Mr Gu’s First Doting Marriage

Chapter 671 No wonder no man wants you

Liu Ruyan said: "Brother, can I have a few words with Jiaxin alone?"

Xi Jiachen stood up: "You two have a good talk first, some things can end, and I don't want to come to the point of breaking up."

After speaking, Xi vassal had already stood up: "Others, let's go to the restaurant for dinner first."

Everyone else went to the restaurant.

During the meal, Xi Yankai joked: "This Xi's house is really getting more and more lively, and this second uncle's romantic debts have finally been repaid. Sister Zijun, fortunately your temper is not at all like that of the second uncle. Uncle Huaxin, I gave birth to an infatuated child like you, you can bear Yingying Yanyan around her husband, sister Zijun, it is possible that she was influenced by the second uncle."

Xi Zijun raised his head with sharp eyes: "The influence of the original family cannot be ignored, but second brother, is your sexual orientation also influenced by your uncle?"

Xi Yankai's sexual orientation was originally a heart problem for Xi's retainers.

Speaking of this, Xi Yankai did not dare to turn against Xi Zijun in front of Xi's retainers.

I can only swallow this breath.

Xi Jiachen's complexion is also not good. A lot of things have happened in the company and at home these days.

He alone has limited energy and is exhausted.

Xi Jiachen turned to Gu Chaohan and said, "Xiaohan, what did you think about what I told you last time?"

Everyone's eyes shifted directly to Gu Chaohan.

Everyone understands that Xi Jiachen has only one obsession with Gu Chaohan, which is to let him go back to work in the company, and then slowly take over the Xi family business.

It's a pity that Gu Chaohanzhi is not here.

Gu Chaohan said, "I'm not interested in business at all, and I don't know how to do business."

"You are so smart, as long as you are willing to learn, within three to five years, you will be able to take charge on your own. Dad is old and unable to do what he wants, and there is no one around him who can do it except Zi Jun. Besides, in the future, you will marry Yang Yang and have children. Living in the United States, I will definitely bring your children with me as heirs."

Gu Chaohan said calmly: "That is, if I really have a child in the future, I only hope that he will live in the way he likes, and I don't want him to be an heir."

Xi's retainers got angry, and threw their chopsticks into the bone dish: "Are you all going to piss me off? I really hope that there will be no successors for such a big family business as the Xi family, or hope that I will be sick from overwork, and that I will not be able to live in my old age." Way to enjoy, my retainer Xi gave birth to three sons, I originally thought that the three sons were all hope, but I didn't expect that each of you..."

Xi Jiachen was so angry that he couldn't even eat, so he got up and left.

After Xi vassal left, Xi Yankai sighed and persuaded him: "Third brother, if Dad values ​​you so much, you should agree to him. In Dad's eyes, you are only a capable son. Brother and I are just a show. "

Xi Zijun said lightly: "You are not just a display."

Xi Yankai stood up suddenly: "Xi Zijun, let me tell you, I have endured you for a long time, don't just step on my head just because you are the general manager, I spent a year working on the Luyuan ecological case, You dismiss it as soon as you say it, you really don't pay attention to me at all."

"Second brother, don't take the trouble to bring up that kind of rubbish plan to me in the future. The investment is too big, the risk cannot be estimated, the market is unknown, and the shopping mall is the most realistic place, not your romantic fantasy."

"Xi Zijun, you only see money in your eyes. You are so powerful, no wonder no man wants you."

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