too late for me to promise?"

Sister Shan seemed to pause for a while, and then said: "It's too late, it's a good thing that you are willing to join this variety show, Director Xie asked you by name from me before, I will tell Director Xie later, you will participate in the show recording."

  The official recording of "The Great Intern" was a week later.

  Although there is no fixed script for this recording, there are established rules.

  The main purpose is to show the most authentic side of the fledgling interns.

  First, eight guest interns will participate in the company's interview.

   Then after a period of training, the company will provide some positions for interns to compete for.

  Everyone's performance will be assessed by the company executive.

  The two people with the highest scores will receive a high bonus from the company and an employment agreement for the company's regular employees.

  After the student graduates, if he is willing to join the company, he can directly join the job.

  Of course, this reward is for social interns.

  The interns participating in this variety show are divided into two parts.

   There are four places for social interns, and four places for entertainers in the entertainment industry.

  Although he is an entertainer in the entertainment circle, the program group also strictly screens the students at school, which fully meets the status of an intern.

  Li Beibei didn't take up the artist's quota to participate in this variety show.

  Because she told Sister Shan at the time that Taiwan, artists and guests have all been settled.

  So it took up a place for a social intern.

  And Li Beibei knew that Yi Ziyao, Shangguan Waner, Senior Brother Qu Hai, and of course Su Qingdai would also be participating in this variety show.

  Yi Ziyao is naturally an artist, while Shangguan Waner and Qu Hai are members of society.

  Li Beibei judged that Su Qingdai should also occupy a social quota.

   Then there are three artists left.

  When all the guests arrived, Li Beibei didn't expect that all the guests in this issue were acquaintances.

  Xiao Ran and Sun Xiaoxiao came in together.

  Li Beibei couldn't help but secretly admire Sister Shan.

   Almost all the artist quotas were taken up by the artists under Sister Shan.

  Li Beibei greeted Xiao Ran and Sun Xiaoxiao.

  Su Qingdai also came over early in the morning.

  When she saw Li Beibei, her face changed drastically.

  How could Li Beibei be here.

  She obviously got the confidential guest information from the assistant director, and there was no Li Beibei in it.

  The appearance of Li Beibei caught Su Qingdai a little by surprise.

  However, she quickly calmed down.

  It doesn't matter if she comes, she still worries that she won't have the chance to avenge the humiliation she suffered before.

  After seeing Li Beibei, Su Qingdai even took the initiative to say hello: "Beibei, what a coincidence, we meet again."

  Li Beibei said: "That's really bad luck. If I had known you were here, I wouldn't have come."

  Su Qingdai was shocked, she didn't expect Li Beibei to disrespect her so much in front of many guests.

   Fortunately, the program has not yet started recording.

  Su Qingdai felt that with her current status, there was no need to look at Li Beibei's face.

   Besides, after the filming of the show, it is not certain who will cry and who will laugh.

  Su Qingdai also snorted: "Li Beibei, please be more polite to me, do you think I am still the same Su Qingdai from before?"

  Li Beibei glanced at her lightly: "Whether you are the former Su Qingdai is none of my business, who cares."

  Su Qingdai's teeth itch from anger.

  But at this time, there is nothing to do, so they can only go to the side.

  Shangguan Waner was also very happy to see Li Beibei, so he came directly to hold Li Beibei's arm: "Bebe, you are also participating in this variety show, why didn't you tell me?"

  Looking at Shangguan Wan'er, Li Beibei became much gentler in an instant, and said, "I decided to come here temporarily."

   Seven guests have arrived, and there is the last one left.

  The three girls quickly gathered together to chat.

  Sun Xiaoxiao took advantage of the beauty and whispered to Li Beibei: "Thank you for what happened last time."

  Li Beibei knew that what she was talking about was that in order to suppress her black material, Sister Shan deliberately exposed her relationship with Yi Ziyao as a couple.

  In fact, after being photographed at that time, it did set off a huge wave in the entertainment circle.

  But then Sister Shan also went into public relations.

  Currently, the entertainment industry is in a wait-and-see state regarding her relationship with Yi Ziyao.

  Half of the people believed it was true, and half of the people thought that this is what happened in the entertainment industry, and everything was hype.

  Li Beibei responded with a smile: "It's okay, it's a trivial matter."

  Sun Xiaoxiao is also a straightforward person: "In the future, if you have anything to do, just ask. As long as I can help, I will definitely accept it."

  Li Beibei nodded: "Okay."

  Shangguan smiled and surrounded the two of them: "I can't understand what you two are talking about."

  Sun Xiaoxiao just smiled and changed the subject instantly: "Do you know who the last guest is?"

  Shangguan shook his head with a smile.

  Sun Xiaoxiao said: "Inside information, it is said that the Japanese handsome boy Furukawa Kaede was originally invited, but it was changed at midnight yesterday, and finally the king of pop, Shen Anzhi, was chosen."

  Hearing Shen Anzhi's name, Li Beibei's breath paused.

