Mr Gu’s First Doting Marriage

Chapter 2180 Extra 324: Love

"I heard Uncle Liancheng say that they were separated for many years when they were young, so they cherished it more when they were together. Brother, I heard that you used to live with your mother. Did your parents get divorced when they were young?"

Xia Ye said, "I don't even remember what happened when I was a child."

Gu Tiantian curled his lips.

He couldn't remember anything. He was a genius with hyperamnesia and obviously didn't want to say it.

She was born late, so she didn't know many things.

For example, she only found out not long ago that her second sister was adopted.

Of course, Gu Tiantian still loves this sister as always. Although they are not related by blood, they will always be relatives connected by fate.

She had heard many elders tell her parents' love story when they were young. It had twists and turns, but it was not enviable.

Because if a love requires so much hardship, maybe most people won't be able to persist.

Gu Tiantian likes watching movies, and she likes the love between childhood sweethearts in movies.

Not too exciting, but full of warmth.

In fact, she had already seen that Brother Wenquan liked the second sister. Ever since he was a child, he never seemed to take his eyes away from the second sister, so it was naturally impossible for him to see his little tail.

Every time she confesses her love in a hot spring, she almost always bumps into him accidentally.

Just like today.

Brother Wenquan actually planted star grass in the yard.

Maybe one day in the future, they will really get married.

The following days passed very peacefully.

Because they will start school soon.

It's not like I'm not excited inside.

Boys and girls of this age have escaped the intense life of high school and entered the freest golden period of life.

Like a bird out of its cage, it longs for the blue sky.

Moreover, Lu Yinxing also got good news, that is, Wu Mengmeng also enrolled in A University.

Wu Mengmeng's college entrance examination scores are very good, and she can definitely go to Xinya College of Tsinghua University.

It’s also incredible that she chose A University in the end.

It is said that Wu Mengmeng's stepmother, Wu Wei's biological mother, seemed to be standing in the way.

Lu Yinxing even called Wu Mengmeng because of this matter, saying that if Wu's family was financially restricted, their family would be willing to support her until she graduates from college.

But Wu Mengmeng said: "Actually, no, my second mother is very good to me now, but she did not do well in the exam for no reason. She is afraid that Wu Wei will go astray in the future, so I should keep an eye on him."

Wu said that his college entrance examination results were completely normal, and as expected, he was at the bottom of the class.

It is said that his family was afraid that he would fly too far to go to university and be lawless, so they spent a lot of money to let him go to A University.

It turned out to be this reason.

Lu Yinxing was still a little aggrieved in his heart: "Why should that brat drag you down if he didn't do well in the exam? You obviously have better choices, why should you give up a better environment because of him!"

Wu Mengmeng was silent for a while and suddenly said: "I volunteered."

Lu Yinxing was stunned for a moment, suddenly remembering something.

When they were at summer camp together before, on that isolated island...

Lu Yinxing said bluntly: "Mengmeng, you two... are not in a relationship."

There was no denial, just silence.

Lu Yinxing understood instantly.

Lu Yinxing said: "But you..."

Wu Mengmeng and Wu Wei are half-mothers...

Wu Mengmeng said: "Yinxing, it's not what you think."

However, Wu Mengmeng was obviously unwilling to say more.

Lu Yinxing felt that he shouldn't ask more questions.

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