Mr Gu’s First Doting Marriage

Chapter 658 Just stay like this for a while, okay?

After dinner, grandma went to bed in her room.

And Gu Qichen cleaned up the dishes in the kitchen.

Xia Yangyang and Xia Ye are making snowmen in the yard.

When Gu Qichen was washing the dishes, he happened to be able to see the scene outside.

The moonlight shone on the snow, and the ground was shining brightly.

It seems that what is on the ground is not snow, but countless dazzling diamonds, which makes people unable to take their eyes off.

The busy voices of the two people in the yard, one big and one small, were like his dreams.

No, in the past four years, he has not dared to have such a dream.

Gu Qichen just felt that his heart was filled with something, and it was about to overflow.

The snow outside is getting bigger and bigger.

Xia Yangyang led Xia Ye into the house.

Gu Qichen handed the two of them a warm water bag each.

Xia Yangyang and Xia Ye carried hot water bottles to the sun room to watch the snow.

This sun room is usually used for drying quilts.

The space is not large.

But connected to the living room, there are floor-to-ceiling front glass windows on three sides.

The transparent roof is also covered with a thick layer of snow.

Snowflakes fell outside the glass window one by one, slowly accumulating.

You can even hear the sound of falling snow, which is so beautiful.

Two people each moved a small chair and sat in front of the glass window.

Looking at the two backs over there, Gu Qichen felt like two children.

Gu Qichen also took a small chair and sat down.

Sitting next to Xia Ye, Gu Qichen took a breath and drew a cake shape on the glass.

"Happy birthday, summer." Gu Qichen said.

"Thank you uncle." Xia Yangyang was obviously very happy.

Hearing Xia Ye called Gu Qichen Uncle, Xia Yangyang felt sour in his heart.

Xia Ye actually knew that Gu Qichen was his father, but he didn't call him father.

Xia Ye is an extremely clever child.

From childhood to adulthood, no one popularized the concept of father with him.

But Xia Yangyang knew that he knew it in his heart.

But he never asked himself why he didn't have a father.

The last time I heard his conversation with Gu Qichen, Xia Yangyang knew that not only did he have the idea of ​​a father, but he also guessed that his father and mother were divorced.

Sometimes, this child is always sensible and makes people feel distressed.

Xia Yangyang drew a few candles on the cake on the window, and then said to Xia Ye: "Summer, make a wish."

When I was just eating the cake, the salesperson in the cake shop forgot to put the candles.

So Xia Ye didn't make a wish either.

Of course, Xia Ye herself didn't care.

Xia Ye smiled: "Mom, wishing is a lie to children. If I really have a wish, when I grow up, I will realize it by myself. Nothing can be successful just by wishing."

What Xia Ye said made Xia Yangyang a little stunned.

I always knew that my son's thoughts were mature, but I didn't expect it to be so deep.

Gu Qichen frowned at the side: "Making a wish is a birthday ritual. In fact, you can still achieve some wishes. For example, before you don't have the ability, I can help you fulfill them."

Xia Ye seemed to think about it seriously, and said, "Then my wish is that every year I celebrate my birthday, the three of us will be together, is that okay?"

Gu Qichen was also taken aback, and then said: "I promise you."

Xia Ye turned to look at Xia Yangyang, and Xia Yangyang also said, "Mom promises you too."

It could be seen that Xia Ye was very happy, but at the same time Xia Ye also began to feel drowsy.

Xia Ye slowly leaned on Gu Qichen's shoulder and fell asleep.

Xia Yangyang was about to get up: "I'll send him to his room to sleep."

However, Gu Qichen held Xia Yangyang's arm: "Let's just stay like this for a while, okay?"

It's over~

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