Xia Yangyang left Jingci Hospital without finding Wen Xiaochu.

After coming out, Xia Yangyang planned to go back to the hotel.

But when he was driving, he found that there seemed to be a black car following him.

Xia Yangyang became cautious.

After looking in the rearview mirror for a while, the car disappeared again.

Xia Yangyang was puzzled.

Could it be that I am overthinking.

Gu Chaohan has been advising her to be careful these few days, fearing that Xi Jiaxin will take action.

At present, Xi Jiaxin and Liu Ruyan are accused of murder and sentenced together, and now they are both appealing and waiting for the second trial.

Xia Yangyang is also thinking about it these days.

It's not that she's not worried. Although I am a bit of a three-legged cat, but after all, I am a woman alone.

If Xi Jiaxin or Liu Ruyan really planned some revenge, Xia Yangyang would really have a hard time dealing with it.

Xia Yangyang knew that the best way was to move back to Tiantian, which was Phoenix's territory after all, and it was safer.

But ever since he had a relationship with Gu Qichen, Xia Yangyang has been in a daze.

According to Gu Qichen's character, he must be waiting in heaven and on earth.

If she really went back, how would she face Gu Qichen?

Xia Yangyang finally gave up.

There are some things that she has to think about.

What happened that night, her intestines were almost green.

She is not an impulsive person, how could she let that kind of thing happen?

But Xia Yangyang didn't expect that Gu Qichen would find the hotel where she was staying now.

Xia Yangyang's car just stopped in the hotel's underground parking lot, and a black Bentley was parked in the parking space opposite Xia Yangyang's car.

And through the windshield of the car, Xia Yangyang clearly saw that the person in the opposite car was Gu Qichen.

Could it be that the black car that has been following her just now is Gu Qichen?

But the black car just now doesn't seem to be a Bentley?

Xia Yangyang didn't have time to worry about it anymore.

Because Gu Qichen had already gotten out of the car and walked directly towards Xia Yangyang.

Xia Yangyang's heart suddenly beat uncontrollably and rapidly.

She didn't want to face Gu Qichen, but she still had to face it after all.

To be honest, seeing Gu Qichen now is much more complicated than when she just returned to China.

At that time, Xia Yangyang didn't know the truth, and there was still a past grievance between her and Gu Qichen.

Xia Yangyang has always been afraid that Gu Qichen would rob her of Xia Ye's custody, so she has been instinctively hostile to Gu Qichen and kept her distance.

But it's different now.

Xia Yangyang knew that it was Liu Ruyan who really killed her mother back then, and she had nothing to do with Gu Mingzhu.

But she, who only learned the truth four years later, cannot change the status quo.

In the past two years, Gu Qichen has already had his own life, his personality is quite different from the past, and his feelings for him are also complicated like a mess, it is no longer the pure love at the beginning.

Xia Yangyang deeply understood that even without that layer of family hatred, four years had created an insurmountable gap.

But when nothing was resolved, they actually went to bed.

It was such a headache.

Gu Qichen has already opened the door of Xia Yangyang's car: "Xia Yangyang, come out!"

one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one

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