Mr Gu’s First Doting Marriage

Chapter 2157 Extra 301: Running wildly

To be honest, that moment.

Even if I face this face every day and live under the same roof every day.

But Lu Yinxing was still so handsome.

Under the dim light, Xia Ye's face seemed to be plated with gold.

His eyebrows, his outline, as if they should not exist in this world, but should be in comics.

That face is really too pretty.

Lu Yinxing seemed stunned.

Fortunately, I have lived with him under the same roof all year round, so I have seen this face so much that I have become immune to it.

No wonder so many girls in school are so popular with him.

Lu Yinxing quickly regained his senses.

Lu Yinxing asked, "Why are you here?"

Xia Ye asked back, "What's wrong with me here?"

Lu Yinxing said: "Don't you not attend such parties?"

"Who said I won't participate? Did you ask me?"

Lu Yinxing had nothing to say.

But I was furious inside.

Obviously that's not what I want to ask.

Lu Yinxing said: "Forget it if you come to participate, why did you invite me to dance, and why did you lie to me again?"

Lu Yinxing thought about it, and it seemed that this was what made him angry after all.

Xia Ye said: "What did I lie to you? I just invited you to dance. Besides, there are so many people wearing masks. I don't know it's you under the mask."

Lu Yinxing didn't believe his lies.

How could he not recognize her?

Lu Yinxing recognized him at a glance.

Lu Yinxing said, "Did the hot spring ask you to come here?"

Lu Yinxing thought for a long time, and after much deliberation, this was the only possibility.

It must have been Wenquan who called Xia Ye and somehow got him to attend the graduation dance on campus.

Lu Yinxing has not yet reacted.

Someone next to me suddenly exclaimed: "Look, it's Lu Yinxing, the heroine of Cinderella!"

Lu Yinxing hasn't reacted yet.

The crowd around them has already swarmed up.

"He is really a big star, so isn't the person opposite him Yin Yifan?"

"Oh my gosh, can you sign your name for us?"

"Get out of the way, I want to take pictures."

At some point, Xia Ye had already put on the mask.

But Lu Yinxing lost his mask in the crowded crowd.

More and more people came around.

The banquet hall was instantly in chaos.

Just when Lu Yinxing didn't know what to do.

I just felt my arm being pulled by a force.

Then he was pulled by someone to break through the siege.

They ran all the way.

Go all the way down from the safe passage.

But there was still a large circle of people following closely behind them, chasing relentlessly.

Finally got out of the gym.

The two of them still ran all the way.

The people behind never thought of stopping.

For the first time, Lu Yinxing felt that chasing stars could be so terrifying.

Finally, they passed by a laboratory building corridor.

The people around me turned around.

A door opened directly.

Pull her into it.

Then the door closed.

Lu Yinxing's back was pressed against the door frame.

Xia Ye almost clings to her body.

In fact, Xia Ye leaned over and put her ear to the door.

Listen to what's going on outside.

Lu Yinxing could also hear the sound of footsteps outside, like thousands of troops.

But it quickly disappeared.

Probably because of the crazy run just now.

Lu Yinxing's heart beat violently and he couldn't calm down for a while.

And his concentration is particularly concentrated, and his whole body is like a taut string.

Gradually I heard the footsteps gradually getting away from outside.

Lu Yinxing's string gradually relaxed.

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