Mr Gu’s First Doting Marriage

Chapter 2646 Extra 790: Reluctant to leave

Xia Ye pinched Lu Yinxing's lips domineeringly: "I don't care what your relationship is with that Bing Tuozi, but please stay away from him in the future. Do you understand?"

Xia Ye seemed to have said this kind of thing more than once.

But Lu Yinxing didn't get the point, and said with a playful smile: "You Bingtuozi, do you have the nerve to call me a Bingtuozi?"

Xia Ye frowned and put a little pressure on her hands: "Did you hear that?"

Lu Yinxing quickly slapped Xia Ye's hand away: "Okay, I know, it's true, you can even be jealous of a younger brother. You have never been so bitter before."

Xia Ye was silent for two seconds and said, "Don't you know why I became so sour?"

Lu Yinxing knew it. Ultimately, it was because of the three years he had been missing.

Let everyone who cherishes her feel insecure.

Even though she has come back, many times, they will confirm over and over again that she will never leave again.

When Lu Yinxing thought of this, he felt guilty and distressed.

Lu Yinxing took the initiative to hug Xia Ye and put his side face on his shoulder.

Lu Yinxing's voice was very gentle: "Xia Ye, I love you, and I have always only loved you."

After Lu Yinxing said these words, Xia Ye's body visibly stiffened.

In Xia Ye's memory, Lu Yinxing had never said the words "I love you".

And now these three words seemed to have magic power, drilling into his ears and into his brain.

Somewhere in my heart began to feel soft, as if a dove feather was gently brushing against me.

At this moment, Xia Ye knew that she was finished, completely finished.

Because Lu Yinxing's occasional tenderness was enough to make him completely addicted.

It was enough to make all the resentment and unwillingness he had felt over the past few years turn into a cloud of mist and then evaporate.

But Xia Ye also had to admit it.

At this moment, he felt that long-lost sense of stability again.

That feeling of a ray of light shining in a dark world.

Lu Yinxing is the light in his life.

Even though she's not perfect, even though she can be stupid sometimes.

But in Xia Ye's heart, she will always be the most irreplaceable person.

Lu Yinxing lay on Xia Ye's shoulder, feeling that this quiet hug felt so good.

How long had it been since they had been together so quietly, just feeling each other's presence.

It was as if the world around him had disappeared. Lu Yinxing really hoped to live forever like this.

Just when Lu Yinxing was lying on Xia Ye's shoulder and fell asleep.

However, she discovered that a pair of restless big hands had reached into the hem of her clothes, and then slowly moved up, as if a string of flames were ignited wherever they went.

Lu Yinxing sat up straight and grabbed Xia Ye's mischievous hand.

Blushing, he said, "What are you doing?"

Xia Ye, however, said in a serious tone without blushing or heartbeat: "It's rare for you to make such a solemn confession. I feel that I won't do anything to apologize for your thoughts."

Lu Yinxing simply vomited blood.

What did Xia Ye say?

It's so shameless.

But now the sky is clear and the sun is shining brightly.

The curtains were still wide open.

Lu Yinxing quickly stood up and went upstairs: "I'm going to take a nap, don't disturb me."

After saying that, he went upstairs with a blushing face.

But after going upstairs, Lu Yinxing only felt regretful.

When she said she took a nap, Xia Ye thought she was implying something.

But Lu Yinxing's worries did not happen.

Xia Ye did not come up.

He sat quietly down there watching TV.

In fact, Xia Ye knew in her heart that Lu Yinxing was not ready yet.

He would never force her, nor would he let her go...

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