Mr Gu’s First Doting Marriage

Chapter 1901 Why are you in my room?

Lu Yinxing gently pushed Xia Ye: "Brother, go back to your room and sleep."

Xia Ye stood up in a daze.

After walking a few steps, he fell on Lu Yinxing's bed and went straight to sleep.

Lu Yinxing stood up quickly.

He walked over and shook Xia Ye's body: "Why are you sleeping on my bed? If you sleep like this, where can I sleep?"

But Xia Ye had no reaction.

Lu Yinxing sighed.

It seemed that he was really overloaded.

Thinking about him working hard for me even now.

I couldn't bear to torment him any more.

Lu Yinxing could only move Xia Ye onto his bed and cover him with a quilt.

Xia Ye lay on Lu Yinxing's bed and fell asleep deeply.

Lu Yinxing was stunned for a while when he saw Xia Ye sleeping.

You know, when they were young, the two of them slept together.

Lu Yinxing also remembered that when he was a child, he seemed to be particularly dependent on Xia Ye.

Even I can't explain why.

She experienced many things when she was a child, some of which she has gradually forgotten.

But some things are still deeply imprinted in my mind.

Lu Yinxing still remembers that when the two of them started to go to elementary school, their parents gave them separate beds.

During that period, Lu Yinxing couldn't sleep every day.

He would sneak into Xia Ye's room in the middle of the night.

Lu Yinxing could sleep well only by sleeping next to Xia Ye like an octopus.

It took about half a year to get better after quitting this habit.

Speaking of which, ten years have passed in a flash.

Lu Yinxing no longer remembers what it feels like to sleep with Xia Ye.

But I still vaguely remember the smell of him.

That soothing smell.

On a whim, Lu Yinxing suddenly slowly lowered his head and leaned towards Xia Ye's neck.

Lu Yinxing closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

That's what it tastes like.

I feel like I'm back when I was a kid.

Lu Yinxing unexpectedly found that he was greedy for this taste.

Lu Yinxing opened his eyes and hit his head with his hand.

Lu Yinxing, what are you thinking about?

It's totally treasonous! !

After speaking, he stood up quickly.

He quickly walked out of his room.

Xia Ye slept in her room, so she could only sleep in Xia Ye's room.

The bed is soft on a summer night.

There seemed to be a faint scent on the pillows as well.

Lu Yinxing hadn't slept on this bed for many years.

She has always been a bed-sitter.

Even if you travel and sleep in a hotel, the quality of your sleep will not be very high.

But I didn’t expect that I slept particularly well today.

Sleep until dawn.

It was Xia Ye who woke her up.

When Lu Yinxing opened his eyes, he saw Xia Ye fully dressed and standing in front of the floor-length mirror.

Lu Yinxing sat up in a daze: "Why are you in my room?"

Xia Ye said: "Look clearly, whose room is this?"

Lu Yinxing looked around and then remembered.

I was too sleepy last night and slept in my room.

So the room she sleeps in now belongs to Xia Ye.

Lu Yinxing looked at the time on the wall.

It's already seven o'clock.

Almost late!

Lu Yinxing quickly ran back to his room to wash up.

The whole morning was like a battle, with chaos and chaos.

Fortunately, I wasn't late in the end.

When I parted ways with Xia Ye.

Lu Yinxing said to Xia Ye, "I will definitely do well in the exam today. Don't forget your promise then."

As soon as Lu Yinxing entered the classroom, he saw Katie Guo and Mai Xiaoqi.

Lu Yinxing felt a little worried when she thought about her confession that night.

Lu Yinxing walked over and asked, "Katie, are you okay?"

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