Mr Gu’s First Doting Marriage

Chapter 164 Shen Manbing makes a surprise visit

Gu Qichen answered a phone call and walked out of the private room.

Although Xia Yangyang was in the private room, he was distracted.

Xue Shaotang saw Xia Yangyang's thoughts and said, "Sister-in-law, you don't have to worry. I just checked. It's the company secretary's phone number. It must be because of some official business. Achen is different from us. There are not so many people around him. Duoyingyingyanyan, for so many years, only sister Bingbing..."

Xue Shaotang said it casually, but soon realized that he had slipped his mouth.

He patted his mouth angrily: "Look at my stupid mouth, don't mind sister-in-law, I'll punish myself with three drinks."

Xue Shaotang waved his hand: "Come and pour wine for the young master."

Xue Shaotang really punished himself with three cups, although Xia Yangyang said it was unnecessary.

It's a lie to say you don't mind.

Even his friends know that Gu Qichen and Shen Manbing have been lovers for many years, so they must have had a deep relationship for so many years.

Xia Yangyang never asked about the relationship between Gu Qichen and Shen Manbing, and he didn't dare to explore it.

At least Gu Qichen is now a competent husband, protecting her everywhere.

As for Shen Manbing...

Xia Yangyang felt that it was better to leave it to time.

At this time, the door of the private room opened suddenly.

Xia Yangyang looked towards the door, thinking it was Gu Qichen who had come back.

Unexpectedly, Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived.

The person who came in turned out to be Shen Manbing.

The lively atmosphere in the entire private room once again dropped to freezing point.

No one expected that Shen Manbing would appear here.

Even Mu Liancheng didn't expect that, because he knew that Gu Qichen was coming, Mu Liancheng deliberately didn't invite Shen Manbing.

Shen Manbing stepped on high heels and walked in. She was wearing a long black dress and a black suit on her shoulders. She had beautiful makeup and long wavy hair like seaweed, full of aura.

Shen Manbing walked in and said, "Liancheng, isn't it too embarrassing for you to not invite me for your birthday today?"

Mu Liancheng hurried forward to make amends: "Sister Bingbing, you are the queen of heaven, you are a very busy person, and your schedule is full on weekdays, so I dare not cause you trouble. I just have a birthday. It is not worth thinking about you, Sister Bingbing."

Shen Manbing took out a box and handed it over: "A birthday present for you."

Mu Liancheng was pleasantly surprised: "Sister Bingbing, how embarrassing this is."

Open it and see that it is a new limited edition watch of A.LANGE\u0026amp; SOEHNE worldwide.

Shen Manbing said: "I know you like to collect watches. I asked someone to bring this back from Germany. It is limited to 100 worldwide and has not yet been released. I think you will like it."

Mu Liancheng said: "Since I was a child, I have been the most generous sister Bingbing. Thank you, sister Bingbing. I like it very much."

Shen Manbing's gaze was already looking around in the private room, as if searching for something.

Finally, his eyes fell on Xia Yangyang.

Everyone was tense for a while.

Especially Mu Liancheng, who looked worried.

A busy person like Shen Manbing suddenly came to celebrate his birthday and gave him such a big gift, there must be some other purpose.

You know, except for Gu Qichen, Shen Manbing never puts them in his eyes.

She appeared here today, she must have known that Gu Qichen would come, and she probably came here for him.

It's just that Gu Qichen is not present now.

And her little wife doesn't look like Shen Manbing's opponent at all.

If Shen Manbing made things difficult on purpose, I really don't know how it will end.

Mu Liancheng signaled Lin Zhiwei who was next to him to go to Gu Qichen to rescue him.

Young Master Lin got up, and walked out of the private room calmly.

At this time, Shen Manbing had already walked in the direction of Xia Yangyang.

The second update~there is another update at night~sorry, something has happened these two days, I will try to update all at once in the future~ love you~ please ask for a ticket-~

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