Mr Gu’s First Doting Marriage

Chapter 1970 Extra 117: New Transfer Student

Lu Yinxing splashed on Xia Ye's bed for a while.

Then went back.

But after the matter was told, Lu Yinxing felt that her heart became much brighter.

Lu Yinxing just felt that since this kind of thing couldn't be solved, then let nature take its course.

Anyway, she has already told her hot spring brother that she doesn’t want to fall in love prematurely.

The next day.

Lu Yinxing went to school as usual.

Unexpectedly, when I walked to the school bulletin board, it was surrounded by people.

The last time it was so lively there, something happened to me.

The photos of those who went to the Emperor were posted on the bulletin board, causing a bloody storm in the school.

Lu Yinxing's first reaction was, what happened again?

Lu Yinxing didn't even bother to park his bicycle in the carport.

He directly said to Xia Ye next to him: "Brother, please stop the car for me and let me see what big thing happened over there."

So Lu Yinxing walked towards the bulletin board.

Lu Yinxing squeezed through a group of people like an earthworm.

Then drill right to the front.

Nothing bad happened.

Lu Yinxing saw that most of the people around him were girls.

At this moment, all the girls were very excited.

Almost screaming.

Lu Yinxing could even see pink bubbles in their eyes.

Lu Yinxing felt very strange.

It turns out that the news posted on the bulletin board is official news from the campus.

It turns out that Yin Yifan will officially transfer to Qingheng High School today and become a student of Qingheng High School.

And the surprising thing is.

Yin Yifan was transferred to their Class 13.

While everyone was excited, they also regretted why Yin Yifan didn't transfer to his own class.

Lu Yinxing's mood was more complicated.

I can't say I'm excited, but I'm relatively happy.

You must know that the first to get the moon is the one near the water.

Lu Yinxing naturally didn't have any thoughts about Yin Yifan.

But Lu Yinxing has regarded him as an intermediary between himself and his idol Night.

Yin Yifan is like a key to Lu Yinxing.

As soon as she opens it, she opens up a new world.

But since the last contact, Lu Yinxing only felt that Yin Yifan would not tell her the news about night so easily.

But now Yin Yifan has been transferred to her class.

Aren’t there more opportunities for contact like this?

When Lu Yinxing entered the classroom.

The classroom was abuzz.

Almost everyone is discussing this matter.

All the girls are the same as the girls in front of the bulletin board.

Almost all of them have happy and confident expressions on their faces.

When Mai Xiaoqi saw Lu Yinxing sitting down, she hurried over and said excitedly: "Yin Yifan is coming to our class, did you know?"

Lu Yinxing had already calmed down.

Lu Yinxing said, "I've seen the school's bulletin board."

Mai Xiaoqi wanted to scream: "What kind of bad luck did our class have? Not only did we pick up a top student from O'Class a few days ago, but now even the popular fried chicken has to be transferred to our class, Xingxing, you know Really? Now our class is the star version of the school, and its popularity has even surpassed that of the Ao class. Now all the students, including the students of the Ao class, are eager to transfer to our class."

Lu Yinxing said: "Don't be happy so early. In fact, there have been rumors for a long time that Yin Yifan only came to our school in name. You thought he would come to class. If he showed up at school, he would not cause an accident. That's why, They chose to name our class because only our class is considered useless in the eyes of others, and even absenteeism is normal.”

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