Mr Gu’s First Doting Marriage

Chapter 1939 Extra 086: Exploding Campus Forum

If you want to really get close to Night, you must first deal with Yin Yifan.

That is to attend his concert as the champion of Campus Voice.

This is the only chance.

The simple thing is that Lu Yinxing is quite confident about winning the championship this time.

In addition to the judges' scores, which account for 40%, the remaining 60% is online voting.

With Xia Ye here, their online votes will not be low.

At least it can win the votes of the vast majority of girls in the school.

The next day happened to be Saturday.

No need to go to school.

Lu Yinxing slept until three o'clock in the morning.

I was still woken up by the sound of my phone vibrating.

Lu Yinxing picked up the phone.

It was a call from Mai Xiaoqi.

Lu Yinxing picked up the phone: "It's so early, why bother me from sleeping in."

"Things have become like this, and you are still in the mood to sleep in, Lu Yinxing, why don't you sleep like a yo-yo."

Lu Yinxing was confused and had no idea what was going on.

"Xiao Qi, what happened?"

"Hurry up and go to the campus forum. Some people say that you visited romantic places and posted photos. Now the forum is about to explode."

Lu Yinxing felt a thump in her heart.

The sleepiness that was still drowsy at first suddenly woke up.

Lu Yinxing stood up in a hurry. He didn't even have time to put on his slippers. He ran directly to the desk and opened his laptop.

Open the campus forum, and the most popular are two posts.

Ranked second is the Campus Voice voting ranking.

This has always been the most popular.

But I didn't expect that at this time, there would be a post that was even more popular than the campus poll.

And the name of that post is "Qingheng high school student hangs out in romantic places, the pure goddess you don't know."

When Lu Yinxing saw this title, he felt so low that he exploded.

It seems that I can already imagine the contents in my mind.

When the recording connection was opened, a huge photo came into view.

The photos are very clear.

It was a private room in the Dihao Internet Cafe. When she and Wu Wei went to see Wu Mengmeng that day, they were photographed at some point.

At that time, they had not taken action yet.

Only she and Wu Wei were seen standing in the private room.

The sofa is full of bunny girls and boss boys who come to have fun.

That photo happened to capture Lu Yinxing's face very clearly.

Add the following ambiguous and deliberately misleading words.

The result was that she and Wu Wei went to and from romantic places.

Lu Yinxing's first reaction was not to read the slander below.

Instead, he looked for Wu Mengmeng’s voice in the photo.

Wu Mengmeng was wearing a bunny girl outfit.

It would be really bad if it was filmed.

Wu Mengmeng is in the photo.

But fortunately, the photo was taken when she turned her head away, so her face was not captured.

So you can't see it at all.

Lu Yinxing breathed a sigh of relief.

Lu Yinxing read the text below carefully.

Her identity was also revealed.

Anyway, she was labeled as a barber.

There was even a hint in her words that she might be kept by a rich man.


There are thousands of comments below.

Just scrolling through the popular comments is full of criticism and accusations.

"It's really a disgrace to Qingheng High School. These two are both scumbags from Class 13. Class 13 is simply the cancer of Qingheng High School, a group of rich second-generation people who are ignorant and have no skills."

"Before, they counterattacked in the monthly exam. I thought they had learned well, but I didn't expect..."

"Who knows if there was collective cheating in that exam? Otherwise, how could we have made so much progress all at once?"

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