Mr Gu’s First Doting Marriage

Chapter 654 Never Stop Loving Him

Grandma continued to sigh with emotion: "You all think I am old and confused, my memory is getting worse and worse, but I remember everything about the two of you well, but your children now are different from ours at that time. Two people have never met each other, a cow, a piece of cloth, and a girl with a yellow flower marry a man, and it is a lifetime to marry. You have been in love and married for a few years now, and divorce is commonplace. Grandma doesn’t understand you. I don't ask what's the matter, grandma just asks you a word, do you still like Nannan?"

Gu Qichen lowered his head.

It's like a child.

He has a lot of things in his heart all the time, and he can't tell anyone.

Because to others, it might be a joke.

But in front of grandma, he couldn't hide himself anymore.

Gu Qichen said in a low voice: "I never stopped loving her for a moment."

Gu Qichen felt that it was inappropriate for the old lady to use the word "like".

Like to the extreme is love.

And he has loved to the extreme, if you really want to find a word to describe it, it should be as sweet as you are.

Over the years, the pain Xia Yangyang has brought to him is too numerous to enumerate, those disappointments, those emptiness, that endless pain like drowning.

But he enjoyed it.

Grandma said: "If you still like Nannan, I will help you. You are a good boy. I will remember all the kindness you have done to me these years. I know that I am demented. I am afraid that I will forget it in the future, so Until then, I want to see you again with my precious granddaughter."

Gu Qichen was surprised: "Grandma, you..."

Grandma smiled: "You can hide from me with your little caution. If I am really healthy, you will take me to this city and have a bunch of doctors take care of me. Grandma has never studied, but she is very concerned about her The body still understands, I'm fine, when you get old, you have to obey the old, the only thing I can't let go of now is you two."

Gu Qichen did not expect that grandma's heart is like a mirror.

Grandma said: "Achen, don't worry, my daughter has been filial since she was a child, and she will listen to what I say. Besides, you have a biological son besides me, and the two most important people in her life are on your side. What are you afraid of?"

Gu Qichen smiled: "Grandma, you are right."

Grandma said: "Okay, don't meet up anymore, let me come, you go out and see if there is anything you can help."

Gu Qichen went out from the small kitchen.

Xia Yangyang was picking shepherd's purse in the snow.

This shepherd's purse is a wild vegetable, and it didn't grow in a special place. At that time, the old lady randomly scattered a handful of seeds in various vegetable fields, so they scattered all over the ground, and the shepherd's purse was all small flowers, which were covered by the snow and picked up. It's very troublesome.

Gu Qichen walked over: "Do you want my help?"

Xia Yangyang squatted in the vegetable garden, wearing rubber shoes.

His hands and feet were already freezing cold.

But she just turned her head and looked at Gu Qichen: "No, I can do it myself."

"As picky as you are, I'm afraid I won't be able to eat shepherd's purse dumplings tomorrow." Gu Qichen said coldly.

Gu Qichen was right.

Her efficiency is simply too low.

Xia Yangyang stood up: "Then what can Mr. Gu do?"

Gu Qichen beckoned and called Xia Ye: "The three of us work together in a division of labor. Xia Ye, you are responsible for finding one. If you find one, you will scrape away the snow. I will be responsible for digging the shepherd's purse."

Then he said to Xia Yangyang: "You are responsible for choosing and washing vegetables, which will be very efficient."

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