Mr Gu’s First Doting Marriage

Chapter 2014 Extra 161: Wearing a skirt on a summer night

Lu Yinxing felt speechless.

I don’t know when I started to become a scandal sensor.

Several recent breaking news in the school seem to be related to her.

Katie Guo leaned behind the phone and said: "Xingxing, we are really envious of you. As soon as the male idol came here, you got it. But, having said that, have you and Yin Yifan known each other for a long time? He did it just for you. Transferred here?"

Some media outlets have dug deep into her identity.

There are indeed reports that she and Yin Yifan have known each other for a long time.

It was even said that Yin Yifan transferred here because of him.

Even become tablemates.

Even the classmates in the class now almost believe this statement.

Lu Yinxing explained for a while.

Everyone looked at Lu Yinxing with a "you're dishonest" look.

Lu Yinxing felt that he could not argue.

All I can say is: "When Yin Yifan comes over, you can ask him yourself."

Lu Yinxing only felt that it was impossible for someone with Yin Yifan's status to spread scandals with him.

Yin Yifan took a month's leave from school because of the concert.

The concert is over now.

It's time for him to come to school after three days off.

Besides, the final exam is coming soon.

Lu Yinxing felt that the person at the bottom of the class this time should be Yin Yifan.

Lu Yinxing originally thought that Yin Yifan would rest for a few days before coming over.

But I didn't expect that Yin Yifan would come over in the afternoon.

Many people asked Yin Yifan to confirm today's headlines.

Yin Yifan didn't say anything.

He just said lightly: "As long as you are happy, whatever you think."

Lu Yinxing knew that he was used to being surrounded by scandals, so he didn't bother to clarify.

But he said it casually.

Everyone took him as the default.

Lu Yinxing had an even worse headache.

So when get out of class was over, I asked Yin Yifan directly: "What's going on with you? Why don't you tell everyone clearly."

Yin Yifan said calmly: "Don't you know that this kind of thing is getting darker and darker as time goes by? Don't worry, all the scandals will not last more than half a month. Because I just finished the concert, and now the topic is lingering, so the media Just write random things and just ignore them.”

Lu Yinxing felt that Yin Yifan was right.

Scandals are inherently darker and darker.

What's more, she is not from the entertainment industry.

Everyone just pays attention to her temporarily.

Thinking this way, Lu Yinxing felt much more comfortable.

However, Yin Yifan said: "Why are you so unwilling to spread scandals with me? It seems like you are being treated badly. You know, there are countless people in the entertainment industry who are looking forward to spreading scandals with me. I said, Lu Yinxing, why are you so Don’t you want to see me?”

Lu Yinxing only felt that what Yin Yifan said was inexplicable.

This guy really has a serious case of prince's disease.

Subconsciously, I felt that I was extremely noble, so having an affair with him became something to be proud of?

Lu Yinxing rolled her eyes at him: "I have seen narcissistic people, but I have never seen someone as narcissistic as you."

Yin Yifan came over and said, "I'll treat you to dinner after school."

Lu Yinxing said: "No, I want to go home for dinner."

Yin Yifan suddenly said again: "How about you invite me to your house for dinner."

Lu Yinxing looked at the person in front of him with incredible eyes.

This person is too thick-skinned.

Yin Yifan looked a little unhappy: "Lu Yinxing, you seem to have forgotten how good I am to you. I spent a lot of effort to get that mask of Night. I am so good to you. Shouldn’t you treat me to a meal?”

Thinking of Night's black iron mask, Lu Yinxing was still very grateful to Yin Yifan.

What's more, the relationship between the guy in front of him and Night is extraordinary.

Otherwise, Night wouldn't be able to help temporarily.

It seems that the relationship between the two people is still good.

In the future, if she wants to see Night, she may have to rely on the person in front of her.

Lu Yinxing quickly changed his face.

Lu Yinxing said, "Okay, okay, I'll treat you to dinner, but remember to keep any good things you have in the future for me."

Yin Yifan looked at her sideways: "You are too realistic."

After school.

Yin Yifan still left in his private car.

He is special on campus after all.

Like a walking bomb.

Wherever he goes, there will be waves.

And when the two of them were smiling, scandals were rife.

Naturally, they can't let others see them being too close.

Lu Yinxing went to class one after school as usual.

Then go back with Xia Ye and the hot spring.

Lu Yinxing didn't say that Yin Yifan would have dinner with them today.

