Mr Gu’s First Doting Marriage

Chapter 2188 Extra 332: Stay Overnight

Moreover, they are freshmen, and dormitory students are not allowed to sleep outside.

There will be a ward check at eleven o'clock.

It's even past time for ward rounds.

Lu Yinxing was debating whether to cause trouble or not.

The phone rang suddenly.

It was roommate Hu Xinlei who made the call: "Yinxing, why haven't you come back yet? We just made the rounds and we put pillows in your bed to get away with it."

Lu Yinxing breathed a sigh of relief.

Lu Yinxing said: "I was with my brother, and I lost track of time while watching a movie."

Hu Xinlei exclaimed: "So that's it, will you come back tonight?"

Lu Yinxing thought for a moment and said, "Forget it, I won't go back today. If the dormitory aunt finds out, she will hurt you all."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Yinxing fell into trouble again.

Now that you've gotten through it, you definitely can't go back again.

But how will she sleep tonight?

The apartment was too small and only had one bed, although the bed was big enough.

But after's a bit bad.

There is a sofa downstairs, but it is so small that you can only curl up on it.

She thought the sleep was so poor that she might roll off the sofa.

Lu Yinxing paused for a while.

He turned and glanced at Xia Ye beside him.

Forget it, the eldest brother is already asleep anyway.

He only took up a little bit of bedside space.

It shouldn't be a big deal if I sleep here for one night.

Anyway, it’s not like we haven’t slept in the same bed before.

At worst, he'd have to go to school before he woke up tomorrow morning.

Now that he has made his decision, Lu Yinxing feels much more relaxed.

Swaggeringly went to the closet to find Xia Ye's shirt to use as pajamas.

Xia Ye is tall, so her shirt is big.

Lu Yinxing wore it as if she were wearing a long, loose skirt.

After taking a shower, Lu Yinxing came up again swaggeringly.

Anyway, I won’t wake up on a summer night.

Lu Yinxing lay on the bed with his back stretched out and even did fifty sit-ups.

Then she lay down.

The bed smells so good.

It's a smell unique to Xia Ye.

Lu Yinxing fell asleep quickly.

But just after Lu Yinxing fell asleep, Xia Ye's eyes suddenly opened next to him.

Xia Ye's eyes were clear.

Listen to the even breathing behind you.

Finally, he couldn't hold it back and turned over.

This girl, shouldn't he think that he can sleep peacefully when she sleeps next to him?

I have a habit of sleeping on summer nights.

There is a small spotlight on the bedside.

The light from the spotlight is not bright.

It is a warm yellow, and when it is shrouded, it has a warm color.

From Xia Ye's perspective, Lu Yinxing's side face could be clearly seen.

Lu Yinxing looked particularly well-behaved when he was sleeping.

Her skin was as tender as a peeled egg.

Probably because she had just taken a shower, I always felt that there was a light fragrance on her body, like a gardenia in bud. The closer you got, the richer the smell, which made people want to explore. Go over and smell it.

Lu Yinxing is not the kind of girl who looks stunning at first glance.

But it’s the type that makes you feel more comfortable the more you look at it.

Her face is not the popular oval face, but a little baby fat.

It looks very cute.

Lips are like jelly.

Xia Ye felt her throat tighten and frowned unconsciously.

Xia Ye was about to turn around.

Lu Yinxing turned over in his sleep and lay half on top of him like an octopus.

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