Mr Gu’s First Doting Marriage

Chapter 804 Breaking News

Lin Yuanyuan really hated Xia Yangyang.

If she hadn't come back early today, she had overheard such a scene.

I'm afraid she is still a fool played by Xia Yangyang.

After Xia Yangyang and Gu Qichen left.

Lin Yuanyuan went straight into the office.

Then he walked to Xia Yangyang's seat, sat down, and turned on the computer.

The bright light of the computer reflected Lin Yuanyuan's ferocious face.

Xia Yangyang, the news is sent out in your name, and you will be responsible for any troubles that arise.

Xia Yangyang was woken up by the phone call from the TV station the next day.

The director personally called Xia Yangyang.

After answering the phone, she was reprimanded all over the face, saying that she didn't have any journalistic integrity.

Xia Yangyang was almost dumbfounded.

Ask what happened.

The director said angrily that she knew it well, and asked her to go to the TV station immediately.

Then hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Xia Yangyang's mind was still buzzing.

Xia Yangyang had a hunch that something had happened.

But they didn't know what happened at all.

Xia Yangyang's first reaction was to pick up his phone and click on the TV station's official news website.

But I didn't expect that the news network was already paralyzed, and I couldn't get in at all.

Basically, there are only two situations where the news network is paralyzed.

One is a technical problem, and the other is a real traffic explosion.

However, the TV station has not seen such a big news that can explode the traffic in several years.

Xia Yangyang was about to turn off the phone, and planned to go to the TV station to find out why.

But the mobile entertainment headlines pushed out a piece of news.

It jumped out with a ding dong.

The headline of the news is "Journalist Exposes the Black History of the Actress, Who Has Been Taken by Everyone"


When Xia Yangyang saw this news, his heart felt like someone had severely hammered him.

How did this kind of news happen.

Xia Yangyang quickly clicked in.

The news was written in a vulgar way, and even a large amount of text deliberately described the scene at that time.

It is obviously deliberately discrediting.

And the things described in it are what Gu Qichen said yesterday.

Even a few scumbags who fled the country were mentioned.

But the writing is really unsightly.

Originally Zhang Xinyi was a victim, but the publisher put a label of "unself-love" on her.

Basically, it can be seen that it is deliberately discrediting and biasing public opinion.

Originally, Zhang Xinyi attracted attention as soon as she won the actress.

Now such a shocking secret is suddenly revealed.

They even suppressed all the news reports and press releases about her actress.

Including yesterday's news that Liang Feifan, the little fresh meat in the entertainment industry, won the best actor by surprise, all of which were suppressed.

All the entertainment headlines, news media, and reposted reports are all about this matter.

This almost set off a stormy sea on the Internet.

And Xia Yangyang saw the report.

The first report is the website of the TV station, and the reports of the TV station are all real-name.

The reporter was writing about Xia Yangyang.

Ridiculous, this report was exposed by her?

Xia Yangyang looked at the release time, it was two o'clock in the morning.

Yesterday Xia Yangyang went home at eleven o'clock in the evening.

There is only one possibility now.

It was just yesterday that there were other people in the office.

Overheard her conversation with Gu Qichen.

Finally, after they left, she went to her place to write a report and publish it.

Used her computer and signed.

But who did this?

Is there a deep hatred with her, or a deep hatred with Zhang Xinyi?

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