One word set the room booed.

Young Master Gu can actually say such love words.

But this kind of words, spoken from his mouth in an ordinary and slightly cold tone, is not at all nasty, but it makes people's hearts throb.

All the girls present looked enviously at the little woman with her plain face.

First Young Master Gu actually did not hesitate to oppose Shen Tianhou because of her.

Shen Manbing even had an expression of disbelief.

She has been with Gu Qichen for so many years, how has Gu Qichen ever said a beautiful word.

She even began to doubt, was she in love with Gu Qichen in those years?

She always thought that he was born with a cold personality, why did he treat Xia Yangyang like a different person?

Xia Yangyang watched Gu Qichen drink a whole bottle of spirits, and said worriedly, "Are you okay?"

Mu Liancheng said from the side: "Sister-in-law, don't worry, Ah Chen is nicknamed the God of Dionysus, and he has the ability to stay drunk for a thousand glasses since he was a teenager."

Something flashed through Xia Yangyang's mind, but he didn't catch it. He always felt that something was weird.

Xue Shaotang asked again desperately: "Do you want to continue?"

Shen Manbing pinched her fingers tightly.

He almost gritted his teeth and said, "Come again!"

She didn't believe that she couldn't beat this girl today.

Xia Yangyang began to hesitate.

Gu Qichen smiled lightly and said, "You can play to your heart's content, at worst I'll help you drink."

The atmosphere seemed to be getting hotter and hotter.

Everyone is very curious about how this war between the two women will end.

The bottle spins up again.

Everyone's heart was suspended.

Finally, the bottle stopped slowly, bypassing Xia Yangyang and pointing at Shen Manbing.

Inexplicably, everyone felt like clapping their hands.

Feng Shui took turns, and finally it was Shen Manbing's turn.

Xue Shaotang also breathed a sigh of relief.

If he points at Young Master Gu's little wife three times in a row, according to Xue Shaotang's understanding of him, even if he keeps his face today, he will definitely settle the score later.

Everyone shouted in their hearts, this scene is really getting more and more exciting.

Just now Shen Manbing abused her like this twice in a row, now is a good opportunity to stand up and take revenge.

Especially the group of little Huadans in the circle tended to gloat over others' misfortune.

Shen Manbing usually stands tall, like a fairy in the world, they just want to see how embarrassed she is when she is pulled down from the altar.

Xue Shaotang observed the words and expressions.

Then he said to Xia Yangyang cautiously: "Sister-in-law, now you can make a request."

Xia Yangyang and Shen Manbing looked at each other, and it was the first time she dared to look directly into Shen Manbing's eyes like this.

Xia Yangyang said word by word: "I hope you don't come to disturb our life again."

Xia Yangyang's words were short and calm, but there was a kind of domineering and firmness that should not be underestimated.

Unexpectedly, this little girl looked so weak, but what she said had some weight.

Just now when Shen Manbing asked them to divorce, what she said was simply treating her like her own way.

Moreover, in her capacity, she has a little more confidence.

Shen Manbing sat there motionless.

But it could be seen from the slightly heaving chest and clenched fists that she had endured to the extreme.

What is this girl?

She appeared for no reason and snatched Gu Qichen away, but now she is telling her not to disturb their lives.

What qualifications does she have?

Does she know the relationship between him and Gu Qichen for more than ten years? Does she know what she and Gu Qichen have experienced?

She was so brazen.

All eyes fell on Shen Manbing.

Shen Manbing stood up, took a bottle of wine from the box, opened it forcefully, and said with a sneer, "No one in this world can order me to do anything."

One more~~

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