Mr Gu’s First Doting Marriage

Chapter 2640 Extra 784: Tangled

Lu Yinxing said: "You are a good dancer."

Xia Ye raised her head and glanced at Lu Yinxing: "Really?"

Lu Yinxing looked at this look and felt that there was something profound about it.

Lu Yinxing lowered his head: "Yes, your dance teacher is quite beautiful."

When Xia Ye heard Lu Yinxing say this, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, "Are you jealous?"

Lu Yinxing quickly explained: "How is it possible? She is your teacher. How could I be jealous because of this?"

Xia Ye raised her eyebrows: "If you don't like her, I will change the teacher tomorrow."

"No, I really don't like her, and I have nothing to be jealous of. I'm just your sister."

Lu Yinxing didn't know why he suddenly blurted out such words.

Maybe Lu Yinxing wanted to draw a clear line with Xia Ye in his subconscious.

Only in this way did Lu Yinxing feel safe.

But Lu Yinxing regretted it after he said it.

I had a gut feeling that Xia Ye would be unhappy.

Lu Yinxing looked up at Xia Ye.

Sure enough, Xia Ye's face turned gloomy.

But Xia Ye didn't have an attack.

He just said: "What have you been busy with these two days?"

Lu Yinxing casually said: "Work overtime."

Xia Ye then looked up at her: "You lied."

Lu Yinxing did not work overtime these two days.

The whole person was in a daze because of that incident.

She didn't ask like Xia Ye.

Xia Ye said, "I went to the hospital to look for you last night, but you weren't even in the hospital."

Lu Yinxing didn't expect that Xia Ye would go to the hospital to find her.

Lu Yinxing said: "Xia Ye, you are a public figure now. You always run to the hospital when there is nothing wrong. It will cause unnecessary trouble and commotion not only to you, to me, but also to everyone else. The hospital is a place to save lives and heal the wounded. In the future, you Don’t come to the hospital to find me.”

Xia Ye snorted coldly: "Don't change the subject. This is not the point. The point is that you are lying. Why did you lie to me? Where did you go last night?"

Hearing Xia Ye's questioning tone, Lu Yinxing was inexplicably unhappy.

Lu Yinxing said, "I just went out to have hot pot with friends. You don't need to check your household registration like this."

"Eat hot pot, just eat hot pot, why should you lie?"

Lu Yinxing sighed: "I just said it casually, and I didn't mean to lie to you. I have been worried about a lot of things recently, so don't pursue it so much, okay?"

The atmosphere seemed to condense slightly.

Lu Yinxing didn't come here to quarrel.

But many things weighed on Lu Yinxing's shoulders like a big mountain.

Lu Yinxing also couldn't control his emotions.

Xia Ye didn't ask any more questions.

After dinner, there was training in the summer evening.

Lu Yinxing didn't stay long and left directly.

After leaving the company, Lu Yinxing suddenly felt sad.

In fact, she wanted the two of them to have a good talk.

Even if Xia Ye doesn’t know anything.

Even if he just leaned on Xia Ye's shoulder for a while, Lu Yinxing felt that he could gain courage.

She didn't want it to be like this.

But she is always good at making the relationship between two people worse and worse.

Lu Yinxing went home directly and fell asleep.

The next morning.

Lu Yinxing woke up very early.

After waking up, Lu Yinxing took his mobile phone and looked at the five million transferred by A Yan in his bank account.

Today is the last day.

Three days is actually a very short time.

But Lu Yinxing felt that it was extremely long.

Because I am struggling every minute.

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