Mr Gu’s First Doting Marriage

Chapter 1974 Extra 121: On the cusp of the storm

Lu Yinxing was also a little confused.

What's the situation now.

This Yin Yifan somehow became his deskmate.

Lu Yinxing looked at the person next to him with an extremely confused expression.

After Yin Yifan sat down, he didn't specifically say hello to Lu Yinxing.

He just smiled lightly at her.

Because Yin Yifan still has some admission procedures to go through.

So we went out again soon.

Didn't come back all morning.

After class, everyone discussed this matter.

Mai Xiaoqi said: "Xingxing, why does Yin Yifan have to sit at the same table with you?"

Lu Yinxing said: "How do I know why he wants to sit at the same table with me? Maybe he just likes this position."

Katie Guo, Zhou Yimeng, and even Wu Wei and Wu Mengmeng gathered around.

Zhou Yimeng touched his chin and said, "It's not that simple. I think it must have been planned for a long time."

Lu Yinxing laughed: "It has been planned for a long time, so tell me what the conspiracy is?"

Katie Guo said: "It's the truth, Xingxing, I also feel that Yin Yifan looks at you differently. How can I put it that way? It's like a hunter looking at his prey. Xingxing, you seem to be his prey."

Lu Yinxing said: "You are exaggerating. He and I don't know each other at all, okay? And how could someone like him choose an ordinary classmate as his prey?"

But Katie Guo pouted at the side: "Do you have any misunderstanding about the ordinary? Your father is the president of Shengyuan Group, your Gu family is one of the top richest people in the city, your brother is a rare genius among geniuses, you look like She’s so beautiful, but if you say you’re an ordinary person, what do you want us to do?”

Mai Xiaoqi also nodded in agreement: "Xingxing, you have to be a little more confident. Maybe God Yin has taken a liking to you? You know, you performed so brilliantly on Campus Voice, and you will be his singer next As a guest performer at the event, it’s understandable that he has a deep interest in you.”

Lu Yinxing only felt that they were exaggerating.

Sure enough, I read too many romance novels.

I just feel that if the male god smiles at you, it is destined to last for three lifetimes.

Lu Yinxing didn't believe this.

Lu Yinxing only thought that the person next to her was just doing it to make it easier for her to be lazy and sleep.

What's more, there is no news at all about the concert guests that were promised before.

No one even contacted her.

Lu Yinxing actually didn’t want to be a guest at the concert at all.

She didn't care at all whether she could perform on stage.

What Lu Yinxing cares about is whether he can get news about night from Yin Yifan.

No matter which way it is.

However, now she and Yin Yifan are roommates.

Whether it was intentional or not, Lu Yinxing felt that this was God's help.

At least, with more contacts, it would be easier for Lu Yinxing to find out about Ye Shen.

During lunch, the school was already buzzing with news.

Said that Yin Yifan really came to school to enroll.

And then he will go to class like normal people.

Everyone's reaction was the same as the students in Class 13 at that time.

Get carried away with excitement.

But another hot topic is that no one understands why Yin Yifan was transferred to the 13th class at the end of the crane.

Regarding the seats, I don’t know who spread the word.

Anyway, now the whole school knows that Lu Yinxing and Yin Yifan are roommates.

And it was Yin Yifan who took the initiative to sit next to Lu Yinxing.

For a time, the name Lu Yinxing was at the forefront again.

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