Mr Gu’s First Doting Marriage

Chapter 621 He is my child, right? !

Gu Qichen walked towards the car over there.

Every step is like stepping on the clouds, so soft that you don't feel it, but you just feel that you can fall down at any time, and you will be smashed to pieces.

What the hell did this woman do!

Xia Yangyang watched the man approaching. At this moment, there was only one thought in his mind, which was to escape, and he must escape.

Xia Yangyang stepped on the gas pedal almost subconsciously.

She has to leave.

But the man on the opposite side accelerated his pace and ran towards this side. Almost in the next second, he pressed the front cover of Xia Yangyang's car with both hands.

Did not escape after all.

Close at hand, it seems that everything is coming back.

Gu Qichen raised his head, and said a few words coldly: "Xia Yangyang, come out!"

In fact, Xia Yangyang couldn't hear what Gu Qichen was saying at all.

All around are the sound of car horns.

But Xia Yangyang knew that Gu Qichen was talking about these words.

Coming out of the Caesars International Hotel, Xia Yangyang's heart began to beat wildly, as if it could pop out of his chest at any time.

But at this moment, Xia Yangyang suddenly found that his heart seemed to be pinched and could not beat.

The blood in his whole body seemed to have stopped flowing, and Xia Yangyang's body was extremely stiff.

The two of them faced each other like this.

Maybe three minutes maybe three hours.

Xia Yangyang could no longer feel the passage of time.

But in the end Xia Yangyang opened the door and walked out of the car.

The icy cold wind blowing on the face, like a piercing knife, made people wake up in an instant.

Xia Yangyang walked up to Gu Qichen: "Shouldn't Mr. Gu be at the engagement venue now, if you run out like this, the bride has no objection?"

Gu Qichen looked at Xia Yangyang fixedly.

At this time, she can still be so calm and composed, pretending to be nonchalant, is this woman hard-hearted?

"Whose child is summer?" Gu Qichen asked coldly.

Xia Yangyang only felt that he was stretched by a thread at the moment, which was so tight that it was about to break.

Xia Yangyang also said coldly: "No matter whose child it is, it doesn't seem to have anything to do with you?"

"Xia Yangyang, he is my child, right? Four years ago, you didn't kill that child at all, he is my child, right!"

Gu Qichen couldn't wait to get confirmation from Xia Yangyang himself.

While driving all the way here, Gu Qichen had many things in his mind.

How could he be so stupid? He hadn't noticed this child by his side for such a long time, and he never even suspected it.

But obviously, people in the company rumored that Summer was his illegitimate son, saying that Summer was carved out of the same mold as him. Even Fang Zhengdong said more than once that he and Summer actually looked somewhat similar.

But he just didn't think about it in that direction.

Maybe it was because he simply rejected the thought of that child in his heart.

That was the most painful wound in his heart, every time it was torn, it would fester in the bottom of his heart, and it would not heal for a long time.

Ever since Xia Yangyang appeared, Gu Qichen has been in a state of confusion.

There is no way to calm down, think and analyze many things.

Xia Yangyang's unfeeling also made him never doubt her saying that she didn't give birth to that child back then.

But how can there be such a coincidence in this world? When Gu Qichen met Tuanzi in the United States, he felt that something was wrong.

Every time he looked at the dumpling, his heart felt weak, and sometimes he even had the urge to cry.

When he just received a call from Tuanzi, saying that he had left, Gu Qichen actually felt hollowed out.

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