Mr Gu’s First Doting Marriage

Chapter 1634 She is designing me, and I am using her

Xia Yangyang took Little Xingxing's hand and said with certainty: "It's true, Little Xingxing. Everything happening now is not what you imagined. These bad and terrible things are all fake. Don't worry, okay?" OK, everything will be fine."

Little Star suddenly became happy.

It turns out everything was fake.

Little Xingxing suddenly hugged Xia Yangyang's neck and kissed Xia Yangyang on the cheek.

Little Xingxing suddenly said: "Thank you, Aunt Yangyang."

Xia Yangyang didn't know why Xiaoxingxing thanked her.

But Xia Yangyang knew that little Xingxing must have experienced a tsunami in her heart.

Because of what she said, she finally calmed down.

What Xia Yangyang said was a result she could accept.

She is still so young, and her world is as clean as a phone world.

So she definitely can't accept that her mother is a witch and a bad person.

Xia Yangyang didn't want her to be influenced by hatred at such a young age.

She should grow up in a complete and loving environment.

Xia Yangyang touched Little Xingxing's face and smiled: "So, Little Xingxing, can you sleep well now?"

Little Xingxing looked very happy: "Okay, I'll go to bed now."

Little Xingxing happily climbed into bed and went to sleep.

Xia Yangyang and Lu Haotian went out.

Xia Yangyang closed the door carefully.

After closing the door, Xia Yangyang heard Lu Haotian sigh deeply: "Why don't you tell her the truth? Sooner or later, she will know what kind of person her mother is."

Xia Yangyang said: "I know that Little Xingxing will know one day, but I hope that by that time, she will have grown up and can distinguish right from wrong. She is too young now, and her world should not have so much darkness from the beginning. Even if I keep lying to her, I know that she will know it one day later, just one day later."

Lu Haotian said: "If Gong Xueer cared for her even one-tenth of the way you do for her, things would not be like this. She is not worthy of being a mother at all, and she never considers what she will do to her children. What kind of harm has the stars caused, she even attacked Xia's so heart-breaking..."

Thinking of this matter, Xia Yangyang was also frightened.

Now I can't even think about it.

Lu Haotian suddenly said: "I'm sorry, Yangyang. In fact, in the final analysis, these things are all because of me. I am the one who has caused you trouble."

Xia Yangyang didn't expect Lu Haotian to say this suddenly.

Xia Yangyang said: "Don't think so. Gong Xue'er is Gong Xue'er, and you are you. I will not connect everything she does with you."

Lu Haotian was silent for a while: "Don't worry, no matter what she does next, I will do my best to protect you."

Xia Yangyang looked at Lu Haotian intently, and then asked: "Actually, I have always wanted to ask you a question."

"you say."

"Before, you were forced to lose everything by Gong Xueer, you couldn't find a job, and your company went bankrupt. Is this all a lie?"

Xia Yangyang seemed to have guessed something from the first moment she saw Lu Haotian.

Lu Haotian didn't look depressed at all.

Lu Haotian was silent for a while: "Yes, it's all just a trick. At that time, while Gong Xueer was plotting against me, I was also using her. The company she wanted was just an empty shell. I guessed her methods. , I planned it early on. If you don’t want to go to the United States with me, I can only stay with you. I can’t survive here. Maybe you will leave me because of this. That’s what I thought at the time.”

Lu Haotian said everything calmly.

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