Mr Gu’s First Doting Marriage

Chapter 624 Remarriage

Xia Yangyang originally wanted to use the strategy of delaying the attack.

Just take Xia Ye from Gu Qichen's hands first.

After returning to the United States, he disappeared.

Xia Yangyang can firmly believe that Gu Qichen can't find her.

But Xia Yangyang is not afraid of going to court.

They divorced before Xia Ye was born, and Xia Ye grew up by her side. It is impossible for the judge to award the child to Gu Qichen.

What Xia Yangyang was afraid of was that this man would take it by force, and even the legal system couldn't do anything to him.

Xia Yangyang said, "Gu Qichen, I think we should calm down and have a good talk."

"I'm calm enough now, you can say whatever you want."

Xia Yangyang raised his head and glanced at Gu Qichen. He is not only calm now, he is as cold as ice sculpture.

Xia Yangyang sorted out her thoughts: "Summer can't leave me. You have discovered that he has been with you for so long. He has congenital neurosomnia. I have tried my best to treat him for so many years, so he can't leave me." Leave me alone, let alone you can treat him, no one understands Summer's condition better than me, and can take care of him better, Gu Qichen, if you care about this child, you can't let him leave me."

Xia Yangyang was telling the truth.

After a long illness became a good doctor, Xia Yangyang was already considered a half-expert in this area.

Summer is naturally inseparable from her care.

Of course, more importantly, she couldn't do without Summer.

Summer is her spiritual pillar.

Gu Qichen was silent.

Frowning slightly, he seemed to be thinking about something, as if he had listened to Xia Yangyang's words.

Xia Yangyang strikes while the iron is hot: "Gu Qichen, today you are engaged, you shouldn't be here, what does engagement mean? It means you have a new family. If you must bring Summer with you, have you considered your wife's feelings? Well, have you ever thought about how the media will talk about this child who fell from the sky? They will say that this is your illegitimate child. Summer will be criticized since childhood, and your wife may not accept him. This is not fair to everyone. .”

Gu Qichen said coldly: "Fair? I am fair to everyone, but the world will treat me fair. Xia Yangyang, what you say today is useless. I will never let Summer go with you."

Xia Yangyang didn't expect that he said so much earnestly, even if he had already moved his new wife out, it was useless.

Seeing Gu Qichen's determination, Xia Yangyang finally lost his temper.

Xia Yangyang said: "Gu Qichen, what on earth do you want? Summer is my son. I will never leave him a step. I want to take the child away from me unless I die."

Xia Yangyang also said absolutely nothing.

Gu Qichen is determined, but she must not give up.

Even if they have to fight an arduous war of seizing children.

Xia Yangyang raised his face: "Gu Qichen, I am no longer Xia Yangyang four years ago, you should understand that in the past four years, since I have been able to disappear, even your huge and meticulous data network can't find my whereabouts. You must snatch this child from me, I am not afraid of you, besides, in this situation, I may not lose."

Gu Qichen said: "I won't go to court with you, I don't want summer to suffer any harm."

Xia Yangyang was stunned: "Then what do you want to do?"

Gu Qichen was silent for a few seconds, staring at Xia Yangyang's eyes, calmly and calmly uttered two words: "Remarry!"

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