Mr Gu’s First Doting Marriage

Chapter 2791 Extra 935: Missing

Sometimes, he even has to eat with Zhou Dachuan.

Because it was too late, Lu Yinxing could only stay in Lushui Villa.

So suddenly one day, when Lu Yinxing came back to his senses, he suddenly realized that he had not seen Xia Ye for a long time.

It was rare that Lu Yinxing had no schedule after get off work today.

Ayan is going to the wedding venue today to see the decoration.

Originally, I planned to go there with Lu Yinxing.

It just so happened that Lu Yinxing worked overtime for a while.

Ayan passed by alone.

After Lu Yinxing got off work, he returned to the apartment alone.

The moment the door opens.

I just feel that all the fatigue these days has swept away.

During this period of time, Lu Yinxing felt that his brain was like a top, spinning crazily and never having time to stop.

At this moment, it seemed as if he was grabbed by a pair of hands.

Lu Yinxing suddenly missed Xia Ye very much.

It seemed like I hadn't spoken to him for a long time.

In fact, the two of them are also related.

Xia Ye is also very busy during this period. There are too many things in the company.

They are used to sending messages every day, but it is nothing more than an ordinary sentence or two of concern.

Xia Ye controls such a huge business empire alone.

Lu Yinxing knew that what Xia Ye endured might be a hundred times more than what she endured.

Xia Ye did not come back.

The room was dark and seemed lifeless.

Lu Yinxing had a feeling that Xia Ye hadn't come back for a long time.

Lu Yinxing turned on all the lights in the room.

Then go upstairs.

After taking a shower, I walked to the wine cabinet and opened a bottle of red wine for the first time.

Then slowly pour the red wine into the glass.

Lu Yinxing's drinking capacity is very poor, and he doesn't like drinking.

But I don't know why.

On nights like this.

Lu Yinxing just wanted to taste the taste of alcohol.

Lu Yinxing was wearing pajamas and sitting on the floor.

Sitting in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass window with his knees curled up.

It's very high here.

It is undeniable that you can see the most beautiful night view in the entire city here.

Separated by a layer of glass, it seemed quiet outside.

But the lights are bright and the place is prosperous.

There are some inexplicable feelings in my heart.

A feeling of loneliness suddenly surged into my heart.

Lu Yinxing suddenly thought of many things.

I thought of the days when I was in Ping An Tang with Xia Ye when I was a child.

Those days were perhaps the best years of her life.

Like the beginning of a fairy tale.

I don’t know why, but speaking of it, it’s been nearly twenty years.

In the past twenty years, Lu Yinxing felt that he had forgotten many things.

I can't remember those things no matter how much I think about them.

Only during the period when I was five years old, every detail seemed to be imprinted on my brain.

Every time Lu Yinxing thinks about that time, he always feels like there is light in his heart.

Lu Yinxing had already drank a glass of red wine.

The whole person began to relax.

The tense nerves seemed to relax a bit.

Lu Yinxing finally understood why some people were so addicted to alcohol.

In fact, in this state, the whole person feels very comfortable.

The wine bottle was placed next to Lu Yinxing, and Lu Yinxing poured himself another glass.

Lu Yinxing slowly recalled the past.

Recalling everything he had experienced with Xia Ye.

Recalling my childhood and school days.

Those long-ago memories came flooding back to me.

Lu Yinxing's longing for Xia Ye became even more overwhelming.

Lu Yinxing looked at the time on the wall.

I just feel like my eyes are blurry and I can't see clearly.

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