Jiang Han said: "The upper floors of the hotel are on fire, causing gas explosions on every floor. It's very dangerous. We need to leave quickly."

When Xia Yangyang heard this, she quickly ran to the room.

Holding the hands of Xiaoxing and Xia Ye: "Little Xingxing, Xia Ye, something happened, please leave with me quickly."

Little Xingxing and Xia Ye also ran over obediently and walked to the door together.

Outside is a long corridor.

But the crowd was huge.

The elevator has already stopped.

The smoke alarm in the corridor kept going off.

Xia Yangyang hugged Little Xingxing directly.

Then he said to Xia Ye: "Xia Ye is holding on to my clothes. Don't let me get lost."

Xia Ye obediently grabbed Xia Yangyang's character.

But there were too many people in the corridor.

Jiang Han walked in front of Xia Yangyang, trying hard to help Xia Yangyang open a path.

Xia Yangyang just kept walking with the flow of people.

Shouts and sirens resounded throughout the world.

In addition, the smoke in the corridor is getting thicker and thicker.

Smoked people can barely open their eyes.

Xia Yangyang didn't know what the situation was now.

On a summer night, I was crowded with people and suddenly fell down.

Xia Yangyang stopped and quickly went to help Xia Ye.

Jiang Han also stopped.

He hugged Xia Ye directly.

Jiang Han said: "The smoke is too thick. I will hold the child. Yangyang, you must follow me. We will definitely be able to get out."

After Jiang Han picked up Xia Ye, he strode forward.

Finally arrived at the stairs.

The two people descended the stairs step by step.

Although Xia Yangyang tried very hard to keep up with Jiang Han.

But in the end, the figure in front of me gradually became invisible in the thick smoke.

Xia Yangyang had no choice but to follow the crowd down step by step.

I don’t know how long it took.

Xia Yangyang followed the crowd and finally ran out of the hotel building.

The fire trucks outside also came over.

The whole building was filled with thick smoke, and explosions were heard from time to time.

After taking in the air outside her respiratory tract, Xia Yangyang finally felt relieved.

Little Xingxing was also held in Xia Yangyang's arms and kept coughing.

Xia Yangyang began to search for Jiang Han everywhere.

But there were so many people that Xia Yangyang could not see clearly for a while.

Xia Yangyang shouted loudly in the crowd.

But no one responded to her.

Many people even gathered around and asked her if she needed any help.

The longer time passed, the more Xia Yangyang felt something was wrong.

She didn't see Jiang Han or Xia Ye.

Could it be that the two of them were still in the hotel and hadn't taken it out yet.

Xia Yangyang's heart, which had just been relieved, suddenly became anxious again.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems impossible.

Just now, Jiang Han was walking in front of Xia Yangyang in the corridor.

And from inside to outside the hotel, there is only one safe passage, the corridor.

Along the way, Xia Yangyang didn't see anyone fall down or get into trouble.

Everyone walked out in an orderly manner.

In other words, Jiang Han must have come out with Xia Ye in his arms.

But where are they now?

Xia Yangyang just felt that Jiang Han should be waiting for her somewhere with Xia Ye now.

But an hour passed.

Xia Yangyang finally realized something was wrong.

Xia Yangyang called the police. ,

And by this time, the fire in the hotel had been put out.

In fact, the fire this time was not as serious as imagined.

Just one room caught fire and a gas pipe exploded.

The thick smoke was deliberately created by smoke bombs placed on each floor.

This was defined as a terrorist attack by the police.

Fortunately, no one had any trouble.

But Xia Yangyang already felt that something was wrong.

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