Mr Gu’s First Doting Marriage

Chapter 2643 Extra 787: Taking advantage of others

But it seems it's still a step too late.

The elevator door has been closed.

Just as Lu Yinxing sighed, the elevator door opened again.

But the moment the elevator door opened.

When Lu Yinxing saw the people inside, he couldn't help but be stunned.

What a coincidence, it turned out to be a summer night.

In three days, he will hold a concert.

Nowadays, people generally live and eat in the company.

Unexpectedly, he came back.

Lu Yinxing was stunned for a moment: "Why are you back?"

Xia Ye saw Lu Yinxing's expressionless expression.

His eyes followed Lu Yinxing's face and landed on Lu Yinxing's hands.

Lu Yinxing was still holding two bags of ingredients in his hands.

Xia Ye said: "Have you lived here recently?"

It seemed that Xia Ye had misunderstood.

He thought he lived in his apartment.

Lu Yinxing explained: "No, I just came here to see friends today."

At this time, Ayan had already walked over slowly.

Xia Ye looked up and saw Ayan.

The moment he saw Ayan, Xia Ye frowned subconsciously.

There seemed to be a layer of frost in his eyes.

He said coldly: "Why is he here?"

Although Xia Ye's eyes fell on Ayan.

But this question was obviously asked to Lu Yinxing.

Lu Yinxing quickly explained: "Ayan has returned to China and recently bought a house here, on the sixth floor."

Xia Ye remained silent.

The atmosphere became a bit awkward.

In fact, Lu Yinxing knew it in his heart.

The two men were naturally at odds.

From the first time we met in Los Angeles, it was like an iceberg hitting an iceberg, each one colder than the last.

Lu Yinxing attributed this to his colleagues being enemies.

These two people are so similar in terms of personality and mind.

Maybe God never thought that he would create such similar humans.

Therefore, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, and it is understandable that they dislike each other.

Lu Yinxing thought that according to Xia Ye's character, he would definitely leave.

Who knew that Lu Yinxing waited outside for a while on purpose.

Xia Ye said coldly: "Aren't you coming in?"

Lu Yinxing walked in reflexively.

Then Ayan also followed in.

Then I saw Xia Ye pressing the sixth floor.

Ayan lives on the sixth floor, but Xia Ye's apartment is on the 11th floor.

But Xia Ye didn't press the 11th floor button.

Lu Yinxing thought that Xia Ye probably wanted to wait until they got down before pressing the button.

The elevator is very spacious.

But for some reason, Lu Yinxing felt for the first time that it was so crowded with three people standing in the elevator.

For some reason, Lu Yinxing felt a little guilty.

But think about it carefully, what's so shameful about this.

It's not like Xia Ye doesn't know about her relationship with Ayan.

The sixth floor soon arrived.

The elevator door opens.

Lu Yinxing and Ayan walked out of the elevator.

Lu Yinxing turned around, thinking that when Xia Ye would close the elevator door, he didn't expect that Xia Ye also got off the elevator.

Lu Yinxing had a puzzled look on his face.

Xia Ye said calmly and coldly: "What should I say? When I was in Los Angeles, I also taught you how to cook. Now that you have returned to China, it shouldn't be too much to treat me to a meal in return."

Unexpectedly, Xia Ye had the nerve to mention this matter.

At that time, he didn't teach Ayan how to cook. He was just torturing him.

However, Lu Yinxing didn't expect that a person with Xia Ye's personality would take the initiative to come to his house for food.

Lu Yinxing also didn't expect that Ayan didn't refuse and said directly: "Okay."

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