Mr Gu’s First Doting Marriage

Chapter 1285 What happened in the past eight years

Xia Yangyang couldn't believe it.

Xia Yangyang felt a terrible headache.

She covered her head: "It hurts...".

Lu Haotian said quickly: "Lie down and rest for a while. Don't think about it. Yangyang, everything has passed. It all happened five years ago. Now you are fine and we are very happy. You must Get well soon, we are planning to get married, and you will be my bride soon. I will take good care of you for the rest of my life."

Because Xia Yangyang was in too much pain, the doctor finally came over and gave her an analgesic injection.

After a while, Xia Yangyang's pain gradually eased.

I don't know if the medicine has taken effect, but Xia Yangyang's mood gradually calmed down.

But Xia Yangyang did not fall asleep.

My mind seems to be getting clearer and clearer.

Xia Yangyang tried hard to recall.

But these eight years still seemed like a blank, and Xia Yangyang couldn't remember the past at all.

And when Xia Yangyang wants to work hard to remember.

My head will hurt so much that I want to explode.

Xia Yangyang seemed to realize that she had really lost her memory.

And I forgot a lot of important things.

Xia Yangyang was lying on the bed.

Look at the ceiling quietly.

The tears flowed down silently.

After all, he still couldn't accept that Xia Liangdong had passed away.

He was actually killed by Liu Ruyan.

The woman he had shared his bed with for so many years.

Although Lu Haotian said that this happened five years ago.

But for Xia Yangyang, who suddenly lost her memory, this was sudden bad news.

He still remembered that the night before her birthday, Xia Liangdong excitedly said that he would give her a mysterious gift.

He said he would wait until her birthday to give it to her.

But Xia Yangyang's memory stayed on being pushed into the swimming pool by Xia Weiwei on her birthday.

Dad's gift hasn't been given to her yet.

Xia Yangyang didn't even know what gift her father had prepared for her.

Although he resented Xia Liangdong in his heart.

But knowing that he had passed away, Xia Yangyang still felt as if her heart and lungs had been ripped out.

She no longer has a father...

Xia Yangyang wished she could regain her memory immediately.

But after all, it didn’t happen.

During the past few days in the hospital, Lu Haotian talked to her about many things.

She told everything she had probably experienced in the past few years.

Xia Yangyang never expected that she would go to work in the United States after graduation and actually work for the world's largest media company for so many years.

In the past few years, she has been living in the United States with Lu Haotian, who is her only relative.

It was a rare holiday this time, and it was considered a pre-marriage trip, but they didn't expect to encounter such an accident.

When Lu Haotian said this, Xia Yangyang didn't doubt it at all.

Because Xia Yangyang's memory at this moment is the memory before she was eighteen years old.

Since she was thirteen years old, Xia Yangyang has never doubted that she would marry Lu Haotian in the future.

When Lu Haotian said this, Xia Yangyang took it for granted. This was the trajectory of her life.

It's just that Xia Yangyang still can't accept the missing eight years.

Xia Yangyang's feelings for Lu Haotian also stayed on her eighteenth birthday.

At that time, they were young, but they were still young people who had even retained their first kiss.

At that time, although I knew they would get married sooner or later.

But I just feel that it is still a very distant thing.

Xia Yangyang still can't accept their current relationship status.

Coupled with the sudden changes in life, Xia Yangyang had no time to sort out her current relationship status.

Xia Yangyang is still immersed in sadness these days and can't get out of it.

Always looking somewhere in a daze.


Lu Haotian opened the door and came in.

He cooked the porridge with his own hands again.

In Xia Yangyang's memory, Lu Haotian was a rich young man who never touched the spring water.

Now I can actually cook very well.

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