Mr Gu’s First Doting Marriage

Chapter 2190 Extra 334: Flashing

The yard has been carefully landscaped.

It's like Alice in Wonderland.

The scent of flowers is mixed with the aroma of fruit boxes and various creams in the air.

Many of Gu Tiantian's classmates came over.

The yard was extremely lively.

Gu Tiantian was wearing a princess dress and chatting with classmates in the yard.

Lu Yinxing saw it and walked over.

Gu Tiantian was very happy when he saw Lu Yinxing and Xia Ye coming over quickly: "Brother, sister, you are back."

Lu Yinxing presented his gift.

Gu Tiantian took one look and liked it very much: "Thank you, sister."

Xia Ye also sent gifts over.

Xia Ye gave me a new computer.

Gu Tiantian also accepted it happily.

After Gu Tiantian accepted the gift, he kept looking back.

When he was sure that there was no one behind Lu Yinxing, he suddenly asked with some disappointment: "Where is Brother Wenquan?"

Lu Yinxing said: "He has something to do at school today and will arrive later."

Hearing these words, Gu Tiantian's expression instantly softened.

Lu Yinxing had a great time chatting with Gu Tiantian's classmates in the courtyard.

She was originally a child queen.

So everyone also likes her very much.

But Xia Ye stayed for a while and then went up.

Xia Ye didn't like the excitement at all, which Lu Yinxing understood very well.

Lu Yinxing stayed for a while, suddenly curious about what Xia Ye was doing.

He also entered the house.

Xia Ye was not in her room.

Lu Yinxing searched for a long time and finally saw Xia Ye on the balcony of the second floor.

He took a cup of Coke himself and stood on the balcony, overlooking the lively scene below.

Lu Yinxing looked at his back.

Suddenly there was an indescribable feeling.

For the first time, I felt that Xia Ye might not dislike the excitement.

Maybe I just can't get into the excitement.

Lu Yinxing walked slowly over and walked to Xia Ye's side.

Lu Yinxing said: "I didn't expect Tiantian to be fourteen years old. I still remember when she was born, she was just a little bit in swaddling clothes. Now she has grown into a big girl."

Xia Ye turned around and glanced at Lu Yinxing: "Such old-fashioned words really don't seem to come from your mouth."

Lu Yinxing glanced at her: "I can't say that time is like an arrow, time flies like a shuttle."

Xia Ye suddenly laughed: "Yes, I still remember the first time I saw you. You almost went into shock because you ate chocolate secretly."

Lu Yinxing puffed up his cheeks and said, "I didn't eat it secretly at all."

"You knew you couldn't eat sweets, but you still ate them. What's this other than stealing?"

When Lu Yinxing was a child, he had diabetes intolerance, a very strange and difficult disease that prevents him from eating sugar.

Lu Yinxing said: "I was still young at that time, but speaking of it, time has really changed a lot of things. When I was a child, I couldn't eat candy. I thought candy was the most beautiful thing in the world. In fact, at that time, I I have understood a very important truth in life, that is, what you can’t get is always the best in this world.”

When Lu Yinxing said this, he unconsciously turned his head to look at Xia Ye.

However, she found that Xia Ye's eyes were also falling directly on her.

Eyes facing each other.

Lu Yinxing's heart stopped inexplicably.

Xia Ye's eyes were very deep, even deeper than this night.

It's like a black hole that can suck people's souls in at any time.

And, for a moment.

Lu Yinxing could feel that something seemed to be shining again in Xia Ye's eyes.

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