Mr Gu’s First Doting Marriage

Chapter 2149 Extra 293: Height

Lu Yinxing shook his head: "If I go out to eat with you, I will definitely be watched. It will be even more troublesome if there are any scandals. Forget it, do you have instant noodles at home?"

Yin Yifan quickly walked to the snack box on the sofa and pulled out various flavors of instant noodles. "Yes."

Lu Yinxing said: "Then let's cook instant noodles."

Although Lu Yinxing can't cook, he can still make instant noodles.

Lu Yinxing thought that in the past, when he occasionally cooked instant noodles on summer nights, he would add some vegetables.

In addition, Yin Yifan's refrigerator is full of various ingredients.

So Lu Yinxing cooked instant noodles and added some vegetables and luncheon meat.

After the instant noodles are cooked, they have a strange aroma.

The two people brought the pot directly to the dining table and took the bowls and chopsticks.

When you open the instant noodle pot, the air is filled with fragrance, and the pot is also rich in colors, making you mouth-watering.

Yin Yifan quickly scooped up some and took a bite.

Then he gave a thumbs up and said: "It's so delicious. This is the best instant noodles I have ever eaten."

Then he started eating.

It was rare for Lu Yinxing to see Yin Yifan eating so well.

But it's no wonder, I remember when they were filming together.

Because Yin Yifan has to strictly control his weight, all meals include boiled vegetables and yellow chicken breast.

Lu Yinxing lost his appetite after seeing those.

So of course this rich flavored instant noodles is a delicacy for him.

Lu Yinxing sighed silently in his heart again, being a star is not that easy.

Finally I saw Yin Yifan finishing all the soup.

Lu Yinxing asked a little worriedly: "Can you eat so much? Besides, instant noodles are junk food for you celebrities. Your manager will scold you to death if he knows."

Yin Yifan said: "Normally I won't eat, but when you come here today, it's rare for me to be indulgent. At worst, I'll have a salad tomorrow. Silver Star, I didn't expect your craftsmanship to be so good. The instant noodles you make are simply the best in the world." tasty."

Lu Yinxing only thought it was too exaggerated.

It's just instant noodles, without any technical content.

Lu Yinxing said: "I don't know how to cook at all. If you have eaten the food made by my brother, you will know that it is said to be the most delicious in the world. My brother is also a genius in cooking."

Yin Yifan's eyes moved: "You seem to admire your brother very much."

When Lu Yinxing thought about Xia Ye, he suddenly realized that he hadn't spoken to him for several days.

But after coming out, when I mentioned my eldest brother, I still felt that indescribable pride and pride in my words.

This is the inertia of life since childhood.

Lu Yinxing sighed: "Maybe in the past, but not anymore."

After all, I was still angry.

Also very contradictory.

Yin Yifan seemed to see something and asked tentatively: "Did you quarrel with your elder brother?"

Lu Yinxing has been thinking about this matter in his mind for several days.

I don’t want to mention it at all now.

Lu Yinxing said: "Forget it, let's not talk about him. What are your plans next? The summer vacation is so long, will you take over filming a TV series?"

Yin Yifan said: "My agent gave me half a month of vacation and asked me to use this half month to carefully select scripts."

As he said that, he pointed to the sofa, but there was a pile of scripts, like a small hill.

This is not only rest, but also work.

However, one advantage of Yin Yifan's status is that he can choose the movies he wants to film or the actors he wants to work with. c

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