Mr Gu’s First Doting Marriage

Chapter 178 I've decided on this role, we'll see

After Xia Yangyang went to school, she went straight to the acting department.

Xia Yangyang checked the class schedule of the acting department online.

I know that Jin Fei'er has a cultural class at nine o'clock this morning, which is held in the lecture theater of Boya Building.

Xia Yangyang blocked the door before they finished class.

As soon as the bell rang for the end of get out of class, the students inside rushed out.

When they saw Xia Yangyang at the door, everyone's eyes were weird.

Even from time to time, Xia Yangyang could hear words like "Black Lotus" and "Green Tea Whore".

Sure enough, it was Jin Fei'er.

When Jin Fei'er saw Xia Yangyang, she folded her arms and smiled contemptuously: "Isn't this our hottest star recently? Why did he come to our acting department? Why, he filmed a movie , are you going to change majors?"

Xia Yangyang cut to the chase: "Did you post that post on the campus forum?"

Jin Fei'er pretended to be deaf and dumb: "I don't know what you're talking about. You pretended to be struck by lightning, and you were picked up by someone. Why did you come to me?"

Xia Yangyang said coldly: "Don't pretend, I have already found someone to dig out the ID of the forum. The registered account is your student ID. Do you still want to deny it?"

Jin Fei'er's face showed no guilt at all, on the contrary, she was full of complacency.

She said sarcastically: "So what if I posted the post? I'm not wrong. Didn't you use the prince to climb up to Gu Qichen? Didn't you become the protagonist of Cinderella because of your father? I just told the truth Show it to everyone, let everyone see your true colors."

Xia Yangyang said: "You know what the truth is. What you call the truth is the crime you want to impose. There is no reason to worry about it. And your real purpose is to slander me, frame me, and pull me off the popularity voting list for this campus festival." Come down, so that you can replace me as the heroine of the drama arranged by the school, the whole black lotus is not me, but you."

Just after class, there were already many people at the door of the classroom.

Seeing the two top figures in the school arguing, everyone stopped to watch. "

Many people even took out their mobile phones and recorded everything that happened there.

Jin Fei'er was directly exposed by Xia Yangyang, and she turned into anger from embarrassment: "Xia Yangyang, don't spit on people, I am already number one on the popularity list, why should I compete with you for a role that belongs to me?"

"It belongs to you, I don't think so, you are so obvious that you are a fool in the whole school? Jin Fei'er, let me tell you, I was not interested in this role at first, but now you have provoked me, Let me tell you now, I have decided on this role, we will wait and see."

After speaking, Xia Yangyang turned around and strode away.

There was a sigh behind him.

"Oh my god, Xia Yangyang is so domineering."

"Actually, what she said seems to be correct. Why did such a post suddenly appear at this juncture, and it is true that Jin Fei'er's votes are far ahead of Xia Yangyang's, and she was more than 10,000 votes less than her yesterday. This is obviously a scam. .”

"Could it be that what Xia Yangyang said is true? This post was really sent by Jin Fei'er to frame her..."

"Shut up!" Jin Fei'er roared angrily from afar.

But Xia Yangyang just said that in a fit of anger.

She hadn't considered whether to participate in the campus festival.

But now there seems to be no way out.

But Xia Yangyang didn't regret it. The weaker a person like Jin Fei'er was, the harder she bullied her.

Xia Yangyang used to calm things down not because he was afraid of her, but because he didn't want to be in trouble.

But now that trouble has come to her, if she continues to endure it, it will be really hopeless.

one more

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