Because the hot spring seems to be very Yin Yifan.

Lu Yinxing would not mention him unless he mentioned it in front of him,

On the other hand, I always ask Yin Yifan about hot springs.

Arrive at the entrance of Fengting Villa.

Go home to the hot springs.

Only Lu Yinxing and Xia Ye were left.

Lu Yinxing said: "Yin Yifan went to our house for dinner today."

Xia Ye glanced at Lu Yinxing: "Why?"

Lu Yinxing said, "There's no reason. I'm just inviting friends to my house for dinner."

Xia Ye frowned: "When did you and him become such good friends?"

Lu Yinxing said: "There is no harm in making friends with a big star. Besides, if he gave me such a gift, I should treat him to a meal."

Xia Ye was silent for a while, but then said: "Remember to stay away from him in the future."

Lu Yinxing didn't know why Xia Ye suddenly said such words.

In fact, ever since she was little, Xia Ye had never cared about Lu Yinxing's friends.

Lu Yinxing still felt quite serious when he suddenly said such words.

Lu Yinxing said: "Why don't you and Wenquan like Yin Yifan? In fact, I think he is quite good, and he works very hard and has no airs."

Lu Yinxing was really confused.

Xia Ye's voice was tepid: "Anyway, don't fall into it. Although he is handsome, he is not with you at all."

Lu Yinxing felt even more baffled.

Lu Yinxing said: "What have I gotten myself into? Why do you think I have something to do with him? I'm not interested in him at all. It's all because of my idol Night, and I won't fall in love prematurely. You just Do not worry."

It's not that Lu Yinxing didn't know Xia Ye's thoughts.

Probably because he was afraid of her falling in love.

After all, in the eyes of others, Yin Yifan's charm seems irresistible.

After all, she was also at the age when she first fell in love.

Xia Ye is like her parent.

Afraid that she would fall in and get hurt.

Lu Yinxing completely felt that they were overthinking.

She has no interest in falling in love at all.

She just wants to chase stars.

As expected, Yin Yifan's car was parked outside the gate.

But he had already gone in first.

Just went in.

Aunt Qin said: "Xiaoye, Xingxing, a guest just came and said he is your classmate. He is very good-looking. He is in the living room now. The husband and wife just called and said that they will not be back in the evening. What kind of dinner are you going to attend? You didn’t tell me that some classmates are coming over today. Whatever you want to eat, I’ll make it for you.”

Before Lu Yinxing could speak, Xia Ye spoke: "Aunt Qin, just prepare casually, just like usual, just keep it simple."

"How can this be done? It's rare for guests to come over, so of course we have to entertain them well."

Xia Ye simply said: "There is no need to treat him as a guest."

After that, he went upstairs.

Lu Yinxing frowned.

It seems that Xia Ye really doesn't like Yin Yifan.

Just why?

After all, Yin Yifan was the friend he invited.

Xia Ye went upstairs to find out.

Lu Yinxing said to Aunt Qin: "Aunt Qin, prepare some more dishes, that's my friend."

Aunt Qin smiled and said yes.

"Thank you Aunt Qin."

After finishing speaking, Lu Yinxing also went upstairs.

Yin Yifan was sitting in the living room on the second floor.

At this moment, Xia Ye is also there.

Xia Ye's eyes fell on Yin Yifan.

Yin Yifan is very familiar with it.

A smile on his face.

When he saw Xia Ye, he waved: "Hi, Ye."

Xia Ye frowned: "Am I familiar with you?"

Yin Yifan has already walked over.

A sinister smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Then he leaned close to Xia Ye's ear.

He said in a tone that only two people could hear: "Aren't you familiar?"

Xia Ye's eyes turned cold.

Yin Yifan's eyes changed instantly

Lu Yinxing walked over and said with a puzzled look on his face: "What are you talking about?"

Yin Yifan said with a smile: "Nothing, I'm just saying hello to your brother. I've heard about Oban's super academic god for a long time. I just want to make friends, but Xingxing, your elder brother, really left me cold."

Lu Yinxing was a little embarrassed.

Xia Ye always had this cold attitude towards people she didn't know well.

Not to mention, Lu Yinxing felt that Xia Ye was still a little prejudiced against Yin Yifan.

It's even less possible to give him a good look.

But this Yin Yifan still has prince's disease.

I feel that people all over the world should revolve around him.

He is a guy with a very strong sense of presence.

