Mr Gu’s First Doting Marriage

Chapter 1090 Whether he can wake up depends on his willpower

There seemed to be a brief silence in the room.

Then there was Gu Mingzhu's broken voice: "Hospital, take me to the hospital."

Gu Yuan seemed to be in a mess all of a sudden.

Gu Mingzhu didn't care about anything else at all.

Went directly to Ryan Hospital.

Naturally, the Xi retainers also panicked.

It happened so suddenly.

On the way to the hospital, Xia Yangyang's heart seemed to be pinched by someone.

My mind is still a little dizzy.

Xia Yangyang just felt a little overwhelmed.

How is Gu Chaohan now?

Will something happen?

Xia Yangyang couldn't imagine it at all.

My heart began to regret again.

Why didn't she think of it earlier.

Since the matter had already happened, why didn't she pay attention to it.

Xia Yangyang really didn't expect that the other party would attack so quickly.

Who is it?

Who the hell is so cruel.

Xia Yangyang's heart ached.

Soon to the hospital.

Several police officers from the police station stood guard in the corridor of the hospital.

Liu Jie sat on a bench in the corridor, holding his head in his hands.

It also has a look of guilt and depression.

Seeing so many people suddenly coming in the corridor, Liu Jie also stood up.

Gu Mingzhu was the first to rush forward.

Grabbing Liu Jie's clothes: "How is my son, tell me, how is my son?"

Liu Jie had a guilty look on his face: "I'm sorry, Mrs. Gu, we took precautions and took precautions, but we still let the villains take advantage of the loopholes. Fortunately, we discovered it in time, and we are still trying to rescue it. I hope it's all right."

The red light in the emergency room was on.

Gu Mingzhu almost collapsed.

He beat Liu Jie's shoulder hard: "You are the police, but you can't even protect the safety of one person. What kind of police are you? If something happens to my son, I will not spare you."

Liu Jie also had a look of remorse, and despite Gu Mingzhu's beating and scolding: "It's my negligence of duty, I'm sorry."

Xi Jiachen's eyes were red with anger and grief.

Xi Jiachen said: "My son's life is not something you can afford to pay for your dereliction of duty. If something really happens to Xiaohan, you will sue everyone in your police station and make you pay the same price. They are simply a bunch of trash, the drug trafficking case can’t be solved, but the important witnesses were killed by the gangsters right under their noses, what do you police need to do, I even wonder if you are with those gangsters.”

Liu Jie was said to have no ability to resist.

In fact, after the arrest of Gu Chaohan, he has been on guard.

Although when interrogating Gu Chaohan, Gu Chaohan didn't say a word.

But only he knows the whereabouts of the poison maker.

But when he found the poison maker based on his clues, he was already in a pool of blood,

This is obviously murder.

And every move of the police seems to be predictable in advance.

It was like having a pair of eyes, hiding in the dark and monitoring their every move.

There is an insider on the police side, and Liu Jie identified it early on.

But at present, he is more sure that it is very likely to be a powerful high-level police force.

At this time, the door of the emergency room was opened.

A group of doctors and nurses came out.

Gu Mingzhu and Xi Jiachen hurried over: "How is my son?"

The doctor took off the mask and said: "The patient was poisoned by ricin neurotoxin. The poisoning was already deep when he was sent here. After emergency treatment, his vital signs are stable at present, but he is not out of danger, and this neurotoxin may have already affected the patient. His brain has caused an irreversible impact, whether he can wake up depends on his willpower."

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