At night, Fenghuang suddenly came over and said, "Godfather is coming over today."

Only then did Xia Yangyang reluctantly get up from the bed: "Godfather? Why did godfather come here?"

"Godfather recently bought several wineries in Bordeaux, and today I met with several major wine merchants in China, and made an appointment to meet guests here."

Xia Yangyang said: "It must be a big deal for the godfather to come forward in person."

Fenghuang nodded: "The business is not small, and my godfather intends to develop the domestic high-end wine market. These days, the second brother is handing over with France, so you should attend together tonight."

Xia Yangyang shook his head: "I don't understand things in the business field."

"But the godfather asked you to go by name. Presumably this newly developed market intends to let you participate in it. If you don't want to, you can tell the godfather yourself."

Xia Yangyang also had a headache.

In the first few years, Gao Huizhi really didn't care about her life.

But since returning to China this time, for some reason, she is very interested in letting her accept part of his business.

Xia Yangyang still went.

Because she has something to ask Gao to regret.

Seeing that she was depressed, Fenghuang specially asked someone to draw a fairy makeup on her.

While putting on makeup, Xia Yangyang kept thinking about things.

When I finally looked up, I saw myself in the mirror, with European and American smoky makeup, and flaming red lips, I didn't even recognize myself.

Xia Yangyang took the facial tissue and was about to wipe it off: "Sister San, why did you dress me up like this?"

Fenghuang stopped Xia Yangyang: "Don't say it, you look good like this, you, you have not been energetic these days, and you can't hide your dark circles without heavy makeup, it's okay, that's it, do it Dad is still waiting."

Xia Yangyang finally compromised.

With her current appearance, even if she was standing in front of Gu Qichen, Gu Qichen would not be able to recognize her.

But Xia Yangyang was startled suddenly.

Why am I thinking about Gu Qichen again.

Xia Yangyang followed Fenghuang to a private room.

The private room is also a small building.

The surrounding logs are wrapped with glass windows, which has a retro style.

There are not many people inside.

Besides Gao Huizhi, there were only three other people.

After Xia Yangyang went in, she called out, "Godfather."

Gao Huizhi said: "Yangyang, come here, let me introduce you."

Gao Huizhi introduced several people at the table to Xia Yangyang, except for one who was a trade and import customs official, the other two were top-notch red wine, almost the leaders in the industry. "

After the introduction, Gao Huizhi said, "This is my goddaughter Yangyang, please take care of me in the future."

"It is said that Gao Ye is very lucky. He has adopted seven children, each of whom is a dragon and phoenix. It is really good to see him today. I wonder who is the oldest?"

Gao Huizhi smiled openly, "This is Xiao Qi."

"It turned out to be Miss Seven."

Fenghuang opened the door and came in, followed by three beauties.

The beauties are holding a few special dishes from heaven and earth in their hands.

Fenghuang said: "Masters have been waiting for a long time, today are all distinguished guests, these dishes are all the wishes of Fenghuang who cooked them himself, please do me a favor."

Phoenix is ​​also well-known in this circle.

This heaven and earth made her run by a woman a place that the entire capital's high-ranking officials flocked to.

It is said that her backstage is very tough and she cannot be offended.

After the beauties put the dishes on the table, they didn't leave and sat down beside the three men.

"It can't be done," said one of the officials.

Fenghuang smiled: "Master, do you dislike our girls?"

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