This kind of person will definitely not gain much benefit from Xia Ye.

Lu Yinxing only felt that the atmosphere was awkward.

The best thing to do now is to separate the two people.

Lu Yinxing quickly grabbed Yin Yifan's arm: "Forget it, I'll follow you to the room."

Yin Yifan raised his eyebrows: "Okay, I'm just curious about what your room looks like."

So Yin Yifan and Lu Yinxing left the living room under Xia Ye's gaze.

Lu Yinxing just wanted to separate the two people.

So he took Yin Yifan directly into his room.

Lu Yinxing's room is very cozy.

Most of the things were arranged by Xia Yangyang.

Xia Yangyang always treats her like a little princess.

So her room is mostly pink.

After Yin Yifan came in, he smiled and said, "This seems to be Barbie's room."

Lu Yinxing touched his head: "This is my mother's taste."

Yin Yifan smiled: "Your mother has very good taste. It can be seen that you grew up very happily in such a family."

Lu Yinxing said: "Of course I am very happy, but my parents cannot come back today because they have something to do. Otherwise, I can bring you to meet my parents."

Yin Yifan pretended to be exaggerated and said: "Is it time to meet my parents? I'm not mentally prepared yet."

Lu Yinxing rolled his eyes: "What are you thinking about?"

Yin Yifan looked around and walked around: "I was joking."

Yin Yifan saw a wall in Lu Yinxing's room, and there were various certificates posted on the wall.

It is a certificate of merit in various youth competitions.

There are Mathematical Olympiad competitions and physics competitions.

Yin Yifan was surprised: "You have won so many awards?"

Lu Yinxing said, "Look carefully."

Yin Yifan took a closer look.

The names of the winners are all Xia Ye.

Yin Yifan said: "Why are your eldest brother's certificates posted on the wall of your room?"

There was a hint of pride in the corners of Lu Yinxing's eyes.

Lu Yinxing said: "My eldest brother has always regarded reputation as dirt. I gave him these certificates and threw them away within a few days. So I collected all the certificates he received since he was a child. These are just A very small part of it.

Lu Yinxing took out a booklet from his bookcase.

Lu Yinxing said: "Look, there are so many more."

A thick side full of honors gained by Xia Ye.

And some are nationwide.

Although I know that guy is a genius and a monster.

But this is really terrible.

Yin Yifan turned over it and said, "You are too kind to your brother."

Lu Yinxing said: "I only have one brother, so of course it's better."

"But your elder brother doesn't seem to treat you well, he's cold and cold."

Lu Yinxing said dissatisfiedly: "My brother is very good to me, he has that kind of character."

Yin Yifan curled up his lips: "It seems that it is difficult to sow discord between you."

Yin Yifan closed the certificate: "I'm not interested in your eldest brother's honorary deeds. By the way, do you have any photos for me to see?"

"What picture."

"Photos of you when you were a child."

Lu Yinxing said: "Then let me look for it."

Soon Lu Yinxing found the photo album.

This is a photo taken very early on.

Keep pressing the bottom of the box.

Haven't turned it over in several years.

Yin Yifan seemed very interested in these photos.

Turning the pages enthusiastically.

Yin Yifan looked through it and said, "It seems that there are only your childhood photos, why are there no birth photos of you?"

These photos were basically taken after Lu Yinxing was five years old.

Because she was adopted by the Gu family.

Before he was five years old, he was still in the medicine house of Ping'an Hall.

Of course there are no photos from that time.

But Lu Yinxing didn't tell others intentionally that Lu Yinxing was adopted.

So Lu Yinxing didn't answer either.

Yin Yifan quickly saw an interesting photo and then changed his attention.

The photo is of a boy.

A little boy in a skirt.

Yin Yifan stared at the photo for a while and said, "Isn't this your big brother who is as cold as an ice sculpture?"

Lu Yinxing looked over and saw that it was indeed a photo of Xia Ye wearing women's clothing.

Lu Yinxing remembered.

This was still a very young age.

I had a serious illness.

At that time, Xia Ye was really obedient to her.

Once she was lying on the hospital bed and couldn't eat anything.

Xia Ye wanted to let her eat more.

He said that as long as she wanted to eat, he could agree to any conditions.

I don’t know what I was thinking at the time.

Lu Yinxing said that she wanted to see Xia Ye wear a skirt.

Today is just one chapter, but it’s still 4,000 words

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