Mr Gu’s First Doting Marriage

Chapter 2193 Extra 337: Getting married

After saying that, Xia Ye entered the house.

Lu Yinxing felt baffled.

As the night grew darker, the guests dispersed.

The courtyard has also returned to its former quietness.

I don’t know if I was too excited at night.

Lu Yinxing lay on the bed, tossing and turning but couldn't fall asleep.

And at this time.

Lu Yinxing's door rang.

Lu Yinxing was also surprised.

I originally thought it was a summer night.

I was wondering in my heart that I was still awake so late in the summer night.

Get out of bed and open the door.

But Lu Yinxing didn't expect that it was Gu Tiantian standing at the door.

"day by day?"

Lu Yinxing was very surprised: "Why are you here?"

"Sister, I want to sleep with you today, okay?"

Lu Yinxing looked at her holding her teddy bear.

This is Gu Tiantian's favorite toy, and he can only sleep with it every day.

This teddy bear was given by the hot spring.

Lu Yinxing quickly opened the door: "Come in quickly."

Gu Tiantian has been very independent since he was a child.

Even in Lu Yinxing's memory, she always slept in a separate room.

Gu Tiantian is just like Xia Ye, although he is not a genius.

But she has been smart since she was a child.

Always number one in school.

He is also generous and kind-hearted, and is loved by everyone.

Lu Yinxing always felt that she had a maturity that was not suitable for her age.

Ever since I was a child, I have never shown attachment for half a year.

So Gu Tiantian suddenly came over, which made Lu Yinxing feel surprised and a little worried.

Lu Yinxing said: "Tiantian, why do you want to sleep with me today?"

While talking, Lu Yinxing had already made Gu Tiantian's bed.

Gu Tiantian said: "Sister, I am very happy today."

Lu Yinxing could see it before.

But now, Gu Tiantian was very calm when he said this, and he didn't look half happy.

Lu Yinxing said: "As long as you are happy."

Gu Tiantian was already lying down. She hugged her teddy bear, looked at the ceiling and said, "Sister, I never told you that I like Brother Wenquan."

Lu Yinxing felt his heart move.

What Xia Ye just said at the door came to mind.

But Lu Yinxing felt something was wrong.

Lu Yinxing also lay down.

Lu Yinxing said, "I know, Brother Wenquan is just like our relatives."

"Sister, do you like Brother Wenquan?"

Lu Yinxing replied almost without hesitation: "Of course I like to be like you."

Gu Tiantian seemed to curl his lips.

A trace of helplessness flashed across her face.

Lu Yinxing had almost never seen Gu Tiantian show such an expression.

It didn't look like a thirteen-year-old's expression at all.

He looked so melancholy.

Lu Yinxing seemed to hear Gu Tiantian sigh.

Gu Tiantian said: "Sister, my preference must be different from yours."

Lu Yinxing was very surprised.

Gu Tiantian continued: "I hope that one day, I can become Brother Wenquan's bride."

These words really scared Lu Yinxing.

Lu Yinxing even sat up directly: "What did you say?"

Gu Tiantian looked at Lu Yinxing calmly and smiled: "I said, I hope to marry Brother Wenquan one day."

Lu Yinxing's voice became louder: "Tiantian, how old are you? Why do you think about this?"

To be honest, Lu Yinxing is twenty years old this year.

Although Wenquan also joked about confessing to love several times and proposed marriage several times.

Darkroom Lu Yinxing has never thought about this.

For Lu Yinxing, getting married was still as far away as a dream.

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