Mr Gu’s First Doting Marriage

Chapter 1036 All coincidences linked

It's been a long time.

Xia Yangyang shook his head: "Impossible, impossible... how is it possible..."

But the more Xia Yangyang said, the more confident he felt.

It should be impossible.

But both of them have the surname Gao.

The Wenwutang that Gao Huizhi once founded happened to be a word of Bin.

When Gao Huizhi recognized her as his daughter, he said that he looked like an old friend he loved deeply...

The noodles he made taste exactly like his mother's...

Everything seems to be connected in series in the mind.

How can there be so many coincidences, everything seems to fit perfectly.

However, Xia Yangyang never, never thought about that.

Xia Yangyang felt that everything was really incredible.

Gao Huizhi is Gao Wenbin.

The godfather is Gao Wenbin, how is it possible?

Xia Yangyang stood up slowly.

Sit down on the stone chair next to Gu Qichen.

The whole person seems to have fallen into a wandering state.

The two sat on the chair like that for a long time.

After calming down, Xia Yangyang stroked his thoughts.

The more he felt that Gao Huizhi and Gao Wenbin were actually the same person.

In the past, Xia Yangyang wondered if the name Gao Huizhi had a story behind it.

It's like Yang Buhui in Jin Yong's martial arts.

But Xia Yangyang didn't expect that the godfather was the story itself.

Gao Huizhi is Gao Wenbin.

In other words, he is Gu Qichen's biological father.

He was also the one who loved his mother Qin Zhen deeply.

Xia Yangyang's mood became extremely complicated.

Xia Yangyang turned her head and asked, "Achen, when did you find out?"

Xia Yangyang finally understood why he looked so complicated when she said yesterday that she would bring Gu Qichen to meet her godfather.

Why in the past, when Xia Yangyang mentioned Gao Huizhi, he was always silent.

Gu Qichen already knew about it.

Gu Qichen said: "Since I knew my life experience, I have been investigating Gao Wenbin. I have established such a huge data network, not only to find you who is missing, but also to inquire about him. Do you remember? When I first met Xia Ye?"

Xia Yangyang remembered.

It was godfather's birthday that day.

Xiao Zhan also came back to celebrate Gao Huizhi's birthday, but he attracted Interpol.

But Xia Ye was with Xiao Zhan.

In the end, the two of them separated, and Xia Ye chose a passerby as a shield.

This passerby is Gu Qichen.

In other words, at that time, Gu Qichen was also in the hotel.

Xia Yangyang said suddenly: "So at that time, you came here for your godfather?"

Gu Qichen did not answer Xia Yangyang's question.

But Wu Zi said: "For so many years, I have been following his news, but Gao Huizhi's whereabouts have been very secretive, and he rarely appears in public, I have never been able to get close, that time, I happened to know that he would be in the world Hotel, I just wanted to take a look at it, but I didn’t expect what happened later.”

Speaking of which, if Xia Ye and Gu Qichen hadn't met, they wouldn't have developed to where they are today if something like that hadn't happened.

So many times, Xia Yangyang felt that fate was a written script.

They just followed the script step by step step by step.

Xia Yangyang felt a little emotional: "So you knew it so early."

Gu Qichen finally stood up: "Let's go."

Xia Yangyang looked up: "Where are you going?"

"Go back to Ping'an Hall, Xia Ye should be awake."

Xia Yangyang didn't say anything, just got up, and the two of them went back to the Peace Hall together.

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