Mr Gu’s First Doting Marriage

Chapter 2161 Extra 305: The truth

Lu Yinxing quickly opened it, and inside the box was a night of steaming seafood porridge.

Lu Yinxing looked outside the door, but there was no one there.

Lu Yinxing quickly moved the small table in.

Could it be a late-night snack from Aunt Qin?

But Aunt Qin, you might leave things outside the door.

Lu Yinxing took a bite. It was delicious.

But Lu Yinxing ate it in one bite.

This was done on a summer night.

Instantly, Lu Yinxing felt an indescribable complex emotion in his heart.

Lu Yinxing finally finished the entire bowl of porridge.

When he was lying in bed after eating and drinking, Lu Yinxing began to think about life.

For the first time, Lu Yinxing began to think about whether what he did was going too far.

Xia Ye did it for her own good. Without him, she might not even be able to go to college.

If the person Xia Ye pretends to be is not night, will she be so angry?

It seems not!

Lu Yinxing never quite understood.

Why was he so angry when he was deceived by Xia Ye?

It doesn't seem to be entirely due to night.

Sometimes, Lu Yinxing even felt that if Xia Ye didn't expose her and kept pretending like this, Lu Yinxing would feel much better.

The next day.

Lu Yinxing woke up very early.

She delivered yesterday's bowls, chopsticks and food box to the restaurant.

But he found that there was another hot breakfast on the table.

These are Lu Yinxing's favorite things to eat on weekdays.

Aunt Qin happened to come over and said doubtfully: "Xiaoye is cooking again today? Are you dissatisfied that the breakfast I made is not delicious?"

Lu Yinxing said quickly: "Aunt Qin, the food you cook is delicious. Brother, I feel sorry for you. He has to take care of us two every day."

Aunt Qin's eyes narrowed: "I'm here just to take care of you two, right?"

Lu Yinxing sat down to eat breakfast, and his mood became even more complicated.

Ever since she was a child, Xia Ye has never shown kindness like this.

Xia Ye has already given the steps, which are paved with gold. Should he just accept them as soon as he can?

Lu Yinxing went to Yin Yifan's place again during the day.

When the two of them were eating instant noodles for lunch, Yin Yifan asked casually: "You and your elder brother haven't reconciled yet?"

Lu Yinxing raised his head: "How do you know?"

Yin Yifan said: "How could I not know, his old man Tiantian."

When he said this, Yin Yifan suddenly shut up again.

Lu Yinxing looked up at Yin Yifan: "What do you want to say?"

Yin Yifan avoided looking and coughed twice: "After all, he is also your brother, so don't argue with him, otherwise you will regret it when you know the truth in the future."

Lu Yinxing was even more confused: "The truth? What truth?"

Yin Yifan was even more secretive: "I didn't mean that. I meant that there was no overnight feud between brothers and sisters. You have been fighting for so long. Let's do this. We invite your brother over to have a meal together tonight, just treat it like this. Can you two reconcile?"

Lu Yinxing raised his head and looked at Yin Yifan with a confused look on his face: "Is there something you are hiding from me? How come you look so familiar with my brother?"

To be honest, Yin Yifan is a complete outsider in this matter.

Lu Yinxing rarely mentioned Xia Ye here.

Yin Yifan knew a lot.

Yin Yifan said: "I care about you so much, so I naturally know a little about your elder brother's affairs. I see that you have been depressed these past few days, and it must be because of this matter. I am just doing this as a peacemaker. Secondly, , I can still make friends with your eldest brother, don’t think too much about it.”

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