  Shangguan Wan'er's eyes lit up with excitement: "Really? Beibei and I went to Shen Anzhi's concert a while ago, and we never expected to be able to record the same variety show with him."

Sun Xiaoxiao said: "Speaking of which, the lineup of our variety show is really too strong. You can see Beibei's popularity needless to say, the standard national girl, Yi Ziyao is the youngest actor, Shen Anzhi is the king of pop, Xiao Ran has also exploded recently because of the popularity of the first season of "Youth of the Country", it can be said that the future is bright, with the support of the four of you, it will be difficult for this variety show not to become popular."

  Li Beibei was still in deep thought, and Shen Anzhi even came to participate in this variety show.

   After that, contact will definitely be unavoidable.

   What would she say if he asked herself how she could sing "Shoreline"?

   While chatting, the door of the conference room opened.

   Shen Anzhi finally came.

  After Shen Anzhi came in, his eyes swept around the audience, and finally fell on Li Beibei.

   Then he smiled at Li Beibei, and then looked away.

   Li Beibei was a little stunned.

  He seemed to be greeting her in a low-key way just now.

  All the guests are here.

   At this time, the staff of the program group finally entered.

  This is the conference room of the TV station.

   Li Beibei also looked familiar to the staff who came in.

  Li Beibei quickly remembered that she was the assistant director who was hanging out with Su Qingdai in Qingyulou.

  Li Beibei glanced at Su Qingdai from the corner of her eye.

   Sure enough, there was a smug look on her face.

  The assistant director came in and introduced the recording process of this variety show to the guests.

  Actually, before this, Li Beibei and the others did not know any information about the recording of the program.

  Including the recording location and various rules.

The assistant director said: "It's a great honor to invite you. Next, our program team will conduct a one-month live-action internship variety show recording. This time we cooperate with Fu's Group, and Fu's Group will provide you with internship positions and internship dormitories. I hope Everyone has enjoyed the internship this month and gained a lot.”

   After saying a few words, the staff sent everyone a performance.

   is the internship process and recording content during this period.

   However, this is only a three day recording process.

  Today, their task is to visit the company, understand the company culture, conduct interviews and assessments in the afternoon, then divide into dormitories in the evening, and finally have dinner together.

  In fact, the itinerary is still full of arrangements.

  But what Li Beibei didn't expect the most was that the internship company that cooperated with the program group this time turned out to be Fu's Group.

   And the location of their internship turned out to be Fu's headquarters, that is, Fu's Building.

  Li Beibei seemed to feel something in the dark.

  But on second thought, it was impossible.

  Because it is impossible for Fu Jingmo to know that he will participate in this program.

   It might just be a coincidence.

   Moreover, Fu's Building is so big, so multi-storey, and there are tens of thousands of employees in it.

  In fact, if it is not deliberate, the chance of encountering it is extremely small.

   Besides, they are just low-level interns.

   Coming out of the conference room of the TV station, the recording officially started.

  But this time it is not in the form of live broadcast, so it can be more casual.

  Even if there are some "inappropriate" pictures, they can be edited perfectly in the later stage.

  The eight guests were divided into two groups, a group of boys and a group of girls, and the cameramen left the TV station in two commercial vehicles.

  Now they are going to the place of internship, which is Fu's Building.

  In the car, three girls crowded into the back seat, and Su Qingdai sat in the co-pilot.

  The car soon stopped in front of Fu's Building.

  Everyone get out of the car.

  Before that, the program team said that Fu's Building would also arrange for an employee from their side to be responsible for the assessment of their internship period.

  And when Li Beibei saw the familiar figure waiting in Fu's hall, he had a bad feeling in his heart.

  How could it be Chu Xiubai?

  Chu Xiubai saw a group of people coming in, and quickly stood up from the sofa in the hall.

  He directly connected with the assistant director: "I've been waiting here for a long time."

  The assistant director introduced Chu Xiubai to the guests: "This is Team Leader Chu. During the one-month internship period, he will be in charge of everyone's internship work, including score assessment."

Chu Xiubai smiled: "I know that you are all excellent people in your respective fields, but this month, you are just ordinary interns, and I will spend the next difficult but growing period with you. If you have any problems at work, you can report to me. Of course, if you encounter things in life, you can also tell me. I hope that in the days to come, everyone can get along happily."

  Chu Xiubai came over and shook hands with the guests one by one.

   When it was Li Beibei's turn, he smiled at Li Beibei.

  Li Beibei could see that there was a deep meaning in this smile.

  Li Beibei originally didn't want to touch Chu Xiubai, but considering that today was the first day of recording, she didn't want to draw too much attention.

  So he also extended his hand to shake Chu Xiubai's hand.

  But she really hated seeing the hypocritical smile on Chu Xiubai's face.

  So when they clasped their palms together, Li Beibei squeezed them calmly.

  Chu Xiubai almost twitched his face in pain...

  (end of this chapter)

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