Mr Gu’s First Doting Marriage

Chapter 651 Ten Years of Cold Kiln Guards Her Like a Jade

Gu Qichen knew that for Xi Zijun, the purpose of her engagement with him was to prove to Count Alexander and his wife the powerful strength behind her to obtain the agency right of red wine.

She gets what she wants.

Gu Qichen felt a little less guilty.

Xi Zijun continued: "But there is one more troublesome thing, I need your help."

"You said, as long as I can do it, I will promise you, which is my compensation for breaking the contract."

"Half a month later, it will be the coming-of-age ceremony for the daughter of Count Alexander and his wife. They held a dinner in the manor and invited the two of us. The agency will go through the motions. Although they belong to me, there were so many wine merchants participating before. Competition, I also invited other wine merchants that day, and this agency has to go through a formality, so that day, if you have time, I hope you go with me, after all, they thought we were engaged, and the earls valued it more The power behind you."

Gu Qichen agreed immediately: "Don't worry, unless a comet hits the earth this time, I will definitely not miss the appointment."

Xi Zijun smiled: "It's rare to see you joking."

The way Gu Qichen and Xi Zijun get along is very natural and relaxed.

They have also been good business partners over the years.

Xi Zijun is indeed a formidable person. She is smart, courageous and capable in the business world.

Gu Qichen has more admiration and respect for her than a confidant.

After the business talk was over, Xi Zijun was not in a hurry to leave.

Turning around and walking to the sofa, squatting down and looking carefully at the child on the sofa: "This child really looks like you were carved out of the same mold."

These words, Gu Qichen's ears are already callused these days.

"He is my son." Gu Qichen said suddenly.

A look of pride that my son certainly looks like me.

"I know he's your son, and you're happy." Xi Zijun teased.

Xi Zijun stood up: "Achen, Miss Xia is back now with such a big son, what are you going to do in the future? Besides, does she know that you are related to Miss Zhang? As a friend, I have to remind you that a woman's jealousy The heart is terrible, you need to spend some effort to explain this matter clearly, and Miss Zhang, you should stop it, or you will be tired of it in the future."

Gu Qichen smiled: "Thank you for reminding me."

Xi Zijun shrugged: "Actually, it's all out of kindness. I'm just afraid that these things will damage our business."

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it."

Xi Zijun drank a cup of tea in the office and left.

Gu Qichen was lost in thought.

Although he and Xi Zijun are friends who talk about everything, she has stood by his side all these years, encouraging him, helping him, and even enlightening her, so that we can work hard together.

Xi Zijun has provided a lot of resources for Shengyuan to expand to this point, which can be said to be indispensible.

But the people around him, except Fang Zhengdong, no one knew the real relationship between him and Zhang Xinyi.

Including Xi Zijun also thinks that Zhang Xinyi is his confidante, has been with him for three years, and even beat a child for him.

But the truth...

There are many things that Gu Qichen doesn't want to explain, nor can he explain.

He doesn't care about the rumors from the media and the outside world at all.

Even after all these years, he has become a swinger brother in the eyes of everyone.

But Xia Yangyang...

He can't even explain.

What an explanation, these years, so many men around her, even engaged to live with Xiao Han.

This woman is no longer the Xia Yangyang of the past.

He wished she would misunderstand.

Why should he defend her like a jade after ten years of cold as a man.

And her?

Have you ever thought of him a little bit?

I'm afraid I've forgotten it long ago.

Thinking that Xia Yangyang had been as close to other men as they were.

Gu Qichen wanted to kill someone.

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