Mr Gu’s First Doting Marriage

Chapter 139 Changing corners

But Xia Yangyang really hated the way this man pretended to be stupid.

Xia Yangyang simply said: "Anyway, he is better than you, Gu Qichen, I don't want to go around with you anymore, if you still disagree with the divorce, I will talk to you directly with a lawyer, if you are not afraid of being exposed."

Gu Qichen remained calm on the surface, but the anger in his heart was already burning.

This woman can be regarded as capable. I'm afraid she can make him so angry in a few seconds. She is the first one in so many years.

In just three days, she filed for divorce with him three times.

Gu Qichen's voice became colder and colder: "Xia Yangyang, I forgot to tell you when I got married, there is no divorce in my Gu Qichen dictionary, only widowhood."

Xia Yangyang looked at the person in front of him in disbelief.

That gloomy face made people shudder.

She had never seen such a sinister side of Gu Qichen.

Gu Qichen slammed the door and walked out.

Soon, Xia Yangyang heard the roar of the car downstairs.

Gu Qichen left Fengting Villa.

Where is he going so late?

Are you looking for Shen Manbing?

Xia Yangyang was so tired that he fell asleep soon after lying on the bed.

Early the next morning.

Xia Yangyang went to the set.

When entering the dressing room, Xia Yangyang saw that everyone gathered together and seemed to be discussing something.

Everyone watched her come in, and there was no sound for a moment.

Looking at her eyes is also very strange.

Xia Yangyang looked puzzled.

Lu Yao came over with a worried expression on his face, and said, "Yangyang, you're on the entertainment headlines."

After speaking, he put an entertainment newspaper in Xia Yangyang's hand.

Xia Yangyang took a look, and saw the large-format eye-catching headline "The queen's fiancé cheats on a newcomer in the circle, 18 forbidden affairs in the middle of the night"

Below are a few pictures.

Obviously the paparazzi shot with a telephoto lens.

It's a shot of two people kissing in the corridor.

Xia Yangyang did remember that the corridors of Fengting Villa are transparent from north to south, and the southernmost terrace is a floor-to-ceiling glass window, presumably the camera shot from there.

The picture is not clear, but the outlines of the two people can be vaguely seen.

Her identity was revealed in the report.

But the words were sharp, pointing out that she was Shen Manbing and Gu Qichen's mistress.

And all kinds of rumors say that her new drama is based on sleeping with her.

As soon as the news came out, there was even more criticism on the Internet.

Shen Manbing's fans clamored, and launched a topic post of "Xia Yangyang get out of the entertainment industry", with tens of millions of viewers, the popularity was unprecedented.

Together with Chenyu's fans, they were also afraid that such a heroine would hurt their idol, so they joined the army of "strongly demanding that the heroine of Cinderella change roles".

Xia Yangyang's name was suddenly pushed to the forefront of public opinion.

Xia Weiwei walked over with her arms around her arms, and said gloatingly: "Xia Yangyang, you have nothing to say now, you still don't admit to being a mistress, I see how you clean up this time, Mr. Gu will meet at three o'clock in the afternoon If I were to hold a press conference, I would definitely distance myself from you, Xia Yangyang, if I were you, I might as well smash my head against the south wall and save myself from being drowned in the saliva of Diva fans."

Xia Weiwei was really happy in her heart.

She was the one who found the paparazzi. Last night when she saw Xia Yangyang going out in the middle of the night, she asked the paparazzi to follow her.

I didn't expect to hit such a big news.

Xia Yangyang will definitely not be able to turn over this time.

The most despised thing in the entertainment industry is the issue of style, and she intervened between Tian Hou and President Sheng Yuan, and it was still rumored that the two of them were engaged at a critical period.

As soon as the news came out, Sheng Yuan immediately said to hold a press conference, presumably because he was eager to clarify.

This kind of thing is too common in the entertainment industry.

This kind of thing is either refused to admit it, and if it is caught with a stone hammer, the weaker party usually takes the blame.

Such as active seduction, drunk sex and so on.

Of course, the man may give the woman a compensation for food and clothing for the rest of her life.

But no matter what, Xia Yangyang's acting career was completely ruined.

one more

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