"Xia Yangyang, don't talk to me like that, even if you don't tell me, I can find out clearly, what is heaven and earth, and is it a place where you can stay?"

"You can stay, why can't I stay, you want to know why I am here is very simple, then you tell me first, why are you here?"

Saying you don't mind is a lie.

There was always a voice in Xia Yangyang's heart, which kept saying, "Don't ask, don't ask, don't ask..."

But Xia Yangyang couldn't help blurting out after all.

Gu Qichen stared fixedly at Xia Yangyang, pursed his lips, and did not speak for a long time.

Xia Yangyang flicked her hair pretending to be coquettish: "Look, you can't say it yourself, and you yourself are not a decent gentleman, so why use the three chastity and nine fierceness to ask me, What's more, I'm just your ex-wife, right? Even if I'm really the hostess, this is the life I choose, and it doesn't hinder others or you, right? "

Xia Yangyang knew what Gu Qichen was thinking, so he simply expressed his doubts.

Gu Qichen was furious when he heard it.

Xia Yangyang didn't even want to pretend, just admitted it?

She really didn't care about her image in his heart or his feelings at all.

Gu Qichen gritted his teeth and spit out a few words coldly: "I don't believe it."

"It's not that you don't believe it. You thought so from the beginning. You just don't want to accept that your ex-wife, Gu Qichen, is trying to survive in this kind of place, which hurts your face? Gu Qichen, don't pester me, okay? What state I am now, what job I am in contact with, these are all my own business, I will be in charge of my own life, and it is not up to anyone to tell me what to do, including you."

After all, Xia Yangyang was also angry in his heart.

Compared with Xia Yangyang's anger at Gu Qichen doubting himself, Xia Yangyang was even more angry at the reason why Gu Qichen appeared here.

He didn't explain either.

So they count as each other.

It may be difficult for two people who have long distrusted each other to be friends.

Not to mention the past feelings involved.

Xia Yangyang knew clearly in her heart that it was also the source of her pain these days.

Even if everything in the past was just a misunderstanding.

Even if Gu Mingzhu was not the murderer who killed her own mother.

But after being separated for four years, the huge gap formed between them will not completely disappear because of this.

In the past four years, the people they met and the things they experienced are like the gaps between the two of them.

How to fill in the gullies and smooth the edges and corners at once.

Xia Yangyang was tangled in pain.

But the moment he saw Gu Qichen, Xia Yangyang confirmed it.

They can't go back, even if they are still unwilling to each other.

She is also tired of this endless suspicion, doubt, quarrel, questioning.

If this goes on, what is left between the two of them?

It's just disappointment and exhaustion after exhaustion.

Therefore, a misunderstanding is a misunderstanding.

Cut off his retreat, and save her so much pain and entanglement.

She still has a lot of things to do, and her situation will not be too safe.

Xia Yangyang didn't want Gu Qichen to be involved.

Xia Yangyang pushed Gu Qichen away: "Mr. Gu, it's taboo to keep beauties waiting here for a long time. I think you'd better go back to the beauties who accompanied you earlier, so as not to be blacklisted. Next time you come, there will be no one to wait for you."

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