Mr Gu’s First Doting Marriage

Chapter 2145 Extra 289: Private

Lu Yinxing said to Xia Ye, "Do you have anything else to do?"

Xia Ye shook his head.

Lu Yinxing simply closed the door.

After closing the door, Lu Yinxing felt an inexplicable feeling of guilt in his heart.

Ever since she was little, she couldn't bear to say a word to Xia Ye out loud.

But she lost her temper yesterday and yelled at him like that today.

Lu Yinxing felt very conflicted.

But Lu Yinxing didn't want to think about this anymore.

Lu Yinxing lay on the bed again.

Lu Yinxing took out the phone from the pillow.

She casually flipped through her previous chat history with him.

I felt angry, sad, lost, and uncomfortable at the same time.

Lu Yinxing wanted to smash his phone or delete all the information.

But in the end, I put it gently in the drawer of my tap cabinet.

Lu Yinxing continued to be depressed in bed.

The days after the college entrance examination are originally the most relaxing days for a student. But Lu Yinxing was trapped in these emotions and couldn't extricate himself.

Lu Yinxing didn't go out these days.

I locked myself in my room all day and didn't eat well.

After a few days, I actually lost a lot of weight.

Xia Yangyang was a little worried when she saw her daughter's condition.

She could also tell that the relationship between the two children was unprecedentedly tense.

But Gu Qichen always advised her to leave it alone and let the two children handle it.

In the end, Xia Yangyang didn't care.

After Lu Yinxing was alone in the room for three days, he finally agreed to visit Yin Yifan's home.

Lu Yinxing figured it out.

Now in real life, the only person involved with Night is Yin Yifan.

Since Xia Ye didn't know him, she could still find out through Yin Yifan.

When Lu Yinxing went out, he happened to see Xia Ye coming out of the room.

The two of them had not spoken for two days.

Lu Yinxing glanced at Xia Ye and turned to leave.

Xia Ye watched her put on a skirt and couldn't help but wrinkled, but didn't say anything.

Lu Yinxing went to Chengnan Apartment.

This apartment is in a suburb, but it is a well-known wealthy area.

Many celebrities will buy an apartment here.

Because the privacy here is very good.

The entire apartment is surrounded by water, and access is through a yacht.

So this makes it completely inaccessible to reporters.

Naturally, Yin Yifan also has a house here.

But this was Lu Yinxing’s first time here.

Standing at the pier, a special yacht came to pick her up.

After Lu Yinxing got on the yacht, he arrived at the door of the apartment complex in five minutes.

What’s here is simply unique, completely postmodern style.

High technology is everywhere, as if it has surpassed the current technology.

Lu Yinxing, guided by the robot, finally arrived at the door of a high-rise apartment.

Yin Yifan lives on the top floor.

After Lu Yinxing went upstairs, he was led directly from above and finally stopped at a door.

At this time, Yin Yifan already knew that she was coming.

Open the door and stand at the door to greet.

Lu Yinxing lamented: "Being a guest at your home is like traveling into the future."

Yin Yifan smiled and said: "How about it, it's cool. I was shocked when I came here for the first time. I decided at that time that no matter whether the vacation here is sky-high or not, I must buy a house here and have a house that belongs to me. My own private space, Silver Star, let me tell you a secret, this is my secret base, you are the first person to come here besides me, even my agent doesn’t know about this place.